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REGRESSION (182567): regress/script-tests/sorting-benchmark.js fails on 32 bit dfg-eager tests
REGRESSION (182567): regress/script-tests/sorting-benchmark.js fails on 32 bi...
Michael Saboff
2015-04-09 15:06:27 PDT
regress/script-tests/sorting-benchmark.js.ftl-eager-no-cjit: ASSERTION FAILED: (spillFormat & DataFormatJS) || spillFormat == DataFormatInt32 regress/script-tests/sorting-benchmark.js.ftl-eager-no-cjit: /Volumes/Data/slave/mavericks-32bitJSC-debug/build/Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGSpeculativeJIT32_64.cpp(871) : GPRReg JSC::DFG::SpeculativeJIT::fillSpeculateInt32Internal(JSC::DFG::Edge, JSC::DataFormat &) [strict = false]
(2.26 KB, patch)
2015-04-09 15:48 PDT
Michael Saboff
: review-
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2015-04-09 16:11 PDT
Michael Saboff
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2015-04-10 16:31 PDT
Michael Saboff
: review+
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Michael Saboff
Comment 1
2015-04-09 15:48:29 PDT
attachment 250476
Michael Saboff
Comment 2
2015-04-09 15:50:07 PDT
Will change the title in the ChangeLog to not reference "dog-eager", but "dfg-eager". Copied from defect title that was autocorrected.
Michael Saboff
Comment 3
2015-04-09 15:57:37 PDT
Performance results. The JSRegress results for ftp-library-inlining reproduce without this change. Noticeable speedup on int-or-other-sub-then-get-by-val (3x), int-or-other-sub (1.6X) as well as a few other minor speedups. Benchmark report for SunSpider, Octane, Kraken, JSRegress, AsmBench, and CompressionBench on msaboff-pro (MacPro5,1). VMs tested: "143582" at /Volumes/Data/src/webkit/WebKitBuild/Release/jsc (
) "Baseline" at /Volumes/Data/src/webkit.baseline/WebKitBuild/Release/jsc (
) Collected 4 samples per benchmark/VM, with 4 VM invocations per benchmark. Emitted a call to gc() between sample measurements. Used 1 benchmark iteration per VM invocation for warm-up. Used the jsc-specific preciseTime() function to get microsecond-level timing. Reporting benchmark execution times with 95% confidence intervals in milliseconds. 143582 Baseline SunSpider: 3d-cube 6.5350+-0.2188 ? 6.6574+-0.3250 ? might be 1.0187x slower 3d-morph 7.7028+-0.2522 ? 7.7205+-0.0656 ? 3d-raytrace 8.4152+-0.2220 ! 8.7635+-0.1156 ! definitely 1.0414x slower access-binary-trees 2.9922+-0.1003 ? 2.9929+-0.2092 ? access-fannkuch 7.9595+-0.1593 7.9565+-0.1602 access-nbody 4.1694+-0.1227 ? 4.1800+-0.2302 ? access-nsieve 4.8140+-0.1928 4.7791+-0.1227 bitops-3bit-bits-in-byte 1.8235+-0.2254 ? 1.8417+-0.0524 ? bitops-bits-in-byte 5.6285+-0.3058 ? 5.6616+-0.0949 ? bitops-bitwise-and 2.7898+-0.1551 ? 2.7948+-0.1288 ? bitops-nsieve-bits 5.0851+-0.2947 5.0226+-0.2515 might be 1.0124x faster controlflow-recursive 2.7150+-0.1932 2.6541+-0.1696 might be 1.0230x faster crypto-aes 5.4198+-0.2763 ? 5.5536+-0.5419 ? might be 1.0247x slower crypto-md5 3.2798+-0.0880 ? 3.4495+-0.0852 ? might be 1.0518x slower crypto-sha1 3.2521+-0.1132 3.0940+-0.1680 might be 1.0511x faster date-format-tofte 12.3700+-1.0184 11.9872+-0.3906 might be 1.0319x faster date-format-xparb 7.4514+-0.2305 7.2963+-0.5263 might be 1.0213x faster math-cordic 4.1965+-0.1536 4.1381+-0.1941 might be 1.0141x faster math-partial-sums 9.2725+-0.2119 9.1503+-0.3530 might be 1.0133x faster math-spectral-norm 2.8047+-0.1374 ? 2.8428+-0.1432 ? might be 1.0136x slower regexp-dna 9.7850+-0.1980 ? 9.8354+-0.2751 ? string-base64 5.9279+-0.2983 ? 6.1296+-0.1878 ? might be 1.0340x slower string-fasta 9.3875+-0.3217 9.3469+-0.5166 string-tagcloud 13.5993+-0.2744 13.2272+-0.5325 might be 1.0281x faster string-unpack-code 27.6871+-0.9498 26.7062+-0.9327 might be 1.0367x faster string-validate-input 6.8041+-0.2951 6.6071+-0.4277 might be 1.0298x faster <arithmetic> 6.9949+-0.0713 6.9380+-0.0267 might be 1.0082x faster 143582 Baseline Octane: encrypt 0.31314+-0.00350 ? 0.31936+-0.00903 ? might be 1.0199x slower decrypt 5.65591+-0.03127 ? 5.65898+-0.03935 ? deltablue x2 0.26536+-0.00161 0.26462+-0.00208 earley 0.81672+-0.00659 0.81667+-0.00498 boyer 10.33243+-0.05197 ? 10.33519+-0.02275 ? navier-stokes x2 6.40153+-0.01442 ? 6.42470+-0.05597 ? raytrace x2 1.76171+-0.11064 1.74335+-0.10441 might be 1.0105x faster richards x2 0.16693+-0.00266 0.16634+-0.00157 splay x2 0.52584+-0.01300 ? 0.53122+-0.01527 ? might be 1.0102x slower regexp x2 44.44885+-0.30484 ? 44.52554+-0.48588 ? pdfjs x2 62.62840+-0.59291 ? 62.98508+-0.85120 ? mandreel x2 71.44585+-1.44914 71.05507+-1.21279 gbemu x2 55.42048+-0.83489 55.00026+-1.40659 closure 0.76713+-0.00629 0.76465+-0.00996 jquery 9.58397+-0.08117 9.53560+-0.05228 box2d x2 17.38529+-0.05459 ^ 16.92042+-0.17522 ^ definitely 1.0275x faster zlib x2 545.84456+-10.65242 ? 546.63963+-11.55289 ? typescript x2 1088.27521+-19.37655 1075.45746+-25.59206 might be 1.0119x faster <geometric> 9.25520+-0.04820 9.23035+-0.04982 might be 1.0027x faster 143582 Baseline Kraken: ai-astar 466.430+-14.132 ? 470.402+-4.918 ? audio-beat-detection 155.049+-1.356 152.016+-3.627 might be 1.0200x faster audio-dft 205.749+-4.879 202.900+-2.290 might be 1.0140x faster audio-fft 114.171+-8.894 110.164+-1.048 might be 1.0364x faster audio-oscillator 263.264+-1.064 ? 264.864+-4.747 ? imaging-darkroom 139.874+-0.178 139.700+-0.426 imaging-desaturate 95.166+-2.011 95.080+-1.698 imaging-gaussian-blur 156.354+-1.097 ? 156.911+-2.933 ? json-parse-financial 65.534+-1.679 ? 