Bug 55018 - [meta] WebKit should have a unified build system
Summary: [meta] WebKit should have a unified build system
Alias: None
Product: WebKit
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Tools / Tests (show other bugs)
Version: 528+ (Nightly build)
Hardware: All All
: P2 Normal
Assignee: Nobody
Depends on: 55019 55020 55027 55113 55193 55194 55196 55282 55391 55395 55421 55425 55507 55524 55532 55536 55707 55711 55712 55790 55791 55795 55798 55802 55804 55806 55809 55810 55813 55856 55857 55887 55888 55892 55897 55905 55906 56207 56217 56231 56351 56405 56406 56408 56409 56411 56412 56430 56515 56529 56546 56547 56548 56604 56616 56671 56689 56696 56766 56776 56778 56780 56784 56785 56786 56788 56803 56804 56860 56862 56864 56867 56870 56873 56877 56881 56883 56886 56899 56910 56911 57032 57037 57146 58086 58090 58116
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Reported: 2011-02-22 20:04 PST by Adam Barth
Modified: 2017-11-28 17:57 PST (History)
9 users (show)

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Description Adam Barth 2011-02-22 20:04:36 PST
Editing every build system to add or remove a file is too much work.  Simple changes to the build should be simple.
Comment 1 Adam Barth 2011-03-18 18:58:27 PDT
Status update: JavaScriptCore and WebCore (Mac port) build and link using GYP-generated Xcode project files.  JavaScriptCore runs and passes tests.  WebCore crashes on startup (as all good binaries should).