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[GTK] Add back the Win32 target
[GTK] Add back the Win32 target
Milan Crha
2014-10-07 07:50:15 PDT
Could the Win32 target be added back, please? I'd like to help with that version to make it compile and run, using WebKit2 (I know WebKit1 is gone in 2.6.x, which is the reason for this bug report too). The cmake currently claims to me that either x11 or wayland target should be enabled, but I'd like to build under the Win32, using msys/mingw. This could be done with fixes from
bug #133028
(and its tree of dependencies) as a starter. If I recall correctly, the only "problem" would be the interprocess communication, but for that can be used D-Bus, just like on Linux, especially when it is patched with
. Thus there might not be any major issues blocking the build, I guess. If you'd prefer to add here a patch for me for testing (and eventually to be extended by me), then I'm all for it.
Early attempt to re-add win32 target to GTK cmake
(5.40 KB, patch)
2015-04-03 10:01 PDT
Paweł Forysiuk
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cmake mingw for 2.10.0
(3.78 KB, patch)
2015-09-27 14:47 PDT
Bakhtiar Hasmanan
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Updated build patch
(21.87 KB, patch)
2015-10-06 15:53 PDT
Bakhtiar Hasmanan
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Csaba Osztrogonác
Comment 1
2014-10-07 08:53:06 PDT
It is a WebKitGTK+ specific bug, isn't it?
Csaba Osztrogonác
Comment 2
2014-10-07 09:05:18 PDT
Supporting WebKit2 on Windows is much more complex task. As far as I know, only Apple and Qt had working WebKit2 port on Windows, WebKitGTK+ hadn't support WebKit2 on Windows ever. And Apple dropped their WK2 Windows port 21 months ago -
, QtWebKit was removed from trunk circa a year ago. So there isn't any port in WebKit trunk which supports WebKit2 on Windows now.
Carlos Garcia Campos
Comment 3
2014-10-07 09:21:44 PDT
We don't use DBus for the IPC in WebKit, we use the internal IPC mechanism based on socketpair, stream sockets and shared memory mainly. Those are the things that would need to be implemented in Windows (among other things). See: Source/WebKit2/Platform/IPC/unix/ConnectionUnix.cpp Source/WebKit2/Platform/IPC/unix/AttachmentUnix.cpp Source/WebKit2/Platform/unix/SharedMemoryUnix.cpp
Milan Crha
Comment 4
2014-10-07 23:24:29 PDT
Oh, I see. I thought WebKit is also using D-bus, but it might be just an implementation detail on the epiphany side when communicating between the web extension and the "client". I'll check those files, thanks for the pointers. It would be extremely helpful to have something similar as is the win32 target in 2.4.x. I'm not quite sure how to do that in the cmake world, while the 2.4.x tarball releases had this all prebuilt with the autotools stuff. I could try to make WebKit2 work in 2.4.x, but it feels counter-productive due to all the changes in trunk and 2.6.x.
Carlos Garcia Campos
Comment 5
2014-10-07 23:34:12 PDT
(In reply to
comment #4
> Oh, I see. I thought WebKit is also using D-bus, but it might be just an implementation detail on the epiphany side when communicating between the web extension and the "client".
Yes, that's something done in the application side for the communication between web process extensions and the UI process.
> I'll check those files, thanks for the pointers.
You could take a look at the revision when the win port was removed from WebKit2, it had implementations for those files, see:
> It would be extremely helpful to have something similar as is the win32 target in 2.4.x. I'm not quite sure how to do that in the cmake world, while the 2.4.x tarball releases had this all prebuilt with the autotools stuff. I could try to make WebKit2 work in 2.4.x, but it feels counter-productive due to all the changes in trunk and 2.6.x.
I have no idea how to do that in cmake either, but I agree it would be better to work on that in trunk.
Milan Crha
Comment 6
2014-10-09 00:24:20 PDT
Nice, thanks for the pointers. As this will be a long run, I do not expect this to be quick, if you wish, then feel free to close this bug report and I reopen it when/if I'll have anything workable. Thanks again for the guide where to look.
Paweł Forysiuk
Comment 7
2015-04-03 10:01:37 PDT
attachment 250085
Early attempt to re-add win32 target to GTK cmake I started to add some checks for WIN32 in cmake, it is not finished yet
Bakhtiar Hasmanan
Comment 8
2015-09-27 14:47:13 PDT
attachment 261992
cmake mingw for 2.10.0 Some updates for webkitgtk 2.10.0 (may need to see Pawel's patch too)
Bakhtiar Hasmanan
Comment 9
2015-10-06 15:53:57 PDT
attachment 262552
Updated build patch maybe useful to fix build issues, my binary segfaulted though.
Milan Crha
Comment 10
2015-10-06 23:41:43 PDT
Hmm, I didn't try to build WebKit2 under Windows for a long time. Your patch seems quite short, with compare of the changes I have in my outdated checkout. I also see that some parts clash with the opened bug reports from the "Depends on" section, both of
bug #137974
bug #143884
. The "Prefer GTK+ over Windows" patch is also outdated there, I made more such changes locally couple months ago. I guess it's due to using different configure (cmake) options.
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