66.213+-1.256 ? might be 1.0104x slower json-stringify-tinderbox 76.693+-1.002 76.322+-0.946 stanford-crypto-aes 84.731+-1.525 ? 87.577+-4.556 ? might be 1.0336x slower stanford-crypto-ccm 67.663+-1.634 66.334+-1.537 might be 1.0200x faster stanford-crypto-pbkdf2 225.407+-1.895 ? 227.869+-1.301 ? might be 1.0109x slower stanford-crypto-sha256-iterative 72.801+-1.207 ? 72.951+-2.020 ? <arithmetic> 156.349+-1.143 ? 156.379+-0.602 ? might be 1.0002x slower 143582 Baseline JSRegress: abs-boolean 3.7931+-0.0775 3.7032+-0.1528 might be 1.0243x faster adapt-to-double-divide 17.8929+-0.2884 17.8331+-0.6910 aliased-arguments-getbyval 1.7003+-0.2369 1.5065+-0.4025 might be 1.1287x faster allocate-big-object 3.5246+-0.2034 ? 3.5546+-0.3899 ? arguments-named-and-reflective 15.1204+-0.5459 14.7701+-0.6868 might be 1.0237x faster arguments-out-of-bounds 17.7606+-0.3132 17.5652+-0.3930 might be 1.0111x faster arguments-strict-mode 13.3256+-0.2662 13.3026+-0.8817 arguments 11.8800+-0.1624 ? 12.0222+-0.4356 ? might be 1.0120x slower arity-mismatch-inlining 1.1857+-0.1330 ? 1.2533+-0.1150 ? might be 1.0570x slower array-access-polymorphic-structure 8.7840+-0.2542 ? 8.9843+-0.4462 ? might be 1.0228x slower array-nonarray-polymorhpic-access 47.6774+-0.4932 ? 47.8170+-0.6964 ? array-prototype-every 118.3965+-3.9617 117.5836+-0.5021 array-prototype-forEach 118.1490+-3.3574 ? 118.2635+-5.3654 ? array-prototype-map 131.8705+-2.8274 131.6506+-3.7808 array-prototype-some 118.5522+-5.6653 116.9913+-1.1638 might be 1.0133x faster array-splice-contiguous 62.7807+-1.5157 ? 63.0951+-1.6442 ? array-with-double-add 5.5964+-0.0607 5.4927+-0.2722 might be 1.0189x faster array-with-double-increment 4.1738+-0.2404 4.0253+-0.1037 might be 1.0369x faster array-with-double-mul-add 7.0762+-0.1725 ? 7.1755+-0.1206 ? might be 1.0140x slower array-with-double-sum 4.3668+-0.1232 4.3171+-0.1405 might be 1.0115x faster array-with-int32-add-sub 9.8210+-0.6754 9.5815+-0.2055 might be 1.0250x faster array-with-int32-or-double-sum 4.4953+-0.0306 ^ 4.3271+-0.0535 ^ definitely 1.0389x faster ArrayBuffer-DataView-alloc-large-long-lived 45.9068+-1.0134 45.5982+-1.1389 ArrayBuffer-DataView-alloc-long-lived 18.4930+-0.2175 ? 18.7759+-0.2249 ? might be 1.0153x slower ArrayBuffer-Int32Array-byteOffset 5.1554+-0.3744 5.0115+-0.2338 might be 1.0287x faster ArrayBuffer-Int8Array-alloc-large-long-lived 49.6611+-2.1750 48.1920+-1.7021 might be 1.0305x faster ArrayBuffer-Int8Array-alloc-long-lived-buffer 31.4641+-1.6711 30.8785+-1.0116 might be 1.0190x faster ArrayBuffer-Int8Array-alloc-long-lived 18.1965+-0.6399 17.6185+-0.3524 might be 1.0328x faster ArrayBuffer-Int8Array-alloc 14.7727+-0.6764 ? 15.2650+-0.6896 ? might be 1.0333x slower asmjs_bool_bug 8.6519+-0.2542 ? 8.8760+-0.0704 ? might be 1.0259x slower assign-custom-setter-polymorphic 4.1858+-0.2676 ? 4.3130+-0.2572 ? might be 1.0304x slower assign-custom-setter 5.5167+-0.1192 ? 5.7490+-0.3685 ? might be 1.0421x slower basic-set 12.0677+-0.7982 ? 12.1724+-1.1298 ? big-int-mul 5.8854+-0.1857 5.8082+-0.0705 might be 1.0133x faster boolean-test 4.2779+-0.1599 ? 4.2858+-0.1392 ? branch-fold 4.5418+-0.1031 4.5170+-0.1101 by-val-generic 10.5391+-0.3707 10.3704+-0.3631 might be 1.0163x faster call-spread-apply 38.1520+-0.3590 ? 38.3762+-0.4559 ? call-spread-call 31.2108+-0.5891 ? 32.4387+-1.0109 ? might be 1.0393x slower captured-assignments 0.6692+-0.1344 0.5956+-0.0174 might be 1.1236x faster cast-int-to-double 7.9827+-0.1051 ? 8.0383+-0.1423 ? cell-argument 9.9896+-0.2085 9.6338+-0.2406 might be 1.0369x faster cfg-simplify 3.8142+-0.1592 3.7432+-0.1689 might be 1.0190x faster chain-getter-access 12.8196+-0.3107 12.5627+-0.3381 might be 1.0205x faster cmpeq-obj-to-obj-other 12.8207+-0.3511 12.3666+-0.1346 might be 1.0367x faster constant-test 7.7104+-0.0303 7.7099+-0.2069 DataView-custom-properties 52.5458+-1.6199 52.1561+-1.1635 deconstructing-parameters-overridden-by-function 0.6597+-0.0540 ? 0.7322+-0.1204 ? might be 1.1098x slower delay-tear-off-arguments-strictmode 18.2257+-0.4120 17.9365+-0.6645 might be 1.0161x faster deltablue-varargs 254.4942+-0.8587 253.9927+-1.6571 destructuring-arguments 21.9846+-0.9608 21.5901+-0.4653 might be 1.0183x faster destructuring-swap 7.7175+-0.1992 7.5710+-0.2007 might be 1.0193x faster direct-arguments-getbyval 1.6735+-0.3017 1.6089+-0.2210 might be 1.0402x faster div-boolean-double 5.4830+-0.0380 5.4534+-0.0657 div-boolean 9.7524+-0.3141 ? 10.0162+-0.7273 ? might be 1.0270x slower double-get-by-val-out-of-bounds 5.9034+-0.2713 5.8295+-0.3233 might be 1.0127x faster double-pollution-getbyval 9.6308+-0.0852 ? 9.6587+-0.0869 ? double-pollution-putbyoffset 5.6658+-0.2050 5.4334+-0.0823 might be 1.0428x faster double-to-int32-typed-array-no-inline 2.8679+-0.1750 2.8409+-0.0569 double-to-int32-typed-array 2.5750+-0.1209 2.5121+-0.2444 might be 1.0250x faster double-to-uint32-typed-array-no-inline 2.9506+-0.1768 2.8598+-0.1137 might be 1.0318x faster double-to-uint32-typed-array 2.6248+-0.2014 2.5562+-0.2764 might be 1.0268x faster elidable-new-object-dag 53.5914+-2.1758 ? 54.7012+-0.5511 ? might be 1.0207x slower elidable-new-object-roflcopter 60.0373+-1.0048 ? 61.2685+-3.8601 ? might be 1.0205x slower elidable-new-object-then-call 49.9273+-0.6477 ? 51.3052+-4.6629 ? might be 1.0276x slower elidable-new-object-tree 62.7932+-2.2728 ? 63.3803+-1.2700 ? empty-string-plus-int 7.8111+-0.8130 7.5113+-0.1331 might be 1.0399x faster emscripten-cube2hash 45.8065+-0.6495 45.5851+-0.3545 exit-length-on-plain-object 18.6224+-0.9350 18.2084+-0.1710 might be 1.0227x faster external-arguments-getbyval 1.6069+-0.2165 ? 