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REGRESSION: Google Analytics broken, reports an error when trying to view a site
REGRESSION: Google Analytics broken, reports an error when trying to view a site
Ain Tohvri
2010-05-12 13:36:58 PDT
Steps to reproduce: 1. Log in to Google Analytics 2. Click on a profile to see the sites tracked 3. Click on the site 4. "This page has encountered an error that may prevent it from working correctly." error appears Remarks and the reason for the bug report: 1. Analytics is not broken on Safari (Version 4.0.5 (6531.22.7)) or Chrome 2. Safari crashed on opening a Web Inspector and refreshing the page (crash log attached). 3. There were HTML errors on page, namely: [The HTML that caused this error was generated by a script.] Unmatched </link> encountered. Ignoring tag. settings:19 <meta> is not allowed inside <div>. Moving <meta> into the <head>. settings:21
Safari crash log
(36.05 KB, text/plain)
2010-05-12 13:38 PDT
Ain Tohvri
no flags
Error on Google Analytics
(61.91 KB, image/png)
2010-05-12 13:40 PDT
Ain Tohvri
no flags
Analytics markup and JS errors
(21.45 KB, image/png)
2010-05-13 04:36 PDT
Ain Tohvri
no flags
Malformed markup of Analytics
(22.29 KB, text/html)
2010-05-18 03:06 PDT
Ain Tohvri
no flags
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Ain Tohvri
Comment 1
2010-05-12 13:38:08 PDT
attachment 55893
Safari crash log Safari crash log on a refresh with Web Inspector open
Ain Tohvri
Comment 2
2010-05-12 13:40:23 PDT
attachment 55894
Error on Google Analytics Account page of Google Analytics with the error: "This page has encountered an error that may prevent it from working correctly."
Mark Rowe (bdash)
Comment 3
2010-05-12 14:53:17 PDT
Ain Tohvri
Comment 4
2010-05-13 04:36:29 PDT
attachment 55961
Analytics markup and JS errors Web Inspector reveals following HTML and JS errors. Attached for Google to note.
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 5
2010-05-14 19:58:25 PDT
Please confirm whether you are talking about two completely separate issues. 1. Google Analytics crashes in shipping Safari/WebKit when reloaded with open Web Inspector. 2. Google Analytics works in shipping Safari/WebKit, but not in nightlies. The former issue has been fixed long ago (
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 6
2010-05-14 19:58:58 PDT
Closed by mistake, reopening.
Ain Tohvri
Comment 7
2010-05-16 04:17:19 PDT
Yes, 2 issues: 1. Analytics does not work with WebKit nightly (
) 2. Analytics crashes the shipped Safari on refresh with Web Inspector open (Version 4.0.5 (6531.22.7))
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 8
2010-05-16 09:44:37 PDT
Thanks. Let's use this to track #1, because #2 has been fixed long ago, and because tracking two issues in one Bugzilla bug is just confusing.
Ain Tohvri
Comment 9
2010-05-16 11:56:40 PDT
Yes, sorry for confusing this report with something that should have been reported to Apple. I understand the #2 hasn't landed in Safari yet, thus the issue. #1 is the tough one and my main concern is that it wasn't the behaviour in Safari despite the errors on page and the eventual crash that only happened on a refresh. Thus the report.
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 10
2010-05-17 18:31:09 PDT
I couldn't reproduce with
Ain Tohvri
Comment 11
2010-05-18 02:52:23 PDT
Reproduced on
. Logged out from Analytics and made a full reset that revealed an issue described in
bug 39278
so I had to manually remove all cookies. Unfortunately didn't help.
Ain Tohvri
Comment 12
2010-05-18 03:06:11 PDT
attachment 56345
Malformed markup of Analytics HTML of Analytics' malformed markup, reveals 13 errors against HTML 4.01 Transitional.
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 13
2010-05-18 10:23:40 PDT
Can you reproduce any of these problems under a guest Mac OS X account? I'm trying to figure out if there can be something different in your Safari settings. Testing on another machine would be helpful, too.
Naofumi Kagami
Comment 14
2010-06-01 20:35:03 PDT
I am getting issue #1 (1. Analytics does not work with WebKit nightly (
)) on a guest account. To clarify, at least in my case, this bug does not crash Webkit. It just shows the page as in the attachment "Error on Google Analytics" and the page does not work correctly indeed, as the message suggests. The error occurs regardless of whether the Web Inspector is open or not. This is indeed a REGRESSION, since the web page works fine in Safari 4. In my testing, this regression was introduced between
(Apr 29) and
(Apr 30). Nightly
works fine whereas
displays the error message. In the Web Inspector console, I do get the error regarding the <meta> tag placement (as in line 2 of the attachment "Analytics markup and JS errors"). I do not get any other errors however. (In reply to
comment #13
> Can you reproduce any of these problems under a guest Mac OS X account? I'm trying to figure out if there can be something different in your Safari settings. Testing on another machine would be helpful, too.
Ain Tohvri
Comment 15
2010-06-07 21:12:15 PDT
Also confirmed for Version 5.0 (6533.16,
), so didn't land in Safari 5!
Naofumi Kagami
Comment 16
2010-06-07 23:27:48 PDT
I also can confirm that this bug has made it into the release version of Safari 5. This is very unfortunate. I have another web site that I am rather sure that is showing a very similar problem. Steps to reproduce; 1. Go to
2. Log in with your Google account. 3. Page stops loading with the URL at
and a "Loading..." message. In the web inspector console, we get "RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded. 94AB7A7170526263F9914A30DCDED58C.cache.html:8734" Unfortunately, since Google has obfuscated their JavaScript, I can't understand what is happening.
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 17
2010-06-08 10:20:22 PDT
Let's track Google AdPlanner separately - we don't know if that's the same underlying issue. I filed
bug 40306
for it.
Naofumi Kagami
Comment 18
2010-06-15 23:15:08 PDT
At least for me, both the Google Analytics bug and the DoubleClick Ad planner bug are solved on the recent nightlies, after Oliver Hunt applied his fixes. Thanks
Ain Tohvri
Comment 19
2010-06-16 01:32:48 PDT
I can confirm this working on
+ Safari 5 after 10.6.4 update today. Looks like it has landed.
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