Convert <progress> shadow DOM to a DOM-based shadow.
Summary Convert <progress> shadow DOM to a DOM-based shadow.
Hajime Morrita
Reported 2010-12-07 18:21:11 PST
<progress> is holding its shadows as a member variables of RenderProgress. We could move them to HTMLMeterElement.
Patch (12.27 KB, patch)
2011-01-28 00:56 PST, Hajime Morrita
no flags
Patch (12.83 KB, patch)
2011-01-31 03:26 PST, Hajime Morrita
dglazkov: review+
Hajime Morrita
Comment 1 2010-12-07 18:22:53 PST
(In reply to comment #0) > <progress> is holding its shadows as a member variables of RenderProgress. > We could move them to HTMLMeterElement. No, to HTMLProgressElement.
Hajime Morrita
Comment 2 2011-01-28 00:56:58 PST
Hajime Morrita
Comment 3 2011-01-28 00:58:36 PST
Hi Dimitri, could you take a look? I know this is just the first step of the shadow refresh and I'll eliminate more renderer-to-dom dependency in following changes.
Dimitri Glazkov (Google)
Comment 4 2011-01-28 08:43:26 PST
Comment on attachment 80424 [details] Patch View in context: Ok. You probably should've put this patch into a separate bug, since it doesn't technically fix the bug yet -- and use this bug as a meta-bug :) > Source/WebCore/html/HTMLProgressElement.cpp:40 > +class ProgressBarValueElement : public ShadowBlockElement { Does it need to be ShadowBlockElement anymore? But I guess that's what the next patch is about.
Hajime Morrita
Comment 5 2011-01-30 20:39:39 PST
Hajime Morrita
Comment 6 2011-01-30 20:46:37 PST
HI Dimitri, Thank you for reviewing! (In reply to comment #4) > (From update of attachment 80424 [details]) > View in context: > > Ok. You probably should've put this patch into a separate bug, since it doesn't technically fix the bug yet -- and use this bug as a meta-bug :) Sure. I'll do so ... or introduce another bug as a tracking bug. > > > Source/WebCore/html/HTMLProgressElement.cpp:40 > > +class ProgressBarValueElement : public ShadowBlockElement { > > Does it need to be ShadowBlockElement anymore? But I guess that's what the next patch is about. I'll do this when attacking <meter>. But I have a few item on <progress> side yet.
Simon Fraser (smfr)
Comment 7 2011-01-30 22:11:06 PST
Simon Fraser (smfr)
Comment 8 2011-01-30 22:18:53 PST
Patch was backed out via bug 53412.
Hajime Morrita
Comment 9 2011-01-31 03:26:50 PST
Hajime Morrita
Comment 10 2011-01-31 03:29:44 PST
Simon, thank you for save the tree. I'm sorry for the breakage. Dimitri, could you take a look again? The difference from the last patch is ProgressBarValueElement::detach(). The last patch missed to unlink from host -> shadow reference, which caused the inconsistency. (shadow -> host reference is unlinked by ShadowElement::detach()). Thanks in advance.
Dimitri Glazkov (Google)
Comment 11 2011-01-31 08:50:01 PST
Comment on attachment 80629 [details] Patch Please make sure to run tests before landing.
Hajime Morrita
Comment 12 2011-01-31 17:12:36 PST
> Please make sure to run tests before landing. Yes, I will. I'm really sorry for that. The test was done only under dom/HTMLProgressElement/ at the last patch and I was wrong.
Hajime Morrita
Comment 13 2011-01-31 20:06:10 PST
Erik Arvidsson
Comment 14 2011-02-01 10:54:10 PST
Comment on attachment 80629 [details] Patch View in context: > Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderProgress.cpp:105 > + if (!(valuePart()->renderer() && valuePart()->renderer()->style()->hasAppearance())) Why does this need appearance? What happens if I do? ::-webkit-progress-bar-value { -webkit-appearance: none; background-color: red; }
Hajime Morrita
Comment 15 2011-02-01 20:24:42 PST
(In reply to comment #14) > (From update of attachment 80629 [details]) > View in context: > > > Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderProgress.cpp:105 > > + if (!(valuePart()->renderer() && valuePart()->renderer()->style()->hasAppearance())) > > Why does this need appearance? What happens if I do? > > ::-webkit-progress-bar-value { > -webkit-appearance: none; > background-color: red; > } Shadow rendered even if "none" is given if host's appearance is set to "none". But yes, it's confusing.... I'll revise the logic in coming patch(es).
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