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[CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders] Implement border-image-width
[CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders] Implement border-image-width
Dave Hyatt
2011-09-06 11:05:35 PDT
This patch is covering the implementation of the border-image-width property.
(270.79 KB, patch)
2011-09-06 11:20 PDT
Dave Hyatt
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(270.21 KB, patch)
2011-09-06 11:40 PDT
Dave Hyatt
: review+
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Dave Hyatt
Comment 1
2011-09-06 11:20:40 PDT
attachment 106449
WebKit Review Bot
Comment 2
2011-09-06 11:23:41 PDT
Attachment 106449
did not pass style-queue: Failed to run "['Tools/Scripts/check-webkit-style', '--diff-files', u'LayoutTests/ChangeLog', u'LayoutTests/fast..." exit_code: 1 Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderBoxModelObject.cpp:957: An else if statement should be written as an if statement when the prior "if" concludes with a return, break, continue or goto statement. [readability/control_flow] [4] Source/WebCore/css/CSSParser.h:169: The parameter type should use PassRefPtr instead of RefPtr. [readability/pass_ptr] [5] Source/WebCore/css/CSSParser.h:172: The parameter type should use PassRefPtr instead of RefPtr. [readability/pass_ptr] [5] Source/WebCore/css/CSSParser.cpp:5198: The parameter type should use PassRefPtr instead of RefPtr. [readability/pass_ptr] [5] Source/WebCore/css/CSSParser.cpp:5259: The parameter type should use PassRefPtr instead of RefPtr. [readability/pass_ptr] [5] Source/WebCore/css/CSSParser.cpp:5370: Extra space after ( in if [whitespace/parens] [5] Source/WebCore/css/CSSParser.cpp:5477: The parameter type should use PassRefPtr instead of RefPtr. [readability/pass_ptr] [5] Total errors found: 7 in 32 files If any of these errors are false positives, please file a bug against check-webkit-style.
Dave Hyatt
Comment 3
2011-09-06 11:40:33 PDT
attachment 106454
Patch Fix the relevant style errors. check-webkit-style is wrong about the RefPtr stuff.
WebKit Review Bot
Comment 4
2011-09-06 11:44:39 PDT
Attachment 106454
did not pass style-queue: Failed to run "['Tools/Scripts/check-webkit-style', '--diff-files', u'LayoutTests/ChangeLog', u'LayoutTests/fast..." exit_code: 1 Source/WebCore/css/CSSParser.h:169: The parameter type should use PassRefPtr instead of RefPtr. [readability/pass_ptr] [5] Source/WebCore/css/CSSParser.h:172: The parameter type should use PassRefPtr instead of RefPtr. [readability/pass_ptr] [5] Source/WebCore/css/CSSParser.cpp:5198: The parameter type should use PassRefPtr instead of RefPtr. [readability/pass_ptr] [5] Source/WebCore/css/CSSParser.cpp:5259: The parameter type should use PassRefPtr instead of RefPtr. [readability/pass_ptr] [5] Source/WebCore/css/CSSParser.cpp:5477: The parameter type should use PassRefPtr instead of RefPtr. [readability/pass_ptr] [5] Total errors found: 5 in 32 files If any of these errors are false positives, please file a bug against check-webkit-style.
Beth Dakin
Comment 5
2011-09-06 12:09:50 PDT
Comment on
attachment 106454
Patch View in context:
> Source/WebCore/css/CSSStyleSelector.cpp:5803 > + // Set up a length box to represent our image slices.
There's a lot of repetition in this section. A helper function might make it a little neater. Something like: box.m_top = helper(slices->top()); box.m_right = helper(slices->right()); … But it's up to you.
WebKit Review Bot
Comment 6
2011-09-06 13:06:20 PDT
Comment on
attachment 106454
Attachment 106454
did not pass chromium-ews (chromium-xvfb): Output:
New failing tests: fast/css/getComputedStyle/computed-style.html fast/borders/border-image-longhand.html fast/css/getComputedStyle/computed-style-without-renderer.html svg/css/getComputedStyle-basic.xhtml fast/borders/border-image-side-reduction.html fast/backgrounds/size/parsing-background-size-values.html fast/reflections/reflection-computed-style.html fast/borders/border-image-scaled.html inspector/elements/elements-panel-styles.html scrollbars/overflow-scrollbar-combinations.html
Dave Hyatt
Comment 7
2011-09-06 13:32:28 PDT
Fixed in
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 8
2011-09-06 16:12:06 PDT
There are a whole bunch of tests which need rebaselining after this change:
Intel Release (Tests)
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 9
2011-09-06 16:14:47 PDT
Also, there is something really wrong with rounded borders on tip of tree. I'm not sure if that's related to this change or not. Just viewing
paints the backgrounds all strange and cut-off. It may be related to thsi change.
Beth Dakin
Comment 10
2011-09-06 16:37:00 PDT
(In reply to
comment #9
> Also, there is something really wrong with rounded borders on tip of tree. I'm not sure if that's related to this change or not. Just viewing
paints the backgrounds all strange and cut-off. It may be related to thsi change.
Hey Eric, I'm not sure what you mean by this. I don't see any obvious rendering issues with the page you linked to…I checked a build from before Hyatt's change and a build from after, and I didn't notice any difference nor did I notice anything obviously wrong. Could you be more specific?
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 11
2011-09-07 11:41:26 PDT
I sent Beth and Hyatt an email with the screenshot.
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