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[WHLSL] Local variables should be statically allocated
[WHLSL] Local variables should be statically allocated
Thomas Denney
2018-08-07 20:03:55 PDT
The interpreter conforms to the spec; the Metal compiler doesn't (necessarily). For example, a call to foo() should return 1: thread int* bar(bool flag) { int x = 0; if (flag) x = 1; return &x; } int foo() { thread int* x = bar(false); thread int* y = bar(true); return (*x) * (*y); } The interpreter gets this right; when a VariableDecl is visited in Evaluator.js it only allocates a buffer for that variable if there wasn't one already. The compiler doesn't get it right; local variables are emitted in local scope and therefore the Metal compiler *can* choose to store them however it likes. They could be independent, or another function bar2() could alias its local variables with bar() if bar and bar2 are never both called. Metal Shading Language only permits constant variables to be static if they are declared in global scope. It doesn't permit statically declared variables in local scope. When functions are inlined this isn't a problem; all variables can be "statically" allocated by having them as local variables declared at the top of a shader function. However, not all functions can be (efficiently) inlined in the MSL output if they don't have reducible control flow. An inefficient solution would "statically" allocate all variables in the main shading functions and pass references to them to non-inlined functions. This awful approach could be mitigated by conservatively finding local variables that references are never created for, but it is far from ideal. It is worth noting that successive executions of the same function cannot rely on previous values stored at the same local variable because local variables are *always* zero-initialized when they are declared. The compiler and the interpreter behave correctly on the following program: thread int* bar(bool flag) { int x; // x is zero initialized twice if (flag) x = 1; return &x; } int foo() { thread int* x = bar(true); thread int* y = bar(false); return (*x) * (*y); } The result of foo() should be 0. Given that local variable values do not persist between calls, the largest benefit of statically allocating local variables is that references to local variables can be returned from a function, or passed out via "out" parameters. Many programming languages do not permit this, so a possible mitigation would be to disallow it.
(137.98 KB, patch)
2018-09-05 17:49 PDT
Thomas Denney
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(165.36 KB, patch)
2018-09-10 17:10 PDT
Thomas Denney
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(28.29 KB, patch)
2018-09-10 20:16 PDT
Thomas Denney
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(30.28 KB, patch)
2018-09-19 00:24 PDT
Thomas Denney
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(30.20 KB, patch)
2018-09-19 23:33 PDT
Thomas Denney
: review+
: commit-queue-
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(30.98 KB, patch)
2018-09-21 14:02 PDT
Thomas Denney
: commit-queue-
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(30.98 KB, patch)
2018-09-21 14:07 PDT
Thomas Denney
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Thomas Denney
Comment 1
2018-09-05 17:49:45 PDT
attachment 348987
Thomas Denney
Comment 2
2018-09-05 17:50:56 PDT
(In reply to Thomas Denney from
comment #1
> Created
attachment 348987
This patch doesn’t yet support function arguments having their address taken, and I haven’t done any work on array references yet. It also contains my modified version of the standard library for faster parsing, so this is very much WIP.
Thomas Denney
Comment 3
2018-09-10 17:10:03 PDT
attachment 349358
Thomas Denney
Comment 4
2018-09-10 17:11:10 PDT
(In reply to Thomas Denney from
comment #3
> Created
attachment 349358
This most recent patch is basically complete, but I’m going to wait on the two dependencies of this bug to be resolved before I put this up for review.
Thomas Denney
Comment 5
2018-09-10 20:16:11 PDT
attachment 349372
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 6
2018-09-12 18:51:52 PDT
Thomas Denney
Comment 7
2018-09-19 00:24:12 PDT
attachment 350096
Myles C. Maxfield
Comment 8
2018-09-19 14:25:39 PDT
Comment on
attachment 350096
Patch View in context:
Cool patch.
> Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/AllocateAtEntryPoints.js:29 > + const entryPoints = [];
This is a fairly self-contained block of code. I'd recommend moving it to its own function.
> Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/AllocateAtEntryPoints.js:30 > + class OnlyVisitFuncDefsThatAreEntryPoints extends Visitor {
How about "gatherEntryPointDefs" since visitors visit everything?
> Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/AllocateAtEntryPoints.js:41 > + const allVariablesAndFunctionParameters = new Set(); > + const functionsThatAreCalledByEntryPoints = new Set(); > + class FindAllVariablesAndFunctionParameters extends Visitor {
This is a fairly self-contained block of code. I'd recommend moving it to its own function.
> Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/AllocateAtEntryPoints.js:53 > + node.func.visit(new FindAllVariablesAndFunctionParameters(node.func));
Doesn't this have exponential runtime because it doesn't dedup functions?
> Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/AllocateAtEntryPoints.js:59 > + node._func = this._currentFunc;
A more descriptive name, please
> Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/AllocateAtEntryPoints.js:68 > + node._func = this._currentFunc; > + if (!this._currentFunc.isEntryPoint) > + allVariablesAndFunctionParameters.add(node);
Why does visitVariableDecl() have a super call but visitFuncParameter not?
> Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/AllocateAtEntryPoints.js:83 > + program.add(ptrToGlobalStructType);
This doesn't seem right, because the parser will never put a PtrType at the global level, so we probably shouldn't do that either.
> Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/AllocateAtEntryPoints.js:100 > + let counter = 0; > + const varToFieldMap = new Map(); > + for (let varOrParam of allVariablesAndFunctionParameters) { > + const fieldName = `field${counter++}_${varOrParam._func.name}_${varOrParam.name}`; > + globalStructType.add(new Field(varOrParam.origin, fieldName, varOrParam.type)); > + varToFieldMap.set(varOrParam, fieldName); > + } > + > + for (let func of functionsThatAreCalledByEntryPoints) { > + if (func.returnType.name !== "void") { > + const fieldName = `field${counter++}_return_${func.name}`; > + globalStructType.add(new Field(func.origin, fieldName, func.returnType)); > + func.returnFieldName = fieldName; > + } > + }
This is a fairly self-contained block of code. I'd recommend moving it to its own function.
> Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/AllocateAtEntryPoints.js:139 > + get func() > + { > + return this._func; > + }
Not sure if this is necessary if all callers are local to the class.
> Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/AllocateAtEntryPoints.js:157 > + const possibleAndOverloads = program.globalNameContext.get(Func, functionName); > + const callExpressionResolution = CallExpression.resolve(node.origin, possibleAndOverloads, functionName, [ this.globalStructVariableRef ], [ ptrToGlobalStructTypeRef ]);
It's kind of unfortunate we have to reverse-engineer what would have happened earlier in the compiler. Can we run this stage earlier so we don't have to do this?
> Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/AllocateAtEntryPoints.js:171 > + return super.visitVariableRef(node);
Isn't this an error?
> Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/AllocateAtEntryPoints.js:180 > + return new Assignment(node.origin, this._dereferencedCallExpressionForFieldName(node, node.type, varToFieldMap.get(node)), node.initializer.visit(this), node.type);
Nodes need to get assigned (zero-filled) even if they don't have an initializer. We should add a test for this.
> Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/AllocateAtEntryPoints.js:183 > + else if (node == this.variableDecl) > + return node;
I'd move this first
> Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/AllocateAtEntryPoints.js:199 > + const anonymousVariable = new AnonymousVariable(node.origin, type);
What is the purpose of the anonymous variables? Why not assign directly into the global struct?
> Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/AllocateAtEntryPoints.js:208 > + exprs.push(this._dereferencedCallExpressionForFieldName(node.func, node.func.returnType, node.func.returnFieldName));
> Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/AllocateAtEntryPoints.js:210 > + node.argumentList = [ this.globalStructVariableRef ];
Are you sure it's wise for them all to be using the exact same VariableRef? Seems like we should store a creation lambda instead of the raw variable itself.
> Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/AllocateAtEntryPoints.js:220 > + if (node.value && this._func.returnFieldName)
If these don't match, seems like this should be an error.
> Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/AllocateAtEntryPoints.js:223 > + return new CommaExpression(node.origin, [ > + new Assignment(node.origin, this._dereferencedCallExpressionForFieldName(this._func, this._func.returnType, this._func.returnFieldName), node.value, this._func.returnType), > + new Return(node.origin) ]);
> Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/AllocateAtEntryPoints.js:240 > + if (node._newParameters)
This pollutes the FuncDef nodes. I'd prefer a side-table.
> Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/AllocateAtEntryPoints.js:250 > + if (node.func.returnFieldName) > + node._returnType = node.resultType = TypeRef.wrap(program.types.get("void"));
> Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/EBufferBuilder.js:-33 > - constructor(program) > - { > - super(); > - this._program = program; > - } > -
What? What's the point of this class if you can never construct it? I don't see any other constructors or static functions.
> Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/Func.js:57 > + set parameters(newValue)
Not a great variable name.
> Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/SynthesizeStructAccessors.js:51 > + function createFieldType() > + { > + return field.type.visit(new Rewriter()); > + } > + > + function createTypeRef() > + { > + return TypeRef.wrap(type); > + }
Do we need these?
> Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/SynthesizeStructAccessors.js:101 > nativeFunc = new NativeFunc( > - field.origin, "operator." + field.name + "=", createTypeRef(), > + field.origin, "operator&." + field.name, new PtrType(field.origin, addressSpace, createFieldType()), > [ > - new FuncParameter(field.origin, null, createTypeRef()), > - new FuncParameter(field.origin, null, createFieldType()) > + new FuncParameter( > + field.origin, null, > + new PtrType(field.origin, addressSpace, createTypeRef())) > ], > isCast, shaderType); > - setupImplementationData(nativeFunc, ([base, value], offset, structSize, fieldSize) => { > - let result = new EPtr(new EBuffer(structSize), 0); > - result.copyFrom(base, structSize); > - result.plus(offset).copyFrom(value, fieldSize); > - return result; > + setupImplementationData(nativeFunc, ([base], offset, structSize, fieldSize) => { > + base = base.loadValue(); > + if (!base) > + throw new WTrapError(field.origin.originString, "Null dereference"); > + return EPtr.box(base.plus(offset)); > }); > program.add(nativeFunc);
diff really made a mess of things, didn't it
Thomas Denney
Comment 9
2018-09-19 19:49:41 PDT
(In reply to Myles C. Maxfield from
comment #8
> > Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/AllocateAtEntryPoints.js:53 > > + node.func.visit(new FindAllVariablesAndFunctionParameters(node.func)); > > Doesn't this have exponential runtime because it doesn't dedup functions?
Damn, good catch.
> > Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/AllocateAtEntryPoints.js:157 > > + const possibleAndOverloads = program.globalNameContext.get(Func, functionName); > > + const callExpressionResolution = CallExpression.resolve(node.origin, possibleAndOverloads, functionName, [ this.globalStructVariableRef ], [ ptrToGlobalStructTypeRef ]); > > It's kind of unfortunate we have to reverse-engineer what would have > happened earlier in the compiler. Can we run this stage earlier so we don't > have to do this?
> Annoyingly we need types for this stage, which are only fully annotated in the Checker stage. An earlier version of this patch tried doing this allocation but I couldn’t get it working reliably.
> > Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/AllocateAtEntryPoints.js:171 > > + return super.visitVariableRef(node); > > Isn't this an error?
No, anonymous variables can be wrapped in VariableRefs.
> > Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/AllocateAtEntryPoints.js:199 > > + const anonymousVariable = new AnonymousVariable(node.origin, type); > > What is the purpose of the anonymous variables? Why not assign directly into > the global struct?
I’m going to add a comment into the code explaining why not, because it has now caught me out several times. Consider the case foo(foo(a, b), c). We initially evaluate c, and then evaluate foo(a, b) per the RTL calling convention. To evaluate foo(a, b) we evaluate b, then a, and place them in the global struct for the call to foo. However, this would mean that if c had previously been placed in the global struct then the outer foo wouldn’t see the value of evaluating c, but the value of evaluating b. Therefore *all* the arguments have to be evaluated into anonymous variables, then copied into the global struct, and then the function has to be called. The existing Metal code generator (MSLStatementEmitter.visitCallExpression) and interpreter (Evaluator._evaluateArguments) both respect this behavior and there are tests that catch this.
> > Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/AllocateAtEntryPoints.js:210 > > + node.argumentList = [ this.globalStructVariableRef ]; > > Are you sure it's wise for them all to be using the exact same VariableRef? > Seems like we should store a creation lambda instead of the raw variable > itself.
> There’s nothing in the compiler/interpreter at the moment that memoizes the evaluation or compilation of a node, so it would always be re-evaluated/re-compiled wherever it occurs, but this change seems harmless.
> > Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/AllocateAtEntryPoints.js:240 > > + if (node._newParameters) > > This pollutes the FuncDef nodes. I'd prefer a side-table.
Cool, will do.
> > Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/EBufferBuilder.js:-33 > > - constructor(program) > > - { > > - super(); > > - this._program = program; > > - } > > - > > What? What's the point of this class if you can never construct it? I don't > see any other constructors or static functions. >
There is a default constructor (equivalent to constructor () { super(); }), and there are no construction sites that actually passed in the program object any more, nor is this._program used anywhere in the class.
> > Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/SynthesizeStructAccessors.js:51 > > + function createFieldType() > > + { > > + return field.type.visit(new Rewriter()); > > + } > > + > > + function createTypeRef() > > + { > > + return TypeRef.wrap(type); > > + } > > Do we need these?
createFieldType() isn’t necessary (it works fine to continue using field.type) and createTypeRef is literally just used as a utility function 3 times (as you noticed, diff had a bad time with this file — I didn’t write these functions). I’ll get rid of them.
Thomas Denney
Comment 10
2018-09-19 23:33:31 PDT
attachment 350175
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 11
2018-09-20 19:10:04 PDT
Comment on
attachment 350175
Patch Rejecting
attachment 350175
from commit-queue. Failed to run "['/Volumes/Data/EWS/WebKit/Tools/Scripts/webkit-patch', '--status-host=webkit-queues.webkit.org', '--bot-id=webkit-cq-02', 'land-attachment', '--force-clean', '--non-interactive', '--parent-command=commit-queue', 350175, '--port=mac']" exit_code: 2 cwd: /Volumes/Data/EWS/WebKit Logging in as
... Fetching:
&ctype=xml&excludefield=attachmentdata Processing 1 patch from 1 bug. Updating working directory Processing patch 350175 from
bug 188402
. Fetching:
Failed to run "[u'/Volumes/Data/EWS/WebKit/Tools/Scripts/svn-apply', '--force', '--reviewer', u'Myles C. Maxfield']" exit_code: 1 cwd: /Volumes/Data/EWS/WebKit Parsed 14 diffs from patch file(s). patching file Tools/ChangeLog Hunk #1 succeeded at 1 with fuzz 3. patching file Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/All.js patching file Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/AllocateAtEntryPoints.js patching file Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/CallExpression.js patching file Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/EBufferBuilder.js patching file Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/Func.js patching file Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/FuncDef.js patching file Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/Prepare.js patching file Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/Rewriter.js patching file Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/SPIRV.html patching file Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/SynthesizeStructAccessors.js Hunk #1 FAILED at 20. 1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/SynthesizeStructAccessors.js.rej patching file Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/Test.html patching file Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/Test.js Hunk #1 succeeded at 8081 (offset 164 lines). patching file Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/index.html Failed to run "[u'/Volumes/Data/EWS/WebKit/Tools/Scripts/svn-apply', '--force', '--reviewer', u'Myles C. Maxfield']" exit_code: 1 cwd: /Volumes/Data/EWS/WebKit Parsed 14 diffs from patch file(s). patching file Tools/ChangeLog Hunk #1 succeeded at 1 with fuzz 3. patching file Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/All.js patching file Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/AllocateAtEntryPoints.js patching file Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/CallExpression.js patching file Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/EBufferBuilder.js patching file Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/Func.js patching file Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/FuncDef.js patching file Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/Prepare.js patching file Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/Rewriter.js patching file Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/SPIRV.html patching file Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/SynthesizeStructAccessors.js Hunk #1 FAILED at 20. 1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/SynthesizeStructAccessors.js.rej patching file Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/Test.html patching file Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/Test.js Hunk #1 succeeded at 8081 (offset 164 lines). patching file Tools/WebGPUShadingLanguageRI/index.html Failed to run "[u'/Volumes/Data/EWS/WebKit/Tools/Scripts/svn-apply', '--force', '--reviewer', u'Myles C. Maxfield']" exit_code: 1 cwd: /Volumes/Data/EWS/WebKit Updating OpenSource From
2a2836e6631..dee36913aef master -> origin/master Partial-rebuilding .git/svn/refs/remotes/origin/master/.rev_map.268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc ... Currently at 236296 = 2a2836e6631fd50250fbec7774a49ee368daa97b
= 560dda40a46c0fea73db1cb6365debaee9273c3a
= 9ff9defcd0e9c7e3712bd2f28cc498e9e99f7902
= dee36913aefb932eb3d82e2b3510193dac0212ff Done rebuilding .git/svn/refs/remotes/origin/master/.rev_map.268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it... Fast-forwarded master to refs/remotes/origin/master. Full output:
Comment 12
2018-09-20 23:55:22 PDT
Comment on
attachment 350175
Patch Rejecting
attachment 350175
from commit-queue.
does not have committer permissions according to
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Thomas Denney
Comment 13
2018-09-21 14:02:29 PDT
attachment 350419
Comment 14
2018-09-21 14:03:16 PDT
Comment on
attachment 350419
Patch Rejecting
attachment 350419
from commit-queue.
does not have committer permissions according to
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Thomas Denney
Comment 15
2018-09-21 14:07:04 PDT
attachment 350421
WebKit Commit Bot
Comment 16
2018-09-21 14:46:10 PDT
Comment on
attachment 350421
Patch Clearing flags on attachment: 350421 Committed
: <
Myles C. Maxfield
Comment 17
2018-09-22 03:03:00 PDT
Bug 189107
has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Myles C. Maxfield
Comment 18
2018-10-13 15:40:01 PDT
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