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Support EXSLT with libexslt
Support EXSLT with libexslt
Romain Brestac
Wednesday, July 20, 2005 8:40:33 AM UTC
Support EXSLT (XSLT extensions). EXSLT provide additional functions to XSLT. A library exists in the system (since Panther) called libexslt.dylib. It would be easy to link webkit against this library and then use it. For this purpose I think the function exsltRegisterAll is of interest.
Test case for one function, part of EXSLT.
(2.58 KB, application/octet-stream)
2005-07-20 00:53 PDT
Romain Brestac
: review-
proposed fix
(7.80 KB, patch)
2006-01-12 14:17 PST
Alexey Proskuryakov
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Test EXSLT support
(2.18 KB, application/zip)
2007-07-04 11:44 PDT
Alexey Proskuryakov
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proposed patch, testcase, etc.
Romain Brestac
Comment 1
Wednesday, July 20, 2005 8:53:49 AM UTC
attachment 3027
Test case for one function, part of EXSLT. This is a test case for libexslt support. It checks the availability of the date:date function. EXSLT has many other functions but does it make sense to test them individually ? If the date:date function fails, it means that the date module has not been registered or EXSLT is not enabled at all. This is my first test case so it is certainly not perfect ( comments welcome).
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 2
Tuesday, January 3, 2006 11:38:08 PM UTC
Confirming that the test case fails in Safari, succeeds in xsltproc. Firefox 1.5 fails even worse.
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 3
Thursday, January 12, 2006 10:17:13 PM UTC
attachment 5630
proposed fix Just do what the reporter has proposed (without really thinking this through :) ).
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 4
Thursday, January 12, 2006 10:25:44 PM UTC
Comment on
attachment 5630
proposed fix Looks OK. There are other places we might choose to register exslt, however this one is fine.
Maciej Stachowiak
Comment 5
Friday, January 13, 2006 5:42:41 AM UTC
Patch looks short and sweet, but before landing we should maybe look into the following: - what other browsers support EXSLT? - is EXSLT relatively stable as a spec and implementation (so we won't be creating future possible compat issues)? - is libexslt a high-quality implementation that is reasonably robust? I think we should do some minimum level of due diligence before adding a new technology and a new dependency.
Darin Adler
Comment 6
Friday, January 13, 2006 11:27:03 AM UTC
Also: 4) Does registering exslt have an effect on other clients in-process who are also using libxslt? Good or bad?
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 7
Sunday, January 15, 2006 8:24:53 AM UTC
Comment on
attachment 5630
proposed fix Removing this from the commit queue until mjs's & darin's comments are addressed.
Julian Reschke
Comment 8
Saturday, January 6, 2007 12:21:07 PM UTC
Support for exslt:node-set alone would be extremely useful. It's supported in Firefox3 and Opera 9.1, and MSIE has an equivalent extension (in their name space, of course).
M. David Peterson
Comment 9
Thursday, June 21, 2007 10:26:30 AM UTC
Adding support for EXSLT via libexslt would be an *ENORMOUS* win for Safari, closing the final gap in browser support for exsl:node-set() while giving an extensive library of useful and, most importantly, productive functionality to the Safari web developer.
Dave Hyatt
Comment 10
Thursday, June 21, 2007 11:16:22 AM UTC
This seems reasonable to me. We will need to include libexslt in the Windows WebKitAuxiliaryLibraries though in order to have it for Windows. We will also need #if ENABLE(EXSLT) and turn it on just for Mac and Windows. (See how XSLT's ifdef/enabling works.)
M. David Peterson
Comment 11
Thursday, June 21, 2007 12:15:23 PM UTC
PLEASE NOTE: In a recent post to XSL-List and EXSLT-DevList regarding the stability of the EXSLT spec, Dr. Michael Kay [
>> If it has a problem, it's that it's been too stable... There's quite a lot
in there that is a bit tentative and has been in that state for some years and could do with firming up. However, it does distinguish stable specifications from the more tentative proposals. The specs are a bit informal, which means you may get interoperability issues across implementations in corner cases, but you're unlikely to hit serious backwards compatibility issues because it's an informal spec so as a vendor you always have the choice whether to implement any changes or not. The other issue of course is that many of the EXSLT functions become obsolete when you move to XSLT 2.0, so if you put them into a 1.0 implementation now you may be committing yourself to carry them forward into a future 2.0 implementation where they are (in many cases) no longer needed except for backwards compatibility. << In regards to the second paragraph, it would be impossible to know what plans Apple might have for supporting XSLT 2.0, so this is obviously something that would need to be considered from a strategic level more so than a technical level, but my guess is that regardless of this decision, the reality of continuing to provide the libexslt library alongside any future implementation of XSLT 2.0 would be less of a concern, especially if that future XSLT 2.0 support were to come as a direct extension to the libxslt/libexslt library itself.
