Write regression test for WebGL rate limiting
Summary Write regression test for WebGL rate limiting
John Bates
Reported 2011-08-22 18:07:45 PDT
Write regression test for bug fix: This would test whether the WebGL rate limiting is properly executing. We would want to test both RAF and non-RAF use cases. In non-RAF cases, test that rate limiting kicks in only when it is supposed to.
Kenneth Russell
Comment 1 2011-08-22 18:46:37 PDT
I've changed the component to WebGL so that it shows up easily on searches.
Nat Duca
Comment 2 2011-08-31 12:06:48 PDT
There really are two things to veirfy here: that WebGLLayerChromium behaves correctly when dirtied outside of RAF, and that WebGLGraphicsContexts call setLayerUpdated. At least for the latter case, mock testing might be a more appropriate vehicle for testing. Mock could be: instantiate a compositor tree with a WebGLLayerChromium. Fire commands onto the webglcontext outside of the render task and assert that the ratelimiting task gets called on that context.
Nat Duca
Comment 3 2011-10-11 14:02:44 PDT
Might be good use case of frame rate tests on chromium-side.
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