1.6377+-0.2322 ? might be 1.0191x slower external-arguments-putbyval 3.1582+-0.0960 3.1353+-0.1402 fixed-typed-array-storage-var-index 1.6036+-0.0683 ? 1.6140+-0.0984 ? fixed-typed-array-storage 1.2448+-0.0686 ? 1.2580+-0.1126 ? might be 1.0106x slower Float32Array-matrix-mult 5.5953+-0.4266 ? 5.8602+-0.1288 ? might be 1.0473x slower Float32Array-to-Float64Array-set 76.1929+-2.0861 ^ 73.2643+-0.7217 ^ definitely 1.0400x faster Float64Array-alloc-long-lived 94.8882+-0.6911 ? 94.9725+-0.8642 ? Float64Array-to-Int16Array-set 93.0118+-1.7230 90.8748+-0.5644 might be 1.0235x faster fold-double-to-int 21.1389+-0.2439 20.6805+-0.4525 might be 1.0222x faster fold-get-by-id-to-multi-get-by-offset-rare-int 10.2410+-0.4324 ? 10.2935+-0.4249 ? fold-get-by-id-to-multi-get-by-offset 8.8654+-0.3321 8.7839+-0.0885 fold-multi-get-by-offset-to-get-by-offset 8.3119+-0.1984 7.9435+-0.6802 might be 1.0464x faster fold-multi-get-by-offset-to-poly-get-by-offset 8.1984+-0.9096 ? 8.5048+-0.7894 ? might be 1.0374x slower fold-multi-put-by-offset-to-poly-put-by-offset 7.6902+-0.5176 7.4689+-0.6514 might be 1.0296x faster fold-multi-put-by-offset-to-put-by-offset 6.0045+-0.6261 5.7327+-0.0566 might be 1.0474x faster fold-multi-put-by-offset-to-replace-or-transition-put-by-offset 13.0771+-0.6161 12.4858+-1.1034 might be 1.0474x faster fold-put-by-id-to-multi-put-by-offset 8.3672+-0.7281 ? 8.6194+-0.9868 ? might be 1.0301x slower fold-put-structure 6.6268+-0.7340 6.2125+-0.5052 might be 1.0667x faster for-of-iterate-array-entries 5.9680+-0.2351 ? 6.1136+-0.3016 ? might be 1.0244x slower for-of-iterate-array-keys 5.2305+-0.2964 5.0605+-0.0676 might be 1.0336x faster for-of-iterate-array-values 4.9684+-0.4375 4.8618+-0.1844 might be 1.0219x faster fround 22.4473+-0.6490 22.0413+-0.7953 might be 1.0184x faster ftl-library-inlining-dataview 93.8133+-8.6699 88.9852+-1.0090 might be 1.0543x faster ftl-library-inlining 88.0909+-0.5338 ! 116.3621+-3.3117 ! definitely 1.3209x slower function-dot-apply 2.7095+-0.1413 ? 2.7184+-0.1057 ? function-test 4.6163+-0.0905 ? 4.7555+-0.1810 ? might be 1.0302x slower function-with-eval 123.2970+-0.9951 ^ 118.8639+-1.5411 ^ definitely 1.0373x faster gcse-poly-get-less-obvious 24.7757+-0.2264 24.6990+-0.3516 gcse-poly-get 24.6593+-0.3261 ? 24.7603+-0.6875 ? gcse 6.4606+-0.0756 ? 6.4918+-0.2826 ? get-by-id-bimorphic-check-structure-elimination-simple 3.3533+-0.1081 ? 3.3822+-0.1221 ? get-by-id-bimorphic-check-structure-elimination 8.3935+-0.1395 8.3004+-0.3267 might be 1.0112x faster get-by-id-chain-from-try-block 11.9385+-0.9309 11.5757+-0.3415 might be 1.0313x faster get-by-id-check-structure-elimination 7.5258+-0.1166 7.5239+-0.3075 get-by-id-proto-or-self 22.7253+-1.2004 ? 23.1209+-0.9905 ? might be 1.0174x slower get-by-id-quadmorphic-check-structure-elimination-simple 4.1005+-0.3572 4.0055+-0.1036 might be 1.0237x faster get-by-id-self-or-proto 23.3521+-0.8623 22.3182+-1.0162 might be 1.0463x faster get-by-val-out-of-bounds 5.5530+-0.1447 ? 5.5720+-0.2159 ? get_callee_monomorphic 4.7485+-0.1824 ? 4.9684+-0.3483 ? might be 1.0463x slower get_callee_polymorphic 4.4400+-0.3194 ? 4.5151+-0.2141 ? might be 1.0169x slower getter-no-activation 5.6628+-0.1651 ? 5.8127+-0.1378 ? might be 1.0265x slower getter-richards 127.1050+-6.3940 125.7343+-2.9919 might be 1.0109x faster getter 7.4930+-0.1442 7.4644+-0.1581 global-var-const-infer-fire-from-opt 1.2510+-0.2971 ? 1.4047+-0.2983 ? might be 1.1229x slower global-var-const-infer 1.1983+-0.2472 1.1628+-0.1425 might be 1.0305x faster HashMap-put-get-iterate-keys 35.0887+-0.4482 34.4258+-0.6579 might be 1.0193x faster HashMap-put-get-iterate 34.8667+-0.7375 34.1568+-0.7734 might be 1.0208x faster HashMap-string-put-get-iterate 35.0436+-1.7596 ? 35.4054+-1.8732 ? might be 1.0103x slower hoist-make-rope 14.7690+-2.3793 ? 14.8574+-0.8360 ? hoist-poly-check-structure-effectful-loop 6.7942+-0.1990 ? 6.9172+-0.1839 ? might be 1.0181x slower hoist-poly-check-structure 4.9361+-0.1496 ? 4.9918+-0.2323 ? might be 1.0113x slower imul-double-only 10.3059+-0.9879 9.9948+-0.1305 might be 1.0311x faster imul-int-only 12.4103+-1.1218 12.3260+-0.9415 imul-mixed 9.8901+-0.5659 ? 10.2966+-0.8740 ? might be 1.0411x slower in-four-cases 23.8143+-0.6293 ? 23.8658+-0.1648 ? in-one-case-false 12.4968+-0.1195 12.3926+-0.0858 in-one-case-true 12.4893+-0.2553 ? 12.5048+-0.2592 ? in-two-cases 12.9935+-0.1397 12.9724+-0.1209 indexed-properties-in-objects 3.7130+-0.0873 ? 3.7607+-0.1883 ? might be 1.0128x slower infer-closure-const-then-mov-no-inline 4.2790+-0.1037 4.2761+-0.1461 infer-closure-const-then-mov 20.7541+-0.5123 ? 21.3935+-1.6055 ? might be 1.0308x slower infer-closure-const-then-put-to-scope-no-inline 14.4138+-0.2711 14.3137+-0.0935 infer-closure-const-then-put-to-scope 28.1136+-0.9032 27.9778+-0.2671 infer-closure-const-then-reenter-no-inline 67.5102+-0.5659 ? 67.5370+-0.9558 ? infer-closure-const-then-reenter 149.7248+-0.8179 149.4867+-0.5578 infer-constant-global-property 37.2645+-0.2518 ? 37.4317+-0.7846 ? infer-constant-property 3.2803+-0.1010 ? 3.2847+-0.1904 ? infer-one-time-closure-ten-vars 15.1195+-0.2200 14.7386+-0.4190 might be 1.0258x faster infer-one-time-closure-two-vars 14.1717+-0.5029 14.1415+-0.7512 infer-one-time-closure 14.2391+-0.4259 ? 14.3198+-0.3783 ? infer-one-time-deep-closure 24.5686+-0.3975 ? 