M. David Peterson
Comment 12
Thursday, June 21, 2007 12:16:32 PM UTC
(In reply to
comment #10
> This seems reasonable to me. We will need to include libexslt in the Windows > WebKitAuxiliaryLibraries though in order to have it for Windows. > > We will also need #if ENABLE(EXSLT) and turn it on just for Mac and Windows. > (See how XSLT's ifdef/enabling works.) >
That's great news, Dave! Looking forward to actively testing on both Mac and Windows once the support is made available. :)
Todd Ditchendorf
Comment 13
Wednesday, June 27, 2007 3:32:08 AM UTC
I just worked up a patch for this before searching and noticing this issue. Considering FF and Opera support at least exsl:node-set(), I agree WebKit should have this too. Programming XSLT 1.0 without this function can be fairly painful. My impression is that the XSLT community considers node-set() a basic necessity. IMO enabling all of exslt available (with exsltRegisterAll()) is the best approach tho. I will try to add a test case.
M. David Peterson
Comment 14
Wednesday, June 27, 2007 10:22:45 AM UTC
(In reply to
comment #13
> I just worked up a patch for this before searching and noticing this issue. > Considering FF and Opera support at least exsl:node-set(), I agree WebKit > should have this too.
You can also get IE 5.x, 6, and 7 to support it using a trick from Julian Reschke (in whom I believe started this thread) that extended from an idea first suggested by David Carlisle. You can find the details and test code @
> Programming XSLT 1.0 without this function can be fairly > painful. My impression is that the XSLT community considers node-set() a basic > necessity.
Oh this is for certain!
> IMO enabling all of exslt available (with exsltRegisterAll()) is > the best approach tho.
I completely agree, especially given the ease of integrating it via using exsltRegisterAll. That said, please see my follow-up comment[1] to Kurt Cagle earlier today regarding what I would personally term as the most important extension beyond exsl:node-set() > Extension Functions. :) [1]
> > I will try to add a test case.
Thanks for your help and support with this, Todd!
Dave Hyatt
Comment 15
Friday, June 29, 2007 6:04:01 AM UTC
Someone needs to sign up to do the work here for this to make Safari 3.
M. David Peterson
Comment 16
Friday, June 29, 2007 3:14:29 PM UTC
Dave, I assume by "someone" you are referring to an internal Apple employee?
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 17
Friday, June 29, 2007 9:22:34 PM UTC
(In reply to
comment #13
> I will try to add a test case.
Something that would help the most are examples of actual Web sites using EXSLT features (as mentioned above, FF and Opera support exsl:node-set(), so I suppose there should be at least a few such sites?)
Julian Reschke
Comment 18
Friday, June 29, 2007 9:40:48 PM UTC
Here's an example: <
M. David Peterson
Comment 19
Sunday, July 1, 2007 8:31:42 PM UTC
(In reply to
comment #17
> (In reply to
comment #13
) > > I will try to add a test case. > > Something that would help the most are examples of actual Web sites using EXSLT > features (as mentioned above, FF and Opera support exsl:node-set(), so I > suppose there should be at least a few such sites?) >
While I need to clean up the sample XML data to make more sense (I pulled the data from a yet to be launched site),
will provide two samples: the first doesn't use node-set, the second does. The code is checked into
What this does: As the XML is parsed, it looks for @@ symbols (e.g. @@name-of-advice-element@@), looks for the advice:name-of-advice-element in the /my:session/my:page/page:config/page:advice/advice:*, and replaces the content of that element inline where it found the @@name-of-advice-element@@. Of course, each advice element can contain the name of another advice element, and can also use conditional logic to determine if content should be replaced, and if so with what. Without using exsl:node-set, this is dynamically evaluated each time the processor comes across an @@element-name@@ code block, so quite obviously this is an expensive way to process the advice elements. Using node-set, the advice elements can be "pre-compiled" so it becomes a simple matter of looking up the element name and replacing the @@element-name@@ with the static string value of the element. That said, I quickly rewrote the tranformation code to accomodate the usage of exsl:node-set() for testing purposes. More work is needed before it will be a good side-by-side comparison of using exsl:node-set() compared to not using it. At the moment it pre-compiles the advice elements but doesn't use that pre-compiled data during the replace operation. It's going to take quite a bit more code rewrite to get that to work properly, so for now this is simply a way to test whether exsl:node-set() is working properly. I'll update this thread when the code has been rewritten in such a way as to be a good side-by-side comparion test case for exsl:node-set().
