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Blank page in Safari;
% (Works in Firefox & IE)
Blank page in Safari; http://www.capitalone.co.uk/web/MenuUrl?z=null&c=null% ...
Geoffrey Garen
2006-01-17 14:57:48 PST
This bug is also in Radar as <
> Submission ID: 28562840 Problem Type: Blank page Problem Url:
Comments: I am able to open the www.capitalone.co.uk website, but when I click on the link to "Your accounts" the url appears in the address bar, looks as though it is opening, but then all I see is a blank white screen. Currently, it's blank page in Safari 2.0 (412.2); Mac os 10.4.2. Works in IE 5.2.3 and Firefox 1.0.6. ------------------------------------------- <GMT01-Aug-2005 22:40:26GMT> Beth Dakin: I actually cannot get
to load any data either. Somehow Safari is not routing things correctly...perhaps javascript-related? At any rate, Safari can load the actual pages it is trying to get to, (for example,
is the real homepage that capitalone.co.uk routes to, and if you click on the link,directly, it should load fine), but it is having trouble getting there through the other pages. <GMT25-Aug-2005 00:47:14GMT> PATTY MAC: Another submission bug ID: 28589270 is similar to this. URL:
Click on "Your account" on the left sidebar. It's blank page. Firefox 1.0.6 loads fine (see screenshot).
automated test case
(1.90 KB, patch)
2006-05-10 10:15 PDT
Alexey Proskuryakov
: review+
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Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 1
2006-01-21 11:49:38 PST
This site uses an HTTP "Refresh" header to redirect from /web/MenuUrl?pageId=1 to /web/CookieDetectServlet?url=/web/MenuUrl?pageId=1. For whatever reason, the response includes a body (one byte, 0x20). NSURLConnection sniffs a MIME type text/plain for it, so it is handled by WebTextRepresentation. Now, HTTP Refresh is handled in Frame::receivedFirstData(), and WebTextRepresentation, unlike WebHTMLRepresentation, never calls that. Note that the refresh is handled via Frame::setEncoding()! #0 0x01904b7c in Frame::receivedFirstData at Frame.cpp:665 #1 0x01905104 in Frame::setEncoding at Frame.cpp:3187 #2 0x01946b44 in -[WebCoreFrameBridge setEncoding:userChosen:] at WebCoreFrameBridge.mm:624 #3 0x003347f0 in -[WebFrameBridge receivedData:textEncodingName:] at WebFrameBridge.m:470 #4 0x0036e404 in -[WebHTMLRepresentation receivedData:withDataSource:] at WebHTMLRepresentation.m:120 I've been told that the architecture of WebTextRepresentation is going to be reworked to match HTML case. When this is done, it's quite likely that this problem will disappear without additional effort.
Andre-John Mas
Comment 2
2006-04-23 20:45:49 PDT
I don't even see a page content. If I type:
I get sent here:
but the page contains no content. Tested with MacOS X 10.4.4 build and nightly of 23 April 2006.
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 3
2006-05-10 10:15:49 PDT
attachment 8221
automated test case
> I've been told that the architecture of WebTextRepresentation is going to be > reworked to match HTML case. When this is done, it's quite likely that this > problem will disappear without additional effort.
And so it was! :) The attached patch just adds a regression test.
Anders Carlsson
Comment 4
2006-05-10 10:17:19 PDT
Comment on
attachment 8221
automated test case r=me
Alice Liu
Comment 5
2006-06-28 12:58:10 PDT
removing hitlist keyword
Alice Liu
Comment 6
2006-06-28 13:14:43 PDT
whoops, putting it back for tracking purposes
Philip Baxter
Comment 7
2007-02-11 10:16:23 PST
Bug 12734
has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
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