Tooltip issue with visually contiguous elements having the same `title` attribute
Summary Tooltip issue with visually contiguous elements having the same `title` attri...
Mathias Bynens
Reported 2010-07-28 03:03:13 PDT
Webkit behaves oddly when visually contiguous elements have the same value for the `title` attribute. As soon as you start hovering one of them, the title tooltip won’t move as you move to another element. Needless to say, this can be very annoying. Quick test case at
Shezan Baig
Comment 1 2012-04-19 13:22:31 PDT
The behavior is different depending on the platform. GTK platform handles this by moving the tooltip rect in mouseDidMoveOverElement. Bug 84375 is entered to handle this for chromium. Other ports can enter other bugs to fix this
Shezan Baig
Comment 2 2012-05-18 09:40:35 PDT
I'll do this as a cross-platform change
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