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 20
Wednesday, July 4, 2007 7:44:31 PM UTC
attachment 15386
Test EXSLT support This test, taken with minor modifications from <
>, lists supported EXSLT functions and elements. Opera 9.2 only supports exslt:node-set(), while Firefox 3 alpha has more extensive (but still far from complete) support. It seems that exslt:node-set() is a must have, but the question of bringing in the whole libexslt is not entirely obvious to me. If we do so, it may complicate the task of rewriting our XSLT support to avoid creation of a separate DOM tree. Can we start with only adding node-set() to our own contexts (with xsltRegisterExtFunction())? This would avoid affecting other clients in-process who are also using libxslt.
M. David Peterson
Comment 21
Wednesday, July 4, 2007 8:02:55 PM UTC
(In reply to
comment #20
> Can we start with only adding node-set() to our own contexts (with > xsltRegisterExtFunction())? This would avoid affecting other clients in- > process who are also using libxslt.
The *real* key to all of this, in my own opinion, is providing the -- for all intents and purposes -- mandatory capability provided by the node-set function while at the same time providing consistency across browsers. While the extended functionality of libexslt is nice, it certainly doesn't do a whole lot for the cross-browser developer, and having had *MANY* years of experience with the XSLT communities at large, I can assure that if there is one area of primary encouragement and focus it is that of maintaining consistency, writing portable XSLT when at all possible. And this comes from a world in which the primary XSLT code base has been written to run on the server where control over the environment can be maintained. The point becomes several magnitudes stronger when you consider that there are 4 primary browsers with enough market share to force at very least some effort at providing support for each of them. In this regard, and while I hate to admit it, providing support past that of node-set could very easily be seen as a complete waste of time.
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 22
Saturday, July 7, 2007 11:08:04 AM UTC
exslt:node-set() is now in.
M. David Peterson
Comment 23
Saturday, July 7, 2007 6:53:16 PM UTC
(In reply to
comment #22
> exslt:node-set() is now in. >
Dave Hyatt
Comment 24
Monday, July 9, 2007 5:35:06 AM UTC
Does Windows have libesxlt support? Did it get added to the auxiliary libs?
M. David Peterson
Comment 25
Monday, July 9, 2007 6:31:51 AM UTC
(In reply to
comment #24
> Does Windows have libesxlt support? Did it get added to the auxiliary libs? >
Yes >
(updatd w/ screenshots of both Safari+Mac and Safari+Windows) :D
M. David Peterson
Comment 26
Tuesday, July 10, 2007 6:07:04 PM UTC
(In reply to
comment #24
> Does Windows have libesxlt support? Did it get added to the auxiliary libs? >
A bit of strangeness to report, via
<blockquote>Just curious, how did you get the windows version working? In looking at your screenshot, you ran ...\WebKit-
\run_nightly_webkit.cmd which is identical to what I run (except for the full directory path) but I am getting a blank page. Thanks! Bruce</blockquote> Any ideas?
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 27
Wednesday, July 11, 2007 2:01:14 PM UTC
(In reply to
comment #26
> Any ideas?
Apparently not yet... Please file a new bug if this is a reproducible issue, as it may turn out to be unrelated to EXSLT. Let's keep this bug to track (possible) implementation of other EXSLT features.
Bruce Rindahl
Comment 28
Thursday, July 12, 2007 5:50:52 PM UTC
In reply to 27, I just installed windows nightly 24238 and it is now working fine. I might have been using an old nightly - sorry.
