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bug 45599
Improve FEGaussianBlur algorithm performance
Improve FEGaussianBlur algorithm performance
Alejandro G. Castro
2010-08-13 03:46:59 PDT
I created this bug to follow information about Ariya's proposal to improve blur algorithm performance:
Ariya's proposal implemented in the FEGaussianBlur
(7.27 KB, patch)
2010-08-13 03:54 PDT
Alejandro G. Castro
no flags
Formatted Diff
Oprofile log with current algorithm
(1.02 MB, image/svg+xml)
2010-08-13 10:39 PDT
Alejandro G. Castro
no flags
Oprofile log with ariya's proposed algorithm
(886.97 KB, image/svg+xml)
2010-08-13 10:45 PDT
Alejandro G. Castro
no flags
Ariya's proposal implemented in the FEGaussianBlur
(8.89 KB, patch)
2010-08-17 00:42 PDT
Alejandro G. Castro
no flags
Formatted Diff
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Alejandro G. Castro
Comment 1
2010-08-13 03:54:22 PDT
attachment 64318
Ariya's proposal implemented in the FEGaussianBlur For testing purposes you can use this patch, use CURRENT_ALGO to choose between the current algorithm or the proposal. I've seen visual errors with some deviation values, but it mostly work. Now we can do some performance tests.
Alejandro G. Castro
Comment 2
2010-08-13 03:56:42 PDT
The patch it is created over the patchset of the
bug 39582
applied to the trunk of the svn.
Ariya Hidayat
Comment 3
2010-08-13 09:16:38 PDT
Comment on
attachment 64318
Ariya's proposal implemented in the FEGaussianBlur This looks good! :)
> #include "GraphicsContext.h" > #include "ImageData.h" > #include <wtf/MathExtras.h>
Needs the Sencha copyright (see also Patch 2 in
> +#define CURRENT_ALGO 0
Have you profiled the different between using CURRENT_ALGO and not using it?
> +// Note: image must be RGB32 format > +static void blurHorizontal(unsigned char* image, int imgWidth, int imgHeight, int strideLine, int radius, bool swap = false)
The comment does not apply anymore since you prepare 'image' manually by yourself (hence, you know it's guaranteed RGB32 :)
> + OwnPtr<ImageBuffer> tmpImageBuffer = ImageBuffer::create(resultImage()->size()); > + > + AffineTransform transform; > + transform.rotate(90); > + RefPtr<Pattern> pattern = Pattern::create(m_in->resultImage()->image(), false, false); > + tmpImageBuffer->context()->concatCTM(transform); > + tmpImageBuffer->context()->translate(0, -imageRect.height()); > + tmpImageBuffer->context()->setFillPattern(pattern.get()); > + tmpImageBuffer->context()->fillRect(imageRect);
This works only if every platform graphics stack supports fast 90 degree rotation (aka transposed). Qt supports this hence why I use it. Otherwise, it is faster to transpose the pixels ourselves. Possible idea: provide a default ImageBuffer::transpose and let the platform overrides it if it has a faster version. BTW, track also Hyatt's refactoring on Canvas. This might or might not conflict with some of his changes, but just in case.
Alejandro G. Castro
Comment 4
2010-08-13 09:59:13 PDT
(In reply to
comment #3
> (From update of
attachment 64318
) > This looks good! :) > > > #include "GraphicsContext.h" > > #include "ImageData.h" > > #include <wtf/MathExtras.h> > > Needs the Sencha copyright (see also Patch 2 in
). >
Oh, sorry, I'll do it.
> > +#define CURRENT_ALGO 0 > > Have you profiled the different between using CURRENT_ALGO and not using it? >
Not yet, but I'll do it :)
> > + tmpImageBuffer->context()->setFillPattern(pattern.get()); > > + tmpImageBuffer->context()->fillRect(imageRect); > > This works only if every platform graphics stack supports fast 90 degree rotation (aka transposed). Qt supports this hence why I use it. > Otherwise, it is faster to transpose the pixels ourselves. > > Possible idea: provide a default ImageBuffer::transpose and let the platform overrides it if it has a faster version. >
Uhu, not sure what cairo is doing, I'm going to profile and we can check if it is a problem.
> BTW, track also Hyatt's refactoring on Canvas. This might or might not conflict with some of his changes, but just in case.
Yep, probably we will sabe the two image copies.
Alejandro G. Castro
Comment 5
2010-08-13 10:39:31 PDT
attachment 64353
Oprofile log with current algorithm Basically scrolling identi.ca automatically in epiphany for some time (big blur under the main box in that page) FEGaussianBlur::apply 8.16% percent of the time 6.68% of the time in the blur algorithm It is that fast because it is using tiling to create the shadow from a small one.
Alejandro G. Castro
Comment 6
2010-08-13 10:45:48 PDT
attachment 64355
Oprofile log with ariya's proposed algorithm Same test scrolling identi.ca automatically in epiphany for some time (big blur under the main box in that page) FEGaussianBlur::apply 23.81% percent of the time divided mainly in GraphicsContext::fillRect 16.13% copying the rotated image FEGaussianBlur::blurHorizontal 5.05% the real algorithm It is again fast because it is using tiling to create the shadow from a small one. Anyway, if we could avoid the fillRects I would say the two algorithms are pretty similar, we could even add the fixed point operation to the current one and improve a little bit more. I hope it helps.
Alejandro G. Castro
Comment 7
2010-08-17 00:42:37 PDT
attachment 64558
Ariya's proposal implemented in the FEGaussianBlur Added Sencha copyright
Alejandro G. Castro
Comment 8
2010-09-16 09:39:32 PDT
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bug 45599
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