I think this code must be in #if USE(MULTIPLE_THREADS)... #endif block: JavaScriptCore/kjs/collector.cpp line 126-128: int error = pthread_key_create(&m_currentThreadRegistrar, unregisterThread); if (error) CRASH(); --- Preprocessor don't find a header when processing JSContextRef.cpp: JavaScriptCore/API/JSContextRef.h line 7: #include <JavaScriptCore/WebKitAvailability.h> I removed this line and all "AVAILABLE_AFTER_WEBKIT_VERSION_3_1" macros in JSContextRef.h, and it seems a useable but ugly workaround. --- With these workaround and with my patch submitted in bugzilla previously (https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20170) r35444 was built correctly, and regression tests was succeeded.
Bugs fixed today, thanks: multiple threads: http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/35452 WekitAvailability.h: http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/35449