24.7173+-0.8607 ? inline-arguments-access 5.4758+-0.2113 5.3972+-0.1098 might be 1.0146x faster inline-arguments-aliased-access 5.4705+-0.3731 5.3597+-0.1792 might be 1.0207x faster inline-arguments-local-escape 5.7104+-0.2117 5.6591+-0.1959 inline-get-scoped-var 5.6605+-0.1330 ? 5.7246+-0.0675 ? might be 1.0113x slower inlined-put-by-id-transition 14.3009+-0.4855 ? 14.4254+-0.0910 ? int-or-other-abs-then-get-by-val 6.8181+-0.3051 ? 6.9564+-0.2427 ? might be 1.0203x slower int-or-other-abs-zero-then-get-by-val 27.4595+-0.4265 27.3370+-1.0519 int-or-other-add-then-get-by-val 5.9669+-0.1815 5.8682+-0.3437 might be 1.0168x faster int-or-other-add 7.8913+-0.2085 ? 7.8965+-0.1797 ? int-or-other-div-then-get-by-val 5.1285+-0.1979 ? 5.1613+-0.2242 ? int-or-other-max-then-get-by-val 5.2114+-0.1345 5.1863+-0.1663 int-or-other-min-then-get-by-val 5.1469+-0.1182 ? 5.1963+-0.2686 ? int-or-other-mod-then-get-by-val 5.0132+-0.2768 ? 5.0950+-0.1925 ? might be 1.0163x slower int-or-other-mul-then-get-by-val 5.0471+-0.0994 ? 5.0905+-0.2438 ? int-or-other-neg-then-get-by-val 6.3703+-0.3817 ? 6.4604+-0.2417 ? might be 1.0142x slower int-or-other-neg-zero-then-get-by-val 27.8058+-0.6001 27.2402+-0.8259 might be 1.0208x faster int-or-other-sub-then-get-by-val 18.8475+-0.6523 ^ 6.0399+-0.1927 ^ definitely 3.1205x faster int-or-other-sub 7.6725+-0.1986 ^ 4.6757+-0.1486 ^ definitely 1.6409x faster int-overflow-local 5.9067+-0.3719 5.6765+-0.3678 might be 1.0405x faster Int16Array-alloc-long-lived 64.1351+-0.5376 ? 64.4781+-1.1637 ? Int16Array-bubble-sort-with-byteLength 37.4631+-0.4379 ? 37.6722+-0.8407 ? Int16Array-bubble-sort 37.0704+-0.2780 ? 37.1110+-0.4503 ? Int16Array-load-int-mul 1.8980+-0.0564 ? 2.0156+-0.1415 ? might be 1.0619x slower Int16Array-to-Int32Array-set 75.1518+-3.3682 73.3477+-1.1094 might be 1.0246x faster Int32Array-alloc-large 33.8190+-0.7424 ? 34.1107+-0.8631 ? Int32Array-alloc-long-lived 73.0798+-1.5685 ? 73.5154+-0.6814 ? Int32Array-alloc 4.4828+-0.2276 4.4022+-0.1515 might be 1.0183x faster Int32Array-Int8Array-view-alloc 9.3644+-0.2065 9.2097+-0.2420 might be 1.0168x faster int52-spill 8.1042+-0.3437 ? 8.2597+-0.2315 ? might be 1.0192x slower Int8Array-alloc-long-lived 58.6620+-1.0601 ? 58.9169+-1.7988 ? Int8Array-load-with-byteLength 4.7340+-0.1170 4.6935+-0.0990 Int8Array-load 4.7839+-0.1333 4.7475+-0.0551 integer-divide 14.0746+-0.3540 ? 14.1302+-0.1040 ? integer-modulo 2.8842+-0.0659 ^ 2.7377+-0.0278 ^ definitely 1.0535x faster large-int-captured 7.9919+-0.4517 ? 8.0541+-0.2873 ? large-int-neg 20.3979+-0.3046 ? 20.4384+-0.3659 ? large-int 18.4594+-0.4631 18.0730+-0.3964 might be 1.0214x faster logical-not 6.3566+-0.2756 ? 6.3818+-0.6244 ? lots-of-fields 18.8129+-0.7254 ? 19.3470+-0.7800 ? might be 1.0284x slower make-indexed-storage 4.2089+-0.5249 4.0932+-0.5043 might be 1.0283x faster make-rope-cse 6.0540+-0.0626 ? 6.1915+-0.1327 ? might be 1.0227x slower marsaglia-larger-ints 55.3675+-0.6090 ? 55.6903+-0.7850 ? marsaglia-osr-entry 28.0812+-0.5274 27.6150+-0.2404 might be 1.0169x faster max-boolean 3.3295+-0.1532 3.2437+-0.1216 might be 1.0265x faster method-on-number 23.9301+-1.2571 22.8285+-0.2832 might be 1.0483x faster min-boolean 3.2474+-0.1017 3.1565+-0.0742 might be 1.0288x faster minus-boolean-double 4.2600+-0.5628 4.1343+-0.1595 might be 1.0304x faster minus-boolean 3.2106+-0.1140 3.2090+-0.1236 misc-strict-eq 51.4467+-1.4982 ? 55.2245+-6.5439 ? might be 1.0734x slower mod-boolean-double 11.6617+-0.1987 ? 11.6903+-0.2406 ? mod-boolean 8.8420+-0.1435 ? 9.0066+-0.1951 ? might be 1.0186x slower mul-boolean-double 4.8557+-0.0796 4.8205+-0.0869 mul-boolean 3.5005+-0.1472 3.4625+-0.0808 might be 1.0110x faster neg-boolean 4.3387+-0.1174 ? 4.3752+-0.2245 ? negative-zero-divide 0.5305+-0.1387 0.5135+-0.1195 might be 1.0330x faster negative-zero-modulo 0.5573+-0.1167 0.5022+-0.0948 might be 1.1097x faster negative-zero-negate 0.4926+-0.1053 0.4684+-0.0665 might be 1.0515x faster nested-function-parsing 55.1633+-0.7064 ? 55.1648+-0.9367 ? new-array-buffer-dead 3.7546+-0.1840 ? 3.9039+-0.1974 ? might be 1.0398x slower new-array-buffer-push 9.1025+-0.9154 ? 9.1210+-0.3576 ? new-array-dead 14.2250+-1.3434 ? 14.5283+-0.9260 ? might be 1.0213x slower new-array-push 5.4955+-0.1382 ^ 5.1141+-0.1686 ^ definitely 1.0746x faster number-test 4.3293+-0.2425 4.2377+-0.1684 might be 1.0216x faster object-closure-call 7.6861+-0.3225 ? 7.7908+-0.1708 ? might be 1.0136x slower object-test 4.5288+-0.1318 4.5063+-0.1994 obvious-sink-pathology-taken 171.6553+-1.7369 170.8647+-1.9718 obvious-sink-pathology 161.8836+-2.0776 161.7612+-2.4071 obviously-elidable-new-object 48.7735+-0.4591 47.2975+-4.5013 might be 1.0312x faster plus-boolean-arith 3.3005+-0.1207 3.2618+-0.1643 might be 1.0119x faster plus-boolean-double 4.2078+-0.1095 4.1800+-0.1123 plus-boolean 3.1017+-0.0977 ? 3.1623+-0.1242 ? might be 1.0195x slower poly-chain-access-different-prototypes-simple 3.8408+-0.0528 ? 3.8747+-0.0563 ? poly-chain-access-different-prototypes 3.0356+-0.1390 ? 3.0720+-0.0446 ? might be 1.0120x slower poly-chain-access-simpler 3.8655+-0.1029 ? 3.8673+-0.0686 ? poly-chain-access 3.1157+-0.1243 ? 3.1852+-0.0707 ? might be 1.0223x slower poly-stricteq 68.2395+-0.8655 ? 68.3802+-1.7879 ? polymorphic-array-call 1.9282+-0.3314 ? 2.1507+-0.6913 ? might be 1.1154x slower polymorphic-get-by-id 4.1381+-0.2315 4.1018+-0.0365 polymorphic-put-by-id 39.7392+-5.1480 38.6070+-1.5256 might be 1.0293x faster polymorphic-structure 21.5836+-0.5070 ? 21.8079+-0.2730 ? might be 1.0104x slower polyvariant-monomorphic-get-by-id 12.0316+-0.1796 ? 