RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 76161 Bug 81475
jhbuild: Respect WEBKITOUTPUTDIR
Summary jhbuild: Respect WEBKITOUTPUTDIR
Raphael Kubo da Costa (:rakuco)
Reported 2012-03-18 16:16:59 PDT
Now that both the EFL and the GTK+ ports use jhbuild to build some of their dependencies, we should make jhbuildrc and friends respect the WEBKITOUTPUTDIR environment variable, otherwise one cannot build both ports due to differences in the dependency versions and things like that.
Raphael Kubo da Costa (:rakuco)
Comment 1 2012-03-22 05:45:08 PDT
BTW, after r111598 from bug 81507 DumpRenderTree has stopped running altogether if one is using a more exotic build directory (such as WebKitBuild/efl/release-shared-core/Release), as it will try to load the fonts from WebKitBuil/efl/release-shared-core/Release/../Dependencies/Source/webkit-gtk-test-fonts-0.0.1.
Raphael Kubo da Costa (:rakuco)
Comment 2 2012-03-22 06:07:06 PDT
(In reply to comment #1) > BTW, after r111598 from bug 81507 DumpRenderTree has stopped running altogether if one is using a more exotic build directory (such as WebKitBuild/efl/release-shared-core/Release), as it will try to load the fonts from WebKitBuil/efl/release-shared-core/Release/../Dependencies/Source/webkit-gtk-test-fonts-0.0.1. Workaround committed in r111678 (bug 81900).
Dominik Röttsches (drott)
Comment 3 2012-04-24 04:25:22 PDT
Raphael, I think this can be marked DUPLICATE of bug 76161, agree?
Raphael Kubo da Costa (:rakuco)
Comment 4 2012-04-24 16:16:43 PDT
Indeed, thanks for the pointer! *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 76161 ***
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