Bug 208696 - [WPE] REGRESSION(r257799): Several WebGL 2.0 tests are failing
Summary: [WPE] REGRESSION(r257799): Several WebGL 2.0 tests are failing
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 208188
Alias: None
Product: WebKit
Classification: Unclassified
Component: WebGL (show other bugs)
Version: WebKit Nightly Build
Hardware: Unspecified Unspecified
: P2 Normal
Assignee: Nobody
Depends on:
Reported: 2020-03-05 22:00 PST by Diego Pino
Modified: 2020-03-25 20:44 PDT (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:


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Description Diego Pino 2020-03-05 22:00:21 PST
The following tests started failing after r257799:

  * webgl/2.0.0/conformance2/textures/canvas_sub_rectangle/tex-2d-r11f_g11f_b10f-rgb-float.html [ Failure ]
  * webgl/2.0.0/conformance2/textures/canvas_sub_rectangle/tex-2d-r11f_g11f_b10f-rgb-half_float.html [ Failure ]
  * webgl/2.0.0/conformance2/textures/canvas_sub_rectangle/tex-2d-rgb16f-rgb-float.html [ Failure ]
  * webgl/2.0.0/conformance2/textures/canvas_sub_rectangle/tex-2d-rgb16f-rgb-half_float.html [ Failure ]
  * webgl/2.0.0/conformance2/textures/canvas_sub_rectangle/tex-2d-rgb32f-rgb-float.html [ Failure ]
  * webgl/2.0.0/conformance2/textures/canvas_sub_rectangle/tex-2d-rgb565-rgb-unsigned_byte.html [ Failure ]
  * webgl/2.0.0/conformance2/textures/canvas_sub_rectangle/tex-2d-rgb565-rgb-unsigned_short_5_6_5.html [ Failure ]
  * webgl/2.0.0/conformance2/textures/canvas_sub_rectangle/tex-2d-rgb5_a1-rgba-unsigned_byte.html [ Failure ]
  * webgl/2.0.0/conformance2/textures/canvas_sub_rectangle/tex-2d-rgb5_a1-rgba-unsigned_short_5_5_5_1.html [ Failure ]
  * webgl/2.0.0/conformance2/textures/canvas_sub_rectangle/tex-2d-rgb8-rgb-unsigned_byte.html [ Failure ]
  * webgl/2.0.0/conformance2/textures/canvas_sub_rectangle/tex-2d-rgb9_e5-rgb-float.html [ Failure ]
  * webgl/2.0.0/conformance2/textures/canvas_sub_rectangle/tex-2d-rgb9_e5-rgb-half_float.html [ Failure ]
  * webgl/2.0.0/conformance2/textures/canvas_sub_rectangle/tex-2d-rgba16f-rgba-float.html [ Failure ]
  * webgl/2.0.0/conformance2/textures/canvas_sub_rectangle/tex-2d-rgba16f-rgba-half_float.html [ Failure ]
  * webgl/2.0.0/conformance2/textures/canvas_sub_rectangle/tex-2d-rgba32f-rgba-float.html [ Failure ]
  * webgl/2.0.0/conformance2/textures/canvas_sub_rectangle/tex-2d-rgba4-rgba-unsigned_byte.html [ Failure ]
  * webgl/2.0.0/conformance2/textures/canvas_sub_rectangle/tex-2d-rgba4-rgba-unsigned_short_4_4_4_4.html [ Failure ]
  * webgl/2.0.0/conformance2/textures/canvas_sub_rectangle/tex-2d-rgba8-rgba-unsigned_byte.html [ Failure ]
  * webgl/2.0.0/conformance2/textures/canvas_sub_rectangle/tex-2d-srgb8-rgb-unsigned_byte.html [ Failure ]
  * webgl/2.0.0/conformance2/textures/canvas_sub_rectangle/tex-2d-srgb8_alpha8-rgba-unsigned_byte.html [ Failure ]
Comment 1 Lauro Moura 2020-03-06 21:07:33 PST
All fail with the same diff:

--- /home/buildbot/wpe/wpe-linux-64-release-tests/build/layout-test-results/webgl/2.0.0/conformance2/textures/canvas_sub_rectangle/tex-2d-srgb8_alpha8-rgba-unsigned_byte-expected.txt
+++ /home/buildbot/wpe/wpe-linux-64-release-tests/build/layout-test-results/webgl/2.0.0/conformance2/textures/canvas_sub_rectangle/tex-2d-srgb8_alpha8-rgba-unsigned_byte-actual.txt
@@ -561,30 +561,30 @@
 [ 558: FAIL ] should be 0,255,255 at (0, 16) expected: 0,255,255 was 0,0,0
 [ 559: FAIL ] should be 0,255,255 at (16, 16) expected: 0,255,255 was 0,0,0
 [ 560: FAIL ] getError expected: NO_ERROR. Was INVALID_ENUM : after evaluating: gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_COLORSPACE_CONVERSION_WEBGL, gl.NONE);
-[ 561: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (0, 0) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,255,0
-[ 562: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (16, 0) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,255,0
-[ 563: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (0, 16) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,255,0
-[ 564: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (16, 16) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,255,0
-[ 565: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (0, 0) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,255,0
-[ 566: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (16, 0) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,255,0
-[ 567: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (0, 16) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,255,0
-[ 568: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (16, 16) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,255,0
-[ 569: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (0, 0) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,255,0
-[ 570: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (16, 0) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,255,0
-[ 571: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (0, 16) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,255,0
-[ 572: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (16, 16) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,255,0
-[ 573: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (0, 0) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,255,0
-[ 574: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (16, 0) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,255,0
-[ 575: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (0, 16) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,255,0
-[ 576: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (16, 16) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,255,0
-[ 577: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (0, 0) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,255,0
-[ 578: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (16, 0) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,255,0
-[ 579: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (0, 16) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,255,0
-[ 580: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (16, 16) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,255,0
-[ 581: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (0, 0) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,255,0
-[ 582: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (16, 0) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,255,0
-[ 583: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (0, 16) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,255,0
-[ 584: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (16, 16) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,255,0
+[ 561: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (0, 0) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,0,0
+[ 562: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (16, 0) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,0,0
+[ 563: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (0, 16) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,0,0
+[ 564: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (16, 16) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,0,0
+[ 565: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (0, 0) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,0,0
+[ 566: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (16, 0) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,0,0
+[ 567: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (0, 16) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,0,0
+[ 568: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (16, 16) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,0,0
+[ 569: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (0, 0) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,0,0
+[ 570: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (16, 0) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,0,0
+[ 571: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (0, 16) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,0,0
+[ 572: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (16, 16) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,0,0
+[ 573: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (0, 0) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,0,0
+[ 574: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (16, 0) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,0,0
+[ 575: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (0, 16) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,0,0
+[ 576: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (16, 16) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,0,0
+[ 577: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (0, 0) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,0,0
+[ 578: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (16, 0) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,0,0
+[ 579: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (0, 16) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,0,0
+[ 580: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (16, 16) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,0,0
+[ 581: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (0, 0) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,0,0
+[ 582: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (16, 0) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,0,0
+[ 583: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (0, 16) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,0,0
+[ 584: FAIL ] should be 255,0,0 at (16, 16) expected: 255,0,0 was 0,0,0

Checking the testcase [1], it starts to fail in the "large canvas" testcases in line ~316, in the second runOneIteration call, which receives useTextSubImage2D false.

[1] LayoutTests/webgl/2.0.0/resources/webgl_test_files/js/tests/tex-image-and-sub-image-2d-with-canvas-sub-rectangle.js
Comment 2 Kenneth Russell 2020-03-25 20:44:31 PDT
Let me duplicate this into Bug 208188, which contains more details about getting the WebGL 2.0 implementation running on WPE. In Issue 209098 I'm planning to mark all of the WebGL 2.0 tests on WPE as skipped.
Comment 3 Kenneth Russell 2020-03-25 20:44:57 PDT

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 208188 ***