Rotated tables look awful because the border is drawn without antialiasing (see screenshot). We should turn on antialiasing, but why was it turned off in the first place?
Created attachment 25864 [details] Screenshot: current state on the left, with antialiasing on the right.
Comment on attachment 25864 [details] Screenshot: current state on the left, with antialiasing on the right. Why is there a crack in the bottom-right corner in the non-rotated case? It looks like a serious problem.
Yeah, that could be an issue.
Created attachment 25890 [details] Borders with alpha It would also be nice to fix the issues when using rgba() colors as borders (see screenshot).
Comment on attachment 25890 [details] Borders with alpha Bug 21835.
Hyatt says that we can't just turn on AA for borders; web authors rely on the per-pixel rendering. We may be able to turn on AA if the element is transformed, though.
See also bug 19421.
We think this makes look bad.
Borders used for "pixel art":
Another reason to do this is that we draw solid borders with rects (antialiased), and groove/inset/outset borders with polygons (non antia-aliased), so if you change the border style, you go between OK and crappy rendering.