Bug 70385 - Implement full test suite for childList type mutation records
Summary: Implement full test suite for childList type mutation records
Alias: None
Product: WebKit
Classification: Unclassified
Component: DOM (show other bugs)
Version: 528+ (Nightly build)
Hardware: Unspecified Unspecified
: P2 Normal
Assignee: Nobody
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Blocks: 68729
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Reported: 2011-10-18 16:49 PDT by Rafael Weinstein
Modified: 2022-08-20 16:03 PDT (History)
6 users (show)

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Description Rafael Weinstein 2011-10-18 16:49:19 PDT
There are a small number (maybe 10s) of cases where a single DOM operation can and should result in a single mutation record. We need to find these cases and assert their behavior in the layout tests.

-node.insertBefore(node.firstChild, node.firstChild.nextSibling);
Comment 1 Ahmad Saleem 2022-08-12 10:48:00 PDT
We have WPT Test Suite - I don't think we would need separate test cases unless on rare occasions, Webkit is the first one to fix the issue or align with web-spec.

I am going to mark this as "RESOLVED WONTFIX" but if I am wrong then please reopen. Thanks!
Comment 2 Alexey Proskuryakov 2022-08-20 16:03:23 PDT
Grepping through WPT tests that we have imported, I can't easily tell if these scenarios are covered.

But at least we work correctly in a few cases that I tried manually.