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Make LayoutUnit constructors explicit.
Make LayoutUnit constructors explicit.
Ross Kirsling
2018-11-11 20:35:59 PST
Make LayoutUnit constructors explicit.
(484.81 KB, patch)
2018-11-11 20:55 PST
Ross Kirsling
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(486.54 KB, patch)
2018-11-11 23:15 PST
Ross Kirsling
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(484.60 KB, patch)
2018-11-11 23:41 PST
Ross Kirsling
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Archive of layout-test-results from ews101 for mac-sierra
(3.24 MB, application/zip)
2018-11-12 00:43 PST
EWS Watchlist
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Archive of layout-test-results from ews125 for ios-simulator-wk2
(3.58 MB, application/zip)
2018-11-12 01:39 PST
EWS Watchlist
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Archive of layout-test-results from ews114 for mac-sierra
(4.14 MB, application/zip)
2018-11-12 01:46 PST
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Archive of layout-test-results from ews206 for win-future
(13.16 MB, application/zip)
2018-11-12 03:01 PST
EWS Watchlist
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Archive of layout-test-results from ews116 for mac-sierra
(4.14 MB, application/zip)
2018-11-12 03:49 PST
EWS Watchlist
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Archive of layout-test-results from ews202 for win-future
(13.27 MB, application/zip)
2018-11-12 04:04 PST
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Archive of layout-test-results from ews104 for mac-sierra-wk2
(3.84 MB, application/zip)
2018-11-12 04:55 PST
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(484.76 KB, patch)
2018-11-12 16:53 PST
Ross Kirsling
no flags
Formatted Diff
Archive of layout-test-results from ews122 for ios-simulator-wk2
(3.46 MB, application/zip)
2018-11-12 18:44 PST
EWS Watchlist
no flags
(416.73 KB, patch)
2018-11-12 20:29 PST
Ross Kirsling
no flags
Formatted Diff
(417.49 KB, patch)
2018-11-13 10:08 PST
Ross Kirsling
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(417.13 KB, patch)
2018-11-13 11:13 PST
Ross Kirsling
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Ross Kirsling
Comment 1
2018-11-11 20:55:50 PST
Comment hidden (obsolete)
attachment 354530
Ross Kirsling
Comment 2
2018-11-11 23:15:25 PST
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attachment 354533
Ross Kirsling
Comment 3
2018-11-11 23:41:02 PST
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attachment 354534
EWS Watchlist
Comment 4
2018-11-12 00:43:04 PST
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Comment on
attachment 354534
Attachment 354534
did not pass mac-ews (mac): Output:
New failing tests: fast/shapes/shape-outside-floats/shape-outside-floats-inset-rounded-large-radius.html fast/images/zoomed-img-size.html fast/dom/HTMLImageElement/sizes/image-sizes-invalids.html tables/mozilla_expected_failures/bugs/bug7243.html tables/mozilla/bugs/
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EWS Watchlist
Comment 5
2018-11-12 00:43:05 PST
Comment hidden (obsolete)
attachment 354535
Archive of layout-test-results from ews101 for mac-sierra The attached test failures were seen while running run-webkit-tests on the mac-ews. Bot: ews101 Port: mac-sierra Platform: Mac OS X 10.12.6
EWS Watchlist
Comment 6
2018-11-12 01:39:20 PST
Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment on
attachment 354534
Attachment 354534
did not pass ios-sim-ews (ios-simulator-wk2): Output:
New failing tests: fast/shapes/shape-outside-floats/shape-outside-floats-inset-rounded-large-radius.html fast/images/zoomed-img-size.html tables/mozilla_expected_failures/bugs/
.html tables/mozilla_expected_failures/bugs/bug7243.html tables/mozilla/bugs/
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.html fast/masking/clip-path-inset-large-radii.html tables/mozilla_expected_failures/bugs/
