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[EFL] Enable SUBPIXEL_LAYOUT feature flag for EFL
[EFL] Enable SUBPIXEL_LAYOUT feature flag for EFL
Dominik Röttsches (drott)
2012-06-19 04:23:58 PDT
We'd like to follow suit with
bug 85532
, enabling sub-pixel layout for the EFL port.
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Dominik Röttsches (drott)
Comment 1
2012-06-20 06:10:40 PDT
First obstacle, in a number of cases setLogicalTop(roundToInt(top + maxAscent - fontMetrics.ascent(baselineType))); inside InlineFlowBox::placeBoxesInBlockDirection actually results in -1. maxAscent is 840/60 = 14, while fontMetrics.ascent (and fontMetrics.floatAscent fwiw) return 15. Will investigate - but if you have any ideas, Levi, Emil - let me know.
Dominik Röttsches (drott)
Comment 2
2012-06-20 06:20:27 PDT
(In reply to
comment #1
> First obstacle, in a number of cases > setLogicalTop(roundToInt(top + maxAscent - fontMetrics.ascent(baselineType))); > inside > InlineFlowBox::placeBoxesInBlockDirection > actually results in -1.
To clarify: ...leading to hundreds of test cases failing to show expected results just by this -1 offset - they previously had the logialTop just at 0.
Dominik Röttsches (drott)
Comment 3
2013-01-19 12:45:26 PST
Freetype updated and feature enabled in
bug 106774
, new baselines completely uploaded and the bots are returning back to normal. Closing bug.
Dominik Röttsches (drott)
Comment 4
2013-01-19 15:43:43 PST
Big thanks, Thiago, for helping with the rebaselines!
Emil A Eklund
Comment 5
2013-01-22 10:05:42 PST
Awesome, thanks for making this happen Dominik!
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