12.0905+-0.4013 ? proto-getter-access 12.7004+-0.5697 ? 12.9565+-0.2990 ? might be 1.0202x slower put-by-id-replace-and-transition 11.6949+-0.6485 11.2933+-0.4281 might be 1.0356x faster put-by-id-slightly-polymorphic 3.5920+-0.0628 3.5890+-0.1330 put-by-id 17.8708+-0.7970 ? 18.0135+-0.4763 ? put-by-val-direct 0.8674+-0.1296 ? 0.9542+-0.1297 ? might be 1.1001x slower put-by-val-large-index-blank-indexing-type 8.2989+-0.4746 8.0515+-0.2998 might be 1.0307x faster put-by-val-machine-int 3.3589+-0.2847 ? 3.4321+-0.1898 ? might be 1.0218x slower rare-osr-exit-on-local 18.3589+-0.4516 ? 18.4135+-0.5239 ? register-pressure-from-osr 26.3456+-0.3462 ? 26.6462+-0.2505 ? might be 1.0114x slower setter 6.5180+-0.1202 6.3528+-0.1910 might be 1.0260x faster simple-activation-demo 30.4738+-0.4146 30.4636+-0.2942 simple-getter-access 17.9427+-0.3504 17.8651+-0.3494 simple-poly-call-nested 10.2398+-0.1446 10.1982+-0.1371 simple-poly-call 1.6949+-0.1380 ? 1.7061+-0.1586 ? sin-boolean 25.6973+-3.4941 ? 26.7427+-0.7091 ? might be 1.0407x slower sinkable-new-object-dag 93.8912+-0.9466 93.8262+-1.1859 sinkable-new-object-taken 69.4092+-4.0019 ? 71.3421+-3.1705 ? might be 1.0278x slower sinkable-new-object 52.0214+-1.3884 ? 52.5345+-2.4065 ? slow-array-profile-convergence 3.7615+-0.2001 3.7219+-0.3554 might be 1.0106x faster slow-convergence 4.5020+-0.2110 ? 4.5172+-0.3806 ? sorting-benchmark 27.5936+-0.4104 27.4783+-0.1325 sparse-conditional 1.6474+-0.0508 ? 1.6595+-0.1026 ? splice-to-remove 21.5546+-0.5115 ? 22.0516+-0.3950 ? might be 1.0231x slower string-char-code-at 19.7233+-0.7865 19.5958+-0.4246 string-concat-object 3.0151+-0.2714 2.9204+-0.1451 might be 1.0324x faster string-concat-pair-object 2.9481+-0.1991 ? 3.0450+-0.2730 ? might be 1.0329x slower string-concat-pair-simple 15.7651+-0.6478 ? 15.9643+-0.3087 ? might be 1.0126x slower string-concat-simple 16.6523+-0.8233 16.1683+-0.6011 might be 1.0299x faster string-cons-repeat 10.5820+-0.1111 10.4332+-0.2480 might be 1.0143x faster string-cons-tower 10.4177+-0.2758 ? 10.5896+-0.5630 ? might be 1.0165x slower string-equality 20.8058+-0.2457 ? 21.1415+-0.5101 ? might be 1.0161x slower string-get-by-val-big-char 9.6390+-0.1830 ? 9.7580+-0.3748 ? might be 1.0123x slower string-get-by-val-out-of-bounds-insane 5.4898+-0.7633 5.2135+-0.1751 might be 1.0530x faster string-get-by-val-out-of-bounds 6.7663+-0.2174 ? 6.7776+-0.2243 ? string-get-by-val 4.7082+-0.0323 ? 4.7654+-0.0613 ? might be 1.0121x slower string-hash 2.7150+-0.1256 ? 2.7318+-0.1723 ? string-long-ident-equality 17.2205+-0.3060 ? 17.4904+-0.3058 ? might be 1.0157x slower string-out-of-bounds 17.6560+-0.8377 17.4520+-0.3288 might be 1.0117x faster string-repeat-arith 41.5208+-0.4424 ? 42.8428+-5.6094 ? might be 1.0318x slower string-sub 79.8868+-0.6080 79.1179+-0.9155 string-test 4.2327+-0.2434 4.2130+-0.1163 string-var-equality 44.7887+-0.5200 ? 44.8480+-0.3547 ? structure-hoist-over-transitions 3.3317+-0.1682 ? 3.3561+-0.1026 ? substring-concat-weird 53.6677+-0.7359 53.3647+-0.3814 substring-concat 56.4335+-0.5045 55.6010+-0.3505 might be 1.0150x faster substring 63.0771+-0.5481 ^ 61.2958+-0.5115 ^ definitely 1.0291x faster switch-char-constant 3.3964+-0.1214 ? 3.4205+-0.1579 ? switch-char 7.9070+-0.1129 ? 7.9178+-0.0767 ? switch-constant 10.8323+-0.6342 ? 10.9756+-0.6284 ? might be 1.0132x slower switch-string-basic-big-var 25.6546+-2.3879 ? 25.6681+-1.2623 ? switch-string-basic-big 18.7395+-1.2329 18.1890+-0.5983 might be 1.0303x faster switch-string-basic-var 26.6420+-3.8777 ? 29.2478+-2.1044 ? might be 1.0978x slower switch-string-basic 19.7865+-0.5653 ? 20.0808+-1.0570 ? might be 1.0149x slower switch-string-big-length-tower-var 25.0721+-0.2097 ? 25.1670+-0.4176 ? switch-string-length-tower-var 20.0525+-0.4586 ? 20.0748+-0.1524 ? switch-string-length-tower 17.2461+-4.7688 ? 17.3765+-4.4080 ? switch-string-short 14.9811+-0.7628 14.5292+-0.2552 might be 1.0311x faster switch 14.3185+-0.4458 14.2857+-0.1213 tear-off-arguments-simple 4.2345+-0.0786 ? 4.3016+-0.2498 ? might be 1.0158x slower tear-off-arguments 6.1191+-0.2002 6.0267+-0.1156 might be 1.0153x faster temporal-structure 17.1265+-1.0390 16.8425+-0.1970 might be 1.0169x faster to-int32-boolean 20.9338+-0.1894 ? 21.0963+-0.0602 ? try-catch-get-by-val-cloned-arguments 18.5468+-0.3712 18.4890+-0.7229 try-catch-get-by-val-direct-arguments 7.9125+-0.4297 7.6967+-0.3327 might be 1.0280x faster try-catch-get-by-val-scoped-arguments 9.8092+-0.3226 ? 10.0986+-1.0971 ? might be 1.0295x slower undefined-property-access 471.5936+-6.9891 469.7192+-2.9550 undefined-test 4.4830+-0.2091 4.4700+-0.1649 unprofiled-licm 27.2985+-0.2025 ? 27.3394+-0.7271 ? varargs-call 18.1284+-0.3566 17.8185+-0.3277 might be 1.0174x faster varargs-construct-inline 29.7478+-0.4445 29.2712+-0.3339 might be 1.0163x faster varargs-construct 42.1095+-1.0884 ? 42.4069+-0.4350 ? varargs-inline 11.1242+-0.2998 ? 11.3067+-0.1578 ? might be 1.0164x slower varargs-strict-mode 12.9892+-0.1725 12.9866+-0.5872 varargs 13.1182+-0.2032 13.0960+-0.2089 weird-inlining-const-prop 2.9144+-0.0554 2.9091+-0.2504 <geometric> 11.1086+-0.0598 11.0317+-0.0297 might be 1.0070x faster 143582 Baseline AsmBench: bigfib.cpp 667.3652+-6.7131 ? 669.4995+-15.2721 ? cray.c 625.1473+-2.1646 623.4245+-4.4124 dry.c 645.6097+-15.3710 ? 651.7583+-16.1842 ? FloatMM.c 949.4996+-0.7359 ? 