.html tables/mozilla/bugs/
EWS Watchlist
Comment 7
2018-11-12 01:39:21 PST
Comment hidden (obsolete)
attachment 354536
Archive of layout-test-results from ews125 for ios-simulator-wk2 The attached test failures were seen while running run-webkit-tests on the ios-sim-ews. Bot: ews125 Port: ios-simulator-wk2 Platform: Mac OS X 10.13.6
EWS Watchlist
Comment 8
2018-11-12 01:46:49 PST
Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment on
attachment 354534
Attachment 354534
did not pass mac-debug-ews (mac): Output:
New failing tests: fast/shapes/shape-outside-floats/shape-outside-floats-inset-rounded-large-radius.html fast/images/zoomed-img-size.html fast/dom/HTMLImageElement/sizes/image-sizes-invalids.html tables/mozilla_expected_failures/bugs/bug7243.html tables/mozilla/bugs/
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.html tables/mozilla/bugs/
EWS Watchlist
Comment 9
2018-11-12 01:46:50 PST
Comment hidden (obsolete)
attachment 354537
Archive of layout-test-results from ews114 for mac-sierra The attached test failures were seen while running run-webkit-tests on the mac-debug-ews. Bot: ews114 Port: mac-sierra Platform: Mac OS X 10.12.6
EWS Watchlist
Comment 10
2018-11-12 03:00:55 PST
Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment on
attachment 354534
Attachment 354534
did not pass win-ews (win): Output:
New failing tests: fast/shapes/shape-outside-floats/shape-outside-floats-inset-rounded-large-radius.html fast/images/zoomed-img-size.html fast/dom/HTMLImageElement/sizes/image-sizes-invalids.html tables/mozilla_expected_failures/bugs/bug7243.html mathml/presentation/stretchy-minsize-maxsize.html fast/dom/HTMLImageElement/sizes/image-sizes-1x.html tables/mozilla_expected_failures/bugs/
.html tables/mozilla/bugs/
.html fast/masking/clip-path-inset-large-radii.html tables/mozilla/bugs/
EWS Watchlist
Comment 11
2018-11-12 03:01:07 PST
Comment hidden (obsolete)
attachment 354540
Archive of layout-test-results from ews206 for win-future The attached test failures were seen while running run-webkit-tests on the win-ews. Bot: ews206 Port: win-future Platform: CYGWIN_NT-6.1-2.9.0-0.318-5-3-x86_64-64bit
EWS Watchlist
Comment 12
2018-11-12 03:49:44 PST
Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment on
attachment 354534
Attachment 354534
did not pass mac-debug-ews (mac): Output:
New failing tests: fast/shapes/shape-outside-floats/shape-outside-floats-inset-rounded-large-radius.html fast/images/zoomed-img-size.html fast/dom/HTMLImageElement/sizes/image-sizes-invalids.html tables/mozilla_expected_failures/bugs/bug7243.html tables/mozilla/bugs/
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.html tables/mozilla/bugs/
EWS Watchlist
Comment 13
2018-11-12 03:49:46 PST
Comment hidden (obsolete)
attachment 354543
Archive of layout-test-results from ews116 for mac-sierra The attached test failures were seen while running run-webkit-tests on the mac-debug-ews. Bot: ews116 Port: mac-sierra Platform: Mac OS X 10.12.6
EWS Watchlist
Comment 14
2018-11-12 04:03:50 PST
Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment on
attachment 354534
Attachment 354534
did not pass win-ews (win): Output:
New failing tests: fast/shapes/shape-outside-floats/shape-outside-floats-inset-rounded-large-radius.html fast/images/zoomed-img-size.html fast/dom/HTMLImageElement/sizes/image-sizes-invalids.html tables/mozilla_expected_failures/bugs/bug7243.html mathml/presentation/stretchy-minsize-maxsize.html fast/dom/HTMLImageElement/sizes/image-sizes-1x.html tables/mozilla/bugs/
.html fast/masking/clip-path-inset-large-radii.html tables/mozilla/bugs/
.html tables/mozilla_expected_failures/bugs/
EWS Watchlist
Comment 15
2018-11-12 04:04:02 PST
Comment hidden (obsolete)
attachment 354544
