Bug 107657 - [meta][EFL][WK2] Replace internal API usage in EFL WK2 with C API
Summary: [meta][EFL][WK2] Replace internal API usage in EFL WK2 with C API
Alias: None
Product: WebKit
Classification: Unclassified
Component: WebKit EFL (show other bugs)
Version: 528+ (Nightly build)
Hardware: Unspecified Unspecified
: P2 Normal
Assignee: Nobody
Depends on: 107652 107661 107662 107666 107680 107685 107693 107739 107806 107810 107811 107820 107821 107826 107854 107920 107923 107924 107931 108035 108062 108598 108794 108796 108798 108816 108825 109053 109159 109559 109684 109698 109794 109828 110216 110345 110438 110463 110741 110753 110877 111075 111563
Blocks: 108623
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Reported: 2013-01-23 03:24 PST by Mikhail Pozdnyakov
Modified: 2017-03-11 10:49 PST (History)
10 users (show)

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Description Mikhail Pozdnyakov 2013-01-23 03:24:45 PST
We should make WK2 EFL classes to be build on top of the WK2 C API only (stop using WK2 c++ classes directly).
Comment 1 Michael Catanzaro 2017-03-11 10:49:06 PST
Closing this bug because the EFL port has been removed from trunk.

If you feel this bug applies to a different upstream WebKit port and was closed in error, please either update the title and reopen the bug, or leave a comment to request this.