Bug 41761 - SVG Animation Master Bug
Summary: SVG Animation Master Bug
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: WebKit
Classification: Unclassified
Component: SVG (show other bugs)
Version: 528+ (Nightly build)
Hardware: All All
: P2 Normal
Assignee: Nobody
Depends on: 12432 19118 19568 31256 31278 32407 37140 44382 67601 6789 9192 10749 10931 11290 12063 12065 12073 12075 12434 12437 12894 18209 18450 18564 20057 21058 21372 22357 23773 26008 26019 31119 31550 34301 36704 36709 36729 37250 38836 41401 43392 43452 49284 49437 52982 52984 53189 53369 53442 54243 54410 54542 57085 61368 62807 62938 63171 63230 63246 63296 63336 63387 63397 63399 63456 63529 63547 63550 63553 63705 63789 63797 63865 63876 63914 64104 64859 65072 65274 67503 67563 77501 78422 79784 79786 79790 80750 80758 81212 81219 81448 81640 82144 82311 82316 82317 82326 82459 82844 83140 84832 84846 84853 84945 84968 85051 85059 85064 85071 85133 85158 85372 85627
  Show dependency treegraph
Reported: 2010-07-07 05:27 PDT by Dirk Schulze
Modified: 2012-05-04 08:13 PDT (History)
8 users (show)

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Description Dirk Schulze 2010-07-07 05:27:51 PDT
SVG Animation Master Bug
Comment 1 Nikolas Zimmermann 2012-02-15 01:48:37 PST
This bug shouldn't block 43392, but depend on it - fixing.