Archive of layout-test-results from ews202 for win-future The attached test failures were seen while running run-webkit-tests on the win-ews. Bot: ews202 Port: win-future Platform: CYGWIN_NT-6.1-2.10.0-0.325-5-3-x86_64-64bit
EWS Watchlist
Comment 16
2018-11-12 04:55:36 PST
Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment on
attachment 354534
Attachment 354534
did not pass mac-wk2-ews (mac-wk2): Output:
New failing tests: fast/shapes/shape-outside-floats/shape-outside-floats-inset-rounded-large-radius.html fast/images/zoomed-img-size.html fast/dom/HTMLImageElement/sizes/image-sizes-invalids.html tables/mozilla_expected_failures/bugs/bug7243.html tables/mozilla/bugs/
-2.html fast/dom/HTMLImageElement/sizes/image-sizes-2x.html mathml/presentation/stretchy-minsize-maxsize.html fast/dom/HTMLImageElement/sizes/image-sizes-1x.html svg/zoom/page/zoom-svg-through-object-with-percentage-size.xhtml imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/semantics/embedded-content/the-img-element/current-pixel-density/basic.html svg/zoom/page/zoom-svg-through-object-with-absolute-size.xhtml tables/mozilla/bugs/
.html fast/masking/clip-path-inset-large-radii.html svg/zoom/page/zoom-svg-through-object-with-absolute-size-2.xhtml tables/mozilla_expected_failures/bugs/
.html tables/mozilla/bugs/
EWS Watchlist
Comment 17
2018-11-12 04:55:38 PST
Comment hidden (obsolete)
attachment 354549
Archive of layout-test-results from ews104 for mac-sierra-wk2 The attached test failures were seen while running run-webkit-tests on the mac-wk2-ews. Bot: ews104 Port: mac-sierra-wk2 Platform: Mac OS X 10.12.6
Ross Kirsling
Comment 18
2018-11-12 16:53:29 PST
Comment hidden (obsolete)
attachment 354610
Ross Kirsling
Comment 19
2018-11-12 16:56:42 PST
This is a modernization task which fixes
bug 189467
as a side effect. Not sure if the style here is desirable or not, but hoping that the patch isn't offensive in concept. :)
EWS Watchlist
Comment 20
2018-11-12 18:44:00 PST
Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment on
attachment 354610
Attachment 354610
did not pass ios-sim-ews (ios-simulator-wk2): Output:
New failing tests: tables/mozilla_expected_failures/bugs/
EWS Watchlist
Comment 21
2018-11-12 18:44:01 PST
Comment hidden (obsolete)
attachment 354621
Archive of layout-test-results from ews122 for ios-simulator-wk2 The attached test failures were seen while running run-webkit-tests on the ios-sim-ews. Bot: ews122 Port: ios-simulator-wk2 Platform: Mac OS X 10.13.6
Ross Kirsling
Comment 22
2018-11-12 20:29:41 PST
attachment 354637
Ross Kirsling
Comment 23
2018-11-12 23:18:28 PST
Hmm, I'm completely unable to reproduce the alleged linking error on my (Mojave) machine:
> Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: > "WebCore::TableLayout::tableMaxWidth", referenced from: > WebCore::FixedTableLayout::applyPreferredLogicalWidthQuirks(WebCore::LayoutUnit&, WebCore::LayoutUnit&) const in UnifiedSource371.o
This patch doesn't touch that method or constant, so it seems like yet another unified sources switcheroo, except that FixedTableLayout is not missing a TableLayout include...? This should been all green now otherwise, so I suppose I'll just add reviewers and hope the situation clears up in the morning.
Darin Adler
Comment 24
2018-11-13 09:15:42 PST
(In reply to Ross Kirsling from
comment #23
> Hmm, I'm completely unable to reproduce the alleged linking error on my > (Mojave) machine: > > Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: > > "WebCore::TableLayout::tableMaxWidth", referenced from: > > WebCore::FixedTableLayout::applyPreferredLogicalWidthQuirks(WebCore::LayoutUnit&, WebCore::LayoutUnit&) const in UnifiedSource371.o > This patch doesn't touch that method or constant, so it seems like yet > another unified sources switcheroo, except that FixedTableLayout is not > missing a TableLayout include...? > > This should been all green now otherwise, so I suppose I'll just add > reviewers and hope the situation clears up in the morning.
I don’t think we should just hope this clears itself up. I believe the issue is that if we declare a static data member that is const, we also need a definition at namespace scope without an initializer. So somewhere in a cpp file inside a namespace WebCore but not inside a class we need to write: const int TableLayout::tableMaxWidth; Since there is no TableLayout.cpp, we need to choose some other file (either AutoTableLayout.cpp or FixedTableLayout.cpp) and add it there.
A more elegant solution, if all the compilers we support have sufficient C++17 support (not sure about the compiler we support on Windows), is that we could use constexpr instead of const in the static data member definition inside the class, and then we would not need the definition at namespace scope.
Ross Kirsling
Comment 25
2018-11-13 09:55:43 PST
(In reply to Darin Adler from
comment #24
> (In reply to Ross Kirsling from
comment #23
) > > Hmm, I'm completely unable to reproduce the alleged linking error on my > > (Mojave) machine: > > > Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: > > > "WebCore::TableLayout::tableMaxWidth", referenced from: > > > WebCore::FixedTableLayout::applyPreferredLogicalWidthQuirks(WebCore::LayoutUnit&, WebCore::LayoutUnit&) const in UnifiedSource371.o > > This patch doesn't touch that method or constant, so it seems like yet > > another unified sources switcheroo, except that FixedTableLayout is not > > missing a TableLayout include...? > > > > This should been all green now otherwise, so I suppose I'll just add > > reviewers and hope the situation clears up in the morning. > > I don’t think we should just hope this clears itself up. > > I believe the issue is that if we declare a static data member that is > const, we also need a definition at namespace scope without an initializer. > So somewhere in a cpp file inside a namespace WebCore but not inside a class > we need to write: > > const int TableLayout::tableMaxWidth; > > Since there is no TableLayout.cpp, we need to choose some other file (either > AutoTableLayout.cpp or FixedTableLayout.cpp) and add it there. > >
> > A more elegant solution, if all the compilers we support have sufficient > C++17 support (not sure about the compiler we support on Windows), is that > we could use constexpr instead of const in the static data member definition > inside the class, and then we would not need the definition at namespace > scope.
Thanks, that's quite helpful! WinCairo isn't complaining about constexpr there, so I'll give it a shot.
Ross Kirsling
Comment 26
2018-11-13 10:08:27 PST
attachment 354679
Ross Kirsling
Comment 27
2018-11-13 11:07:57 PST
Argh, apparently this doesn't fix the issue. And I evidently can't repro it on High Sierra either, so perhaps it's Sierra-specific. Regardless, it seems it must be triggered by the templatized copy assignment, so if I explicitly convert to LayoutUnit here, we should be fine:
Ross Kirsling
Comment 28
2018-11-13 11:13:06 PST
attachment 354685
Ross Kirsling
Comment 29
2018-11-13 15:30:16 PST
All green at last! (The AppleWin build has been broken but I verified it locally.)
Ross Kirsling
Comment 30
2018-11-14 16:08:06 PST
Would someone have time to review this by any chance? It's large and tedious, but thankfully mostly mechanical.
Darin Adler
Comment 31
2018-11-16 09:05:29 PST
Comment on
attachment 354685
Patch Looks correctly done. I’m not sure this is an improvement. Did making this change catch any existing errors in the code or lead to any improvements other than fixing the build failure on Windows? I’d like to know more about what we’ll accomplish that will help the health of the project going forward with this change. Typically we make constructors explicit because we are concerned that the implicit ones hide a costly operation or an operation that might fail with some values. When introducing LayoutUnit, the fact that there was an implicit conversion *from* int was one of the intentional features. I wouldn’t necessarily reverse that design decision unless the benefit is substantial. Changing all the cases of 0 to LayoutUnit(0) or { } is a bit ugly and makes me wish for a more elegant solution. I’m sure we could come up with one. Maybe a literal for LayoutUnit(0) using a user-defined integer literal like 0_layout? Or maybe even a layoutZero() function would be more elegant? Converting functions to function templates may introduce problems with type ambiguity in the future or might improve efficiency. I can’t really tell. Aside from the decision of whether to do this at all, I also think that it would be sensible to land smaller patches with changes that are either entirely harmless or better, that make things clearer. Patches that don’t depend on the explicit change. For example, I would support a pass that removes all the "= 0" since LayoutUnit is always set to 0 by default, even aside from our decision of whether to make the explicit constructor change. In fact, almost all the changes at call sites could be landed separately before throwing the switch, and this could be done in smaller pieces that are easier to audit. It’s easier to spot mistakes in smaller patches.
