Bug 26389

Summary: SVG Filters master bug
Product: WebKit Reporter: Dirk Schulze <krit>
Component: SVGAssignee: Nobody <webkit-unassigned>
Severity: Normal CC: alex, arv, bfulgham, emacemac7, jeffschiller, mike, peter, simon.fraser, syoichi, zherczeg, zimmermann
Priority: P2    
Version: 528+ (Nightly build)   
Hardware: PC   
OS: OS X 10.5   
Bug Depends on: 6022, 10403, 51309, 5526, 5861, 5863, 5864, 5865, 5970, 5973, 5976, 6021, 6033, 6713, 10115, 10412, 12027, 12569, 14010, 15511, 19388, 23195, 26380, 26419, 26441, 26479, 26480, 27711, 27768, 27844, 27933, 28133, 28141, 28362, 29001, 30205, 30297, 30330, 30762, 31255, 31370, 31905, 32197, 32198, 32199, 32224, 32486, 32489, 32575, 32584, 32632, 32702, 32708, 33095, 33229, 33320, 41224, 42101, 42244, 44528, 45612, 45614, 45812, 46177, 47409, 47464, 48174, 48212, 49863, 51446, 63930, 69245, 88877    
Bug Blocks: 68469    

Dirk Schulze
Reported 2009-06-14 13:54:08 PDT
This is the master bug of SVG filters related bugs or improvements.
Comment 1 2009-06-19 17:04:56 PDT
When will SVG filters be enabled as such? When all dependent bugs are done or earlier?
Nikolas Zimmermann
Comment 2 2009-12-06 12:15:18 PST
(In reply to comment #1) > When will SVG filters be enabled as such? When all dependent bugs are done or > earlier? Sorry Lars for the late reply, both Dirk & me forgot to answer. Good news about SVG Filters, we'll have them in the nightlies hopefully within the next few days.
Dirk Schulze
Comment 3 2011-07-05 04:04:51 PDT
Renaming bug title. Makes it is easier to find the bug again.
Dirk Schulze
Comment 4 2014-05-12 05:57:27 PDT
Now tracked by bug 68469
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