Jim Fuller
Comment 29
Monday, September 17, 2007 3:57:12 PM UTC
When u have exslt support, you can test using my lo tech exslt coverage xslt, explained here
or you can just point your browser to here
cheers, Jim Fuller
David Kilzer (:ddkilzer)
Comment 30
Tuesday, September 18, 2007 5:35:00 PM UTC
(In reply to
comment #29
> When u have exslt support, you can test using my lo tech exslt coverage xslt, explained here > >
> > or you can just point your browser to here > >
Bug 15231
Dave McCaldon
Comment 31
Wednesday, March 3, 2010 8:39:59 PM UTC
I have a need for the EXSLT strings:tokenize() function, I've patched XSLTExtensions.cpp for my own purposes, but I'd like to see it in WebKit. Since XSLT 2.0 is nowhere in sight, EXSLT is the only hope! I don't think it makes sense to add functions piecemeal; after nearly 5 years is there still anything preventing libexslt being included in the build and exsltRegisterAll() being called from registerXSLTExtensions() in XSLTExtensions.cpp?
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 32
Wednesday, March 3, 2010 8:53:42 PM UTC
Nothing changed, adding full support is still blocked on having good answers to the questions in comments 5 and 6.
Dave McCaldon
Comment 33
Wednesday, March 3, 2010 9:19:09 PM UTC
Let's try to answer these then: Q) What other browsers support EXSLT? A) Firefox 3.0 seems to support most of EXSLT:
, obviously Safari and Chrome are limited by Webkit support (or lack of). IE and Opera don't seem to support anything other than node-set. Q) Is EXSLT relatively stable as a spec and implementation? A) It seems so, the most recent exslt update I can find on exslt.org is Oct 14th 2003! Q) Is libexslt a high-quality implementation that is reasonably robust? A) Hard to answer, but it seems so for the set of functions I've used (via Todd's XSLMate plugin for TextMate). Q) Does registering exslt have an effect on other clients in-process who are also using libxslt? A) Again, hard to answer, but since EXSLT functions exist in their own set of namespaces, probably not. For the last two questions, it seems that only going ahead with a complete EXSLT and then testing it will determine the answers.
Julian Reschke
Comment 34
Wednesday, August 25, 2010 4:46:49 PM UTC
I'd like to add my support for supporting more of EXSLT (or to implement XSLT 2.0 :-). Matching FF's functionality probably would be cool, as it would allow many more things in almost all UAs (note that for IE an XSLT can always fallback to MS-specific extension functions, as demonstrated for node-set many times). FF does *not* implement exslt:date, which is a shame, though.
Julian Reschke
Comment 35
Tuesday, May 10, 2011 9:26:03 AM UTC
> FF does *not* implement exslt:date, which is a shame, though.
Support for exslt:date-time (and just that) was just added to Mozilla trunk (
Julian Reschke
Comment 36
Saturday, July 9, 2011 12:14:39 PM UTC
(In reply to
comment #35
> > FF does *not* implement exslt:date, which is a shame, though. > > Support for exslt:date-time (and just that) was just added to Mozilla trunk (
...and is present in Firefox 6 beta as of now (target release date August 2011)
Julian Reschke
Comment 37
Sunday, September 25, 2011 2:17:19 PM UTC
(In reply to
comment #36
> (In reply to
comment #35
) > > > FF does *not* implement exslt:date, which is a shame, though. > > > > Support for exslt:date-time (and just that) was just added to Mozilla trunk (
) > > ...and is present in Firefox 6 beta as of now (target release date August 2011)
...and released. See also <
Gregory Dymarek
Comment 38
Wednesday, August 28, 2013 3:14:22 PM UTC
Is there any update on this? Please note that the key questions and concerns from
comment #5
and #6 were addressed in
comment #33
. This is one of the items that IE is seems to be superior to Chrome: in IE 6+ one can use scripts to implement most of the EXSLT functionality.
Jen Simmons
Comment 39
Wednesday, July 6, 2022 7:53:31 PM UTC
Is this something that's still relevant in 2022?
Julian Reschke
Comment 40
Thursday, July 7, 2022 5:46:46 AM UTC
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