Bug 179009 - [WPE] Clean up OptionsWPE.cmake
Summary: [WPE] Clean up OptionsWPE.cmake
Alias: None
Product: WebKit
Classification: Unclassified
Component: WPE WebKit (show other bugs)
Version: Other
Hardware: PC Linux
: P2 Normal
Assignee: Michael Catanzaro
Depends on: 180780
Blocks: 178894
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Reported: 2017-10-30 06:38 PDT by Michael Catanzaro
Modified: 2017-12-13 16:21 PST (History)
5 users (show)

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Patch (5.72 KB, patch)
2017-10-31 17:37 PDT, Michael Catanzaro
zan: review+
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Description Michael Catanzaro 2017-10-30 06:38:10 PDT
Clean up OptionsWPE.cmake. Some of the public options look like things we might not want to expose, and there's unneeded code to support disabling options that are not public.
Comment 1 Michael Catanzaro 2017-10-30 21:14:19 PDT
Zan, as part of this change, I'm auditing the public options list. I'd like to expose only options that we actually support toggling on or off, like we do for GTK. I'm guessing that the following public options should be removed:

ENABLE_3D_TRANSFORMS (should be always on)
ENABLE_CSS_SELECTORS_LEVEL4 (should be always on)
ENABLE_DEVICE_ORIENTATION (should be always off)
ENABLE_GEOLOCATION (should be always off)
ENABLE_MEDIA_CONTROLS_SCRIPT (should be always on, and probably removed as all ports use it now)
ENABLE_MEDIA_SOURCE (should be always off until Alicia is ready to turn it on, then always on)

I don't know about ENABLE_ACCELERATED_2D_CANVAS... what do you think? It is public on GTK, since apparently it's useful for performance on embedded devices. But since it's off by default, do you know if WPE has ever been tested in this configuration? We should probably leave it private unless we know someone is using it, I guess?

What about ENABLE_WEB_CRYPTO? I assumed that you would want it always on, especially since the GCrypt dependency is required for CryptoDigest anyway, so it's not possible to avoid that dependency. Can I make it private?

And how about ENABLE_WEBGL? Would anyone really ever want to turn that off? Can we hide it too?
Comment 2 Michael Catanzaro 2017-10-31 10:27:29 PDT
Decision is to do as suggested above, except ENABLE_ACCELