RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 177484 Bug 179293
[Web Animations] Refactor ScriptedAnimationController to share functionality with DocumentTimeline
Summary [Web Animations] Refactor ScriptedAnimationController to share functionality ...
Antoine Quint
Reported 2017-11-05 04:56:32 PST
As part of, we are integrating with DisplayLinkRefreshMonitor to run the DocumentTimeline. However, ScriptedAnimationController implements much of what we need to do, throttling and fallback to a timer if DisplayLinkRefreshMonitor is unavailable are two facilities we need for DocumentTimeline. We should refactor ScriptedAnimationController into a more general purpose animation supporting object and make both rAF and DocumentTimeline integrate with it.
Said Abou-Hallawa
Comment 1 2019-02-24 11:57:47 PST
Updating the web animation will be done in the order specified by <>. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 177484 ***
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