949.9029+-1.9270 ? gcc-loops.cpp 5829.1793+-17.0083 5819.0223+-15.1316 n-body.c 1670.8822+-2.0515 1669.2583+-4.9243 Quicksort.c 586.3422+-3.0808 585.5504+-0.5038 stepanov_container.cpp 4847.9328+-15.9948 4842.5245+-21.9571 Towers.c 383.0115+-1.6648 ^ 377.7148+-1.3582 ^ definitely 1.0140x faster <geometric> 1117.2167+-1.7729 1116.1209+-4.0759 might be 1.0010x faster 143582 Baseline CompressionBench: huffman 505.6462+-5.2758 ? 509.1373+-0.9154 ? arithmetic-simple 526.3203+-3.0629 525.8661+-4.1828 arithmetic-precise 397.4643+-2.9002 ? 399.1771+-5.7526 ? arithmetic-complex-precise 393.1271+-2.3906 ? 397.1610+-4.5703 ? might be 1.0103x slower arithmetic-precise-order-0 576.5404+-11.9738 ? 577.5720+-11.5825 ? arithmetic-precise-order-1 417.4902+-4.2838 416.9048+-4.7199 arithmetic-precise-order-2 470.8320+-3.8804 ? 477.1902+-10.6764 ? might be 1.0135x slower arithmetic-simple-order-1 526.4678+-1.6065 525.2267+-3.9598 arithmetic-simple-order-2 588.8906+-1.9394 588.8398+-2.8140 lz-string 417.9329+-3.0647 ? 422.1351+-19.7194 ? might be 1.0101x slower <geometric> 477.0594+-0.3531 ? 479.0459+-3.5216 ? might be 1.0042x slower 143582 Baseline 143582 Baseline Geomean of preferred means: <scaled-result> 62.5561+-0.0766 62.4059+-0.0914 might be 1.0024x faster
Geoffrey Garen
Comment 4
2015-04-09 16:08:12 PDT
Comment on
attachment 250476
Patch View in context:
> Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGGraph.h:246 > +#if 0 > + add->child1()->shouldSpeculateInt32OrBoolean(), > + add->child2()->shouldSpeculateInt32OrBoolean(), > +#else > add->child1()->shouldSpeculateInt32OrBooleanForArithmetic(), > add->child2()->shouldSpeculateInt32OrBooleanForArithmetic(), > +#endif
Are you sure this is the right patch?
Michael Saboff
Comment 5
2015-04-09 16:11:09 PDT
attachment 250482
Patch. Posted a debug version. This is the real patch.
Geoffrey Garen
Comment 6
2015-04-09 16:20:37 PDT
Comment on
attachment 250482
Patch. View in context:
> Source/JavaScriptCore/ChangeLog:9 > + The fixup phase handling of ArithAdd and ArithSub nodes was setting them to SpeculateInt32 even > + when the inputs weren't numbers. In this case SpecObjectOther. Changed to use
Is it appropriate to have an ArithAdd or ArithSub in the graph with a SpecObjectOther input? My understanding was that ArithAdd was limited to adds that were known to do arithmetic. But an object might produce a string, causing non-arithmetic. It seems like we should not have produced an ArithAdd or not have produced a SpecObjectOther in the first place. If you read AbstractInterpreter::executeEffects(), you'll see that it ASSERTs if the input to ArithAdd or ArithSub is not int32, int52, or double. Why does that ASSERT not fire in this case (with or without your patch)?
Michael Saboff
Comment 7
2015-04-09 17:16:42 PDT
(In reply to
comment #6
> Comment on
attachment 250482
> Patch. > > View in context: >
> > > Source/JavaScriptCore/ChangeLog:9 > > + The fixup phase handling of ArithAdd and ArithSub nodes was setting them to SpeculateInt32 even > > + when the inputs weren't numbers. In this case SpecObjectOther. Changed to use > > Is it appropriate to have an ArithAdd or ArithSub in the graph with a > SpecObjectOther input? My understanding was that ArithAdd was limited to > adds that were known to do arithmetic. But an object might produce a string, > causing non-arithmetic. It seems like we should not have produced an > ArithAdd or not have produced a SpecObjectOther in the first place. > > If you read AbstractInterpreter::executeEffects(), you'll see that it > ASSERTs if the input to ArithAdd or ArithSub is not int32, int52, or double. > Why does that ASSERT not fire in this case (with or without your patch)?
Without my patch, the Fixup Phase set the use kids for both children to Int32. Here is the node as it appears after Mixup (which is before any phase that uses the abstract interpreter): 82:< 1:-> ArithSub(Check:Int32:@78, Check:Int32:@81, Number|UseAsOther|IsFlushed, Int32, CheckOverflow, bc#108) After my patch, the Fixup Phase set the use kind for both children to DoubleRep and inserted DoubleRep nodes: 169:< 1:-> DoubleRep(Check:Number:@78, Double|PureInt, Bytecodedouble, bc#108) 170:< 1:-> DoubleRep(Check:Number:@81, Double|PureInt, Bytecodedouble, bc#108) 82:< 1:-> ArithSub(Check:DoubleRep:@169<Double>, Check:DoubleRep:@170<Double>, Double|UseAsOther|IsFlushed, Bytecodedouble In both cases we ORS exit due to a bad type. Before the fix, the ArithSub node's check did the OSR exit. After the fix, the first DoubleRep node did the OSR exit.
Geoffrey Garen
Comment 8
2015-04-09 17:49:57 PDT
It seems valid for an arithmetic node to speculate int32 for an object. The point is that the node can't handle the object, so it might as well OSR exit with an int32 check -- that's just as good as OSR exiting with a double check, or any other check. This bug seems more low-level to me: Once the compiler decides the speculate int32, why does the back-end ASSERT? And why does it only ASSERT in the 32_64 back-end? I think the answer must lie there.
Geoffrey Garen
Comment 9
2015-04-09 17:52:00 PDT
In general, the compiler should be able to speculate whatever it wants, even if suboptimal, without getting incorrect codegen. The whole point of speculation is that you're allowed to be wrong without crashing.
Michael Saboff
Comment 10
2015-04-09 18:16:24 PDT
Comment on
attachment 250482
Patch. This patch "fixes" the issue because we convert the Object to a Double, thus silencing the ASSERT. We really need to see why we are spilling DataFormatCell on 32 bit and DataFormatJS on 64 bit. Then go from there to address the spill / fill mismatch.
