When tabbing on the keyboard focus moves to elements within a closed details element which have tabindex=0 See https://codepen.io/jnurthen/pen/QWBYQwN Tab through the page Observed: Focus disappears after the "Div with tabindex" summary for one tab stop before re-appearing on the "after" button Expected: All focusable elements within a closed details element should be skipped by tab navigation.
Note: Press Tab to highlight each item on a webpage is checked. You can see this issue in Adobe Documentation - example https://react-spectrum.adobe.com/react-spectrum/Button.html#props Under the Events or Layout expand/collapse region. (Note: this page has no visible focus indicator on safari for links right now which makes it slightly hard to operate.)
I think this will be fixed by bug 253680. I tested this codepen (on local build with patch from above bug) and after tabbing, it goes to 'zoom' button on codepen rather than stuck somewhere to be not see.
Ahmad, should we mark this issue as resolved?
The above Codepen's contents have changed. The problem can't be reproduced with it as-is because the div with `tabindex="0"` is within another div with `hidden`. bug 260523 documents the problem as being much broader than just elements with `tabindex`, it seems to affect all focusable elements except anchor links. I can still reproduce the problem in Technology Preview 179. https://cdpn.io/pen/debug/PoXqPYJ
With STP 190, going to https://codepen.io/jnurthen/pen/QWBYQwN This seems to have been fixed.
It seems fixed in Safari 17.4.