[meta] XSSAuditor should have fewer false negatives
Summary [meta] XSSAuditor should have fewer false negatives
Adam Barth
Reported 2011-08-19 13:26:50 PDT
Currently the XSSAuditor has very few false positives, but it does have a number of false negatives. False negatives a problematic because they let attackers bypass the filter, negating some of its security benefits. False positives fall into two categories: 1) Tricky injections into in-scope injection contexts. 2) Injections into out-of-scope injection contexts. Whether an injection context is in-scope is somewhat of an arbitrary distinction, but we should aim to tackle all the tricky injection vectors for the in-scope injection contexts before we expand to consider more contexts in-scope. This approach puts us on a path to eliminating all the attack vectors for a given set of vulnerabilities rather than catching some, but not all, the attack vectors for a large number of vulnerabilities. Let's use this bug as a meta bug for Type 1 vulnerabilities (which will appear as blocking this bug).
Brent Fulgham
Comment 1 2021-09-21 14:08:38 PDT
The XSS Auditor is removed in Bug 230499.
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