Michael Saboff
Comment 11
2015-04-10 15:06:19 PDT
I have a reduced test case: function benchmark(f, array) { var start = new Date; f.call(array); var end = new Date; return end - start; } f is Array.prototype.sort. Replacing the f.call with array.sort() and the problem doesn't reproduce. The relevant parts of graph at byte code parsing is: Block #0 (bc#0): ... 26:<!0:-> Construct(@21, @21, JS|MustGen|VarArgs|PureInt, R:World, W:Heap, bc#21) predicting Otherobj 27:< 1:-> MovHint(@26, loc1, W:SideState, bc#21) 28:< 1:-> SetLocal(@26, loc1(K~/FlushedJSValue), W:Stack(-2), bc#21, exit: bc#30) predicting None ... Block #3 (bc#75): ... 69:<!0:-> Construct(@64, @64, JS|MustGen|VarArgs|PureInt, R:World, W:Heap, bc#93) predicting Otherobj ... 72:< 1:-> GetLocal(JS|PureInt, loc1(BB~/FlushedJSValue), R:Stack(-2), bc#102) predicting None 73:< 1:-> ArithSub(@69, @72, Number|PureInt, NotSet, bc#102) ... It appears that the CFG needs to modify the graph for the problem to reproduce. After control flow simplification: Block #0 (bc#0): ... 26:<!0:-> Construct(@21, @21, JS|MustGen|VarArgs|UseAsOther, Otherobj, R:World, W:Heap, bc#21) predicting Otherobj 27:< 1:-> MovHint(@26, loc1, W:SideState, bc#21) 87:<!0:-> InvalidationPoint(MustGen, W:SideState, bc#21, exit: bc#30) 28:< 1:-> SetLocal(Check:Cell:@26, loc1(K<Object>/FlushedCell), W:Stack(-2), bc#21, exit: bc#30) predicting Otherobj ... 69:<!0:-> Construct(@64, @64, JS|MustGen|VarArgs|UseAsOther, Otherobj, R:World, W:Heap, bc#93) predicting Otherobj ... exit: bc#102) predicting Otherobj 72:< 1:-> GetLocal(@79, JS|UseAsOther, Otherobj, loc1(K<Object>/FlushedCell), R:Stack(-2), bc#102) predicting Otherobj 73:< 1:-> ArithSub(Check:Int32:@69, Check:Int32:@72, Number|UseAsOther, Int32, CheckOverflow, bc#102) The subsequent local CSE phase removes the 72:GetLocal and replaced with 26. The flush format though is established by the SetLocal for node 26 which is node 28. During the mixup phase, the flush format is determined for SetLocals. For 32 bit builds, the flush format for node 28 is: 28:< 1:-> SetLocal(Check:Cell:@26, loc1(K<Object>/FlushedCell), W:Stack(-2), bc#21, exit: bc#30) predicting Otherobj For 64 bit builds, the same node's flush format is: 28:< 1:-> SetLocal(@26, loc1(K~<Object>/FlushedJSValue), W:Stack(-2), bc#21, exit: bc#30) predicting Otherobj Later, the SetLocal is eliminated, but the flush format is recorded in the GenerationInfo for the corresponding VirtualRegister. More debugging.
Michael Saboff
Comment 12
2015-04-10 15:23:51 PDT
The bug is due to the Fixup phase. Specifically the code: bool alwaysUnboxSimplePrimitives() { #if USE(JSVALUE64) return false; #else // Any boolean, int, or cell value is profitable to unbox on 32-bit because it // reduces traffic. return true; #endif } The function observeUseKindOnNode() in that class uses alwaysUnboxSimplePrimitives() to decide whether or not it is profitable to unbox. For 32 bit we'll unbox and 64 bit we don't (because we don't need to).
Michael Saboff
Comment 13
2015-04-10 16:31:03 PDT
attachment 250539
Updated Patch
Mark Lam
Comment 14
2015-04-10 16:47:10 PDT
Comment on
attachment 250539
Updated Patch r=me
Michael Saboff
Comment 15
2015-04-10 17:01:35 PDT
: <
Michael Saboff
Comment 16
2015-04-10 18:17:57 PDT
Discussed this with Geoff and he questioned the validity of adding this hard OSR exit for the case where we have a DataFormatCell spill format. He requested that I research the intent of the ASSERT_UNUSED(spillFormat, (spillFormat & DataFormatJS) || spillFormat == DataFormatInt32); That ASSERT was added in change set <
> when changes were made to spill unboxed values in DFG 32_64. That change was to make the 32_64 patch similar to the DFG 64 path. In addition to spilling unboxed integers and booleans just like the DFG 64 path, it also could spill unboxed Cells. The DFG 64 change set that allowed for the spilling of unboxed integers and doubles was <
>. In that change set the related ASSERT firing for this bug was ASSERT(spillFormat & DataFormatJS) and an additional check allowing for the format to also be DataFormatInteger was added. That ASSERT appears to have been copied to change set 103792 without any consideration for unboxed Cell values, which are unique to 32_64. Prior to both of those changes, both DFG 64 and DFG 32_64 the fillSpeculateInteger code only ASSERTed that the spill format was DataFormatJS and did not check for other formats.
Geoffrey Garen
Comment 17
2015-04-13 13:46:53 PDT
Comment on
attachment 250539
Updated Patch View in context:
> Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGSpeculativeJIT32_64.cpp:872 > + if (spillFormat == DataFormatCell) {
Why don't we need to check DataFormatBoolean here? Why doesn't SpeculativeJIT::fillSpeculateCell need to check DataFormatBoolean?
Geoffrey Garen
Comment 18
2015-04-13 14:01:17 PDT
When was this bug introduced?
is when this test was introduced, not this mismatch between spill and fill type. If your theory is correct -- that this bug was a simple copy-paste error in
-- then you should be able to reproduce this ASSERT as far back as
. Please try that experiment and report your result. In
bug 143645
, we have a similar ASSERT in the 64bit JIT because something spilled in an unexpected format.
Bug 143645
contradicts your theory that this problem is 32-bit only -- unless somehow the mismatch in spill and fill type in
bug 143645
is a distinct problem, despite its superficial similarity. We have ASSERTs throughout the compiler that say, "If I'm trying to fill as X, then ASSERT the spilled type is not Y". These ASSERTs seem to conflict with the behavior you noticed, in which the optimizer eliminated a SetLocal that was the only thing ensuring "not type Y". If "not type Y" is an invariant in the compiler, can you explain how SetLocal elimination avoids violating the "not type Y" invariant when it eliminates a SetLocal that changes type? If you can't explain this, then we haven't solved this bug.
Michael Saboff
Comment 19
2015-04-13 18:50:33 PDT
(In reply to
comment #18
> When was this bug introduced?
is when this test was introduced, not > this mismatch between spill and fill type. > > If your theory is correct -- that this bug was a simple copy-paste error in >
-- then you should be able to reproduce this ASSERT as far back as >
. Please try that experiment and report your result.