Ross Kirsling
Comment 32
2018-11-16 12:58:55 PST
(In reply to Darin Adler from
comment #31
> Comment on
attachment 354685
> Patch > > Looks correctly done. I’m not sure this is an improvement. > > Did making this change catch any existing errors in the code or lead to any > improvements other than fixing the build failure on Windows? > > I’d like to know more about what we’ll accomplish that will help the health > of the project going forward with this change. > > Typically we make constructors explicit because we are concerned that the > implicit ones hide a costly operation or an operation that might fail with > some values. When introducing LayoutUnit, the fact that there was an > implicit conversion *from* int was one of the intentional features. I > wouldn’t necessarily reverse that design decision unless the benefit is > substantial.
Yeah, I figured that could well be a cause for objection. The MSVC problem was my initial motivation in the matter, but I hoped it could be framed as a modernization task -- in particular, places where a float gets implicitly converted to LayoutUnit and then subsequently operated on by another float seem to present opportunity for "one pixel off" surprises.
> Changing all the cases of 0 to LayoutUnit(0) or { } is a bit ugly and makes > me wish for a more elegant solution. I’m sure we could come up with one. > Maybe a literal for LayoutUnit(0) using a user-defined integer literal like > 0_layout? Or maybe even a layoutZero() function would be more elegant?
This is the primary thing I was hoping for feedback on. The literal and zero function approaches both occurred to me, but being difficult to predict what folks would prefer, I figured having a patch to complain about was the best starting point.
> Converting functions to function templates may introduce problems with type > ambiguity in the future or might improve efficiency. I can’t really tell.
Indeed. I think the templates are necessary for having this be usable at all (in particular, the reason this patch isn't multiple times larger in line count is thanks to those templates), but in certain cases one might wonder if the explicitness benefit is getting partially blurred out. If so, I would hope those cases might be an opportunity to re-evaluate whether certain functions that interact with each other are really typed as sensibly as they could be (as in the "now it's a float again!" situation mentioned above)...
> Aside from the decision of whether to do this at all, I also think that it > would be sensible to land smaller patches with changes that are either > entirely harmless or better, that make things clearer. Patches that don’t > depend on the explicit change. > > For example, I would support a pass that removes all the "= 0" since > LayoutUnit is always set to 0 by default, even aside from our decision of > whether to make the explicit constructor change. > > In fact, almost all the changes at call sites could be landed separately > before throwing the switch, and this could be done in smaller pieces that > are easier to audit. It’s easier to spot mistakes in smaller patches.
Sounds like wise advice! Perhaps I'll give that a go. Also, if the idea is that a LayoutUnit is an embellished int and ought to be coercible as such, then perhaps the other unary constructors should be made explicit first? This would seem consistent with LayoutPoint / LayoutRect / LayoutSize.
Antti Koivisto
Comment 33
2018-11-17 23:05:50 PST
> Changing all the cases of 0 to LayoutUnit(0) or { } is a bit ugly and makes > me wish for a more elegant solution. I’m sure we could come up with one. > Maybe a literal for LayoutUnit(0) using a user-defined integer literal like > 0_layout? Or maybe even a layoutZero() function would be more elegant?
I think literals could be nice. 0_lu or something. It should be done first and separately though.
Ross Kirsling
Comment 34
2019-05-20 18:56:33 PDT
Closing --
bug 191811
has landed and I believe that's as far as we want to go here.
Alex Christensen
Comment 35
2021-11-01 12:46:35 PDT
Comment on
attachment 354685
Patch This has been requesting review for more than one year. If this is still needed, please rebase and re-request review.
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