Bug 112840 - Use LLVM as a backend for the fourth-tier DFG JIT (a.k.a. the FTL JIT)
Summary: Use LLVM as a backend for the fourth-tier DFG JIT (a.k.a. the FTL JIT)
Alias: None
Product: WebKit
Classification: Unclassified
Component: JavaScriptCore (show other bugs)
Version: 528+ (Nightly build)
Hardware: All All
: P2 Normal
Assignee: Filip Pizlo
Keywords: InRadar
: 120047 (view as bug list)
Depends on: 113437 113452 113481 113619 113621 113622 113623 113624 113625 113634 113635 113646 113656 113668 113675 113679 113728 113740 113757 113759 113914 113915 113921 113986 114551 114925 114926 114930 114933 115920 115923 115924 115926 115927 115939 115941 115942 115998 116189 116631 116739 116741 116771 116792 116884 116885 116890 116892 117704 117849 117852 118075 118077 118091 118095 118097 118141 118148 118276 118277 118311 118313 118329 118335 118338 118647 118749 118857 118947 120184 120194 120221 120696 120890 120900 120905 120916 120921 120965 120972 120987 122193 122318 122566 122905 123062 123232 123302 123535 123591 123605 123637 123638 123681 123682 123783 123784 123817 123824 123849 123854 123855 123862 123865 124010 124067 124086 124092 124093 124094 124100 124138 124479 124733 124960 125275 125283 125360 125368 125370 125426 125430 125433 125747 125755 126543 126545 126587 126620 126652 126679 126722 126797 126798 126799 126804 126822 126961 127144 127163 127215 127244 127325 127383 127384 127459 127460 127462 127463 127645 127698 127709 127746 127789 127790 127791 127848 127933 128010 128015 128030 128039 128045 128217 128269 128278 128330 128521 128571 128638 128648 128756 128795 128850 128890 128892 128918 128921 128922 128923 128948 128984 129010 129018 129020 129023 129054 129055 129066 129085 129125 129129 129159 129210 129212 129334 129495 129503 129563 129747 129755 129756 129785 129806 129810 129998 130001 130041 130116 130154 130156 130202 130265 130281 130285 130296 130300 130440 130535 130546 130562 130791 130867 131385
Blocks: 132356 112836
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Reported: 2013-03-20 13:45 PDT by Filip Pizlo
Modified: 2014-07-02 15:31 PDT (History)
14 users (show)

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Description Filip Pizlo 2013-03-20 13:45:14 PDT
The DFG currently does a lot of great high-level optimizations, but still keeps it pretty simple when it comes to low-level ones.  One option for fixing this would be to write a great backend from scratch.  That would be super fun.  But before we do that, it would be cool to do a sort of limit study to explore how much LLVM would give us.
Comment 1 Filip Pizlo 2013-03-21 00:50:59 PDT
Comment 2 Zoltan Herczeg 2013-04-03 05:00:09 PDT
Just a joke: FTL in BSG means Faster Than Light, lets aim that speed ;)
Comment 3 Filip Pizlo 2014-04-29 15:02:46 PDT
Landed in http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/167958
Comment 4 Filip Pizlo 2014-07-02 15:31:56 PDT
*** Bug 120047 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***