The farthest that I have gone back is
(12/17/13), the oldest archive build I know of, and the bug still happens with my reduced test case: DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH=. arch -i386 ./jsc --thresholdForJITAfterWarmUp\=10 --thresholdForJITSoon\=10 --thresholdForOptimizeAfterWarmUp\=20 --thresholdForOptimizeAfterLongWarmUp\=20 --thresholdForOptimizeSoon\=20 --thresholdForFTLOptimizeAfterWarmUp\=20 --thresholdForFTLOptimizeSoon\=20 ../reduced-143582.js ASSERTION FAILED: (spillFormat & DataFormatJS) || spillFormat == DataFormatInt32 /Volumes/Data/slave/syrah-debug-archive/build/OpenSource/Source/JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGSpeculativeJIT32_64.cpp(729) : GPRReg JSC::DFG::SpeculativeJIT::fillSpeculateInt32Internal(JSC::DFG::Edge, JSC::DataFormat &) [strict = false] 1 0x78742d WTFCrash 2 0x365961 JSC::X86Registers::RegisterID JSC::DFG::SpeculativeJIT::fillSpeculateInt32Internal<false>(JSC::DFG::Edge, JSC::DataFormat&) 3 0x342b62 JSC::DFG::SpeculativeJIT::fillSpeculateInt32(JSC::DFG::Edge, JSC::DataFormat&) 4 0x3157a4 JSC::DFG::SpeculateInt32Operand::gpr() 5 0x303ca5 JSC::DFG::SpeculativeJIT::compileArithSub(JSC::DFG::Node*) 6 0x34cf2f JSC::DFG::SpeculativeJIT::compile(JSC::DFG::Node*) 7 0x2f98d4 JSC::DFG::SpeculativeJIT::compileCurrentBlock() 8 0x2fa1e2 JSC::DFG::SpeculativeJIT::compile() 9 0x27ee40 JSC::DFG::JITCompiler::compileBody() 10 0x280f3c JSC::DFG::JITCompiler::compileFunction() 11 0x2e9aa2 JSC::DFG::Plan::compileInThreadImpl(JSC::DFG::LongLivedState&) 12 0x2e90f5 JSC::DFG::Plan::compileInThread(JSC::DFG::LongLivedState&) 13 0x23c114 JSC::DFG::compileImpl(JSC::VM&, JSC::CodeBlock*, JSC::DFG::CompilationMode, unsigned int, JSC::Operands<JSC::JSValue, JSC::OperandValueTraits<JSC::JSValue> > const&, WTF::PassRefPtr<JSC::DeferredCompilationCallback>, JSC::DFG::Worklist*) 14 0x23badc JSC::DFG::compile(JSC::VM&, JSC::CodeBlock*, JSC::DFG::CompilationMode, unsigned int, JSC::Operands<JSC::JSValue, JSC::OperandValueTraits<JSC::JSValue> > const&, WTF::PassRefPtr<JSC::DeferredCompilationCallback>, JSC::DFG::Worklist*) 15 0x430f2c operationOptimize 16 0x1bf9038 Segmentation fault: 11 Looking to see if we have older archived builds.
> In
bug 143645
, we have a similar ASSERT in the 64bit JIT because something > spilled in an unexpected format.
Bug 143645
contradicts your theory that > this problem is 32-bit only -- unless somehow the mismatch in spill and fill > type in
bug 143645
is a distinct problem, despite its superficial similarity. > > We have ASSERTs throughout the compiler that say, "If I'm trying to fill as > X, then ASSERT the spilled type is not Y". These ASSERTs seem to conflict > with the behavior you noticed, in which the optimizer eliminated a SetLocal > that was the only thing ensuring "not type Y". > > If "not type Y" is an invariant in the compiler, can you explain how > SetLocal elimination avoids violating the "not type Y" invariant when it > eliminates a SetLocal that changes type? If you can't explain this, then we > haven't solved this bug.
Michael Saboff
Comment 20
2015-04-14 07:53:37 PDT
(In reply to
comment #19
> (In reply to
comment #18
) > > When was this bug introduced?
is when this test was introduced, not > > this mismatch between spill and fill type. > > > > If your theory is correct -- that this bug was a simple copy-paste error in > >
-- then you should be able to reproduce this ASSERT as far back as > >
. Please try that experiment and report your result. > > The farthest that I have gone back is
(12/17/13), the oldest archive > build I know of, and the bug still happens with my reduced test case: > DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH=. arch -i386 ./jsc --thresholdForJITAfterWarmUp\=10 > --thresholdForJITSoon\=10 --thresholdForOptimizeAfterWarmUp\=20 > --thresholdForOptimizeAfterLongWarmUp\=20 --thresholdForOptimizeSoon\=20 > --thresholdForFTLOptimizeAfterWarmUp\=20 --thresholdForFTLOptimizeSoon\=20 > ../reduced-143582.js > ASSERTION FAILED: (spillFormat & DataFormatJS) || spillFormat == > DataFormatInt32 > /Volumes/Data/slave/syrah-debug-archive/build/OpenSource/Source/ > JavaScriptCore/dfg/DFGSpeculativeJIT32_64.cpp(729) : GPRReg > JSC::DFG::SpeculativeJIT::fillSpeculateInt32Internal(JSC::DFG::Edge, > JSC::DataFormat &) [strict = false] > 1 0x78742d WTFCrash > 2 0x365961 JSC::X86Registers::RegisterID > JSC::DFG::SpeculativeJIT::fillSpeculateInt32Internal<false>(JSC::DFG::Edge, > JSC::DataFormat&) > 3 0x342b62 JSC::DFG::SpeculativeJIT::fillSpeculateInt32(JSC::DFG::Edge, > JSC::DataFormat&) > 4 0x3157a4 JSC::DFG::SpeculateInt32Operand::gpr() > 5 0x303ca5 JSC::DFG::SpeculativeJIT::compileArithSub(JSC::DFG::Node*) > 6 0x34cf2f JSC::DFG::SpeculativeJIT::compile(JSC::DFG::Node*) > 7 0x2f98d4 JSC::DFG::SpeculativeJIT::compileCurrentBlock() > 8 0x2fa1e2 JSC::DFG::SpeculativeJIT::compile() > 9 0x27ee40 JSC::DFG::JITCompiler::compileBody() > 10 0x280f3c JSC::DFG::JITCompiler::compileFunction() > 11 0x2e9aa2 JSC::DFG::Plan::compileInThreadImpl(JSC::DFG::LongLivedState&) > 12 0x2e90f5 JSC::DFG::Plan::compileInThread(JSC::DFG::LongLivedState&) > 13 0x23c114 JSC::DFG::compileImpl(JSC::VM&, JSC::CodeBlock*, > JSC::DFG::CompilationMode, unsigned int, JSC::Operands<JSC::JSValue, > JSC::OperandValueTraits<JSC::JSValue> > const&, > WTF::PassRefPtr<JSC::DeferredCompilationCallback>, JSC::DFG::Worklist*) > 14 0x23badc JSC::DFG::compile(JSC::VM&, JSC::CodeBlock*, > JSC::DFG::CompilationMode, unsigned int, JSC::Operands<JSC::JSValue, > JSC::OperandValueTraits<JSC::JSValue> > const&, > WTF::PassRefPtr<JSC::DeferredCompilationCallback>, JSC::DFG::Worklist*) > 15 0x430f2c operationOptimize > 16 0x1bf9038 > Segmentation fault: 11 > > Looking to see if we have older archived builds.
Found archives for older Mac OS release and was able to find the change that was responsible for this bug:
- from <
> - "DFG DCE might eliminate checks unsoundly"
> > In
bug 143645
, we have a similar ASSERT in the 64bit JIT because something > > spilled in an unexpected format.
Bug 143645
contradicts your theory that > > this problem is 32-bit only -- unless somehow the mismatch in spill and fill > > type in
bug 143645
is a distinct problem, despite its superficial similarity. > > > > We have ASSERTs throughout the compiler that say, "If I'm trying to fill as > > X, then ASSERT the spilled type is not Y". These ASSERTs seem to conflict > > with the behavior you noticed, in which the optimizer eliminated a SetLocal > > that was the only thing ensuring "not type Y". > > > > If "not type Y" is an invariant in the compiler, can you explain how > > SetLocal elimination avoids violating the "not type Y" invariant when it > > eliminates a SetLocal that changes type? If you can't explain this, then we > > haven't solved this bug.
The change responsible for this issues changed the way that dead SetLocals are handled.
Michael Saboff
Comment 21
2015-04-14 14:11:05 PDT
Michael Saboff
Comment 22
2015-04-14 14:20:31 PDT
Geoff, Phil and I discussed this bug and believe it is an appropriate fix to verify the spill format is consistent with the requested fill format. This patch however only addresses one case. Filed <
> - "DFG register fillSpeculate*() functions should validate that the incoming spill format is compatible with the requested fill format".
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