RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 27640 93666
DOMWindow should be owned by the Document, not the Frame
Summary DOMWindow should be owned by the Document, not the Frame
Adam Barth
Reported 2012-08-09 16:37:13 PDT
DOMWindow should be owned by the Document, not the Frame
work in progress (4.66 KB, patch)
2012-08-09 16:38 PDT, Adam Barth
no flags
still crashes a lot :) (6.51 KB, patch)
2012-08-09 18:03 PDT, Adam Barth
no flags
crashes less (19.23 KB, patch)
2012-08-10 04:33 PDT, Adam Barth
no flags
maybe, possibly, works (21.81 KB, patch)
2012-08-10 16:23 PDT, Adam Barth
no flags
another approach (27.57 KB, patch)
2012-08-13 16:30 PDT, Adam Barth
no flags
Adam Barth
Comment 1 2012-08-09 16:38:17 PDT
Created attachment 157576 [details] work in progress
Adam Barth
Comment 2 2012-08-09 17:43:12 PDT
In this patch, I'm going to keep the same lifetime for all the objects and just move the owning reference from Frame to Document.
Adam Barth
Comment 3 2012-08-09 18:03:36 PDT
Created attachment 157600 [details] still crashes a lot :)
Adam Barth
Comment 4 2012-08-10 04:33:41 PDT
Created attachment 157702 [details] crashes less
Adam Barth
Comment 5 2012-08-10 16:23:28 PDT
Created attachment 157831 [details] maybe, possibly, works
Adam Barth
Comment 6 2012-08-13 16:30:08 PDT
Created attachment 158142 [details] another approach
Adam Barth
Comment 7 2012-08-13 17:35:25 PDT
Ok, it looks like it's much easier to fix Bug 27640 at the same time as this bug. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 27640 ***
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