Bug 43668 - HTML5 <video> captions and subtitles
Summary: HTML5 <video> captions and subtitles
Alias: None
Product: WebKit
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Media (show other bugs)
Version: 528+ (Nightly build)
Hardware: Mac (Intel) OS X 10.6
: P2 Normal
Assignee: Nobody
Depends on: 79347 80583 80711 95691 97097 97692 103110 108857 109570 53556 53557 60312 60379 62881 62882 62883 62885 62886 62887 62890 62893 63042 69352 69460 70134 70269 71123 71124 71915 72149 72171 72173 72179 72215 72269 72279 72545 72547 72549 72550 72552 72553 72554 72555 73046 73184 73721 73865 73879 73966 74121 74873 75051 75646 77381 78706 79368 80873 81123 81856 83321 83377 84450 85035 85639 88317 92939 93780 94394 95153 97800 97945 104043 104191 105473 105477 105478 105480 105481 105482 105496 106285 106653 106762 106943 107046 107214 107488 107907 107956 108858 109871
Blocks: html5test
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Reported: 2010-08-06 22:59 PDT by Ridley Combs
Modified: 2013-02-14 15:59 PST (History)
22 users (show)

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Description Ridley Combs 2010-08-06 22:59:51 PDT
WebKit's HTML5 <video> player is a nice one. Let's get caption/subtitle-track support in there.
Comment 1 Eric Carlson 2010-08-09 10:13:45 PDT
Caption and subtitle support will be in the HTML5 spec fairly soon, see http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/video.html#timed-tracks a proposal.
Comment 2 Eric Carlson 2010-08-09 10:16:19 PDT
Note also that we already have WebKit specific caption properties on HTMLMediaElement: webkitHasClosedCaptions and webkitClosedCaptionsVisible. These are implemented in Safari 5 on OS X and Windows.
Comment 3 Anna Cavender 2011-02-01 17:02:02 PST
I'll be using this as a master bug to keep track of the upcoming implementation of <track>.