We're failing a couple of tests in web-animations/animation-model/keyframe-effects/effect-value-context-filling.html because we fail to update keyframes when a used CSS variable changes. For instance: test(t => { const div = createDiv(t); div.style.setProperty('--target', '100px'); const animation = div.animate( [{ marginLeft: '0px' }, { marginLeft: 'var(--target)' }], { duration: 1000, fill: 'forwards' } ); animation.finish(); assert_equals( getComputedStyle(div).marginLeft, '100px', 'Effect value before updating variable' ); div.style.setProperty('--target', '200px'); assert_equals( getComputedStyle(div).marginLeft, '200px', 'Effect value after updating variable' ); }, 'Filling effect values reflect changes to variables on element'); In fact, after fixing bug 186490, the last two remaining failures in that test are due to this issue.
Pull request: https://github.com/WebKit/WebKit/pull/6682
Submitted web-platform-tests pull request: https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt/pull/37043
Committed 256893@main (5c0b3cb4b245): <https://commits.webkit.org/256893@main> Reviewed commits have been landed. Closing PR #6682 and removing active labels.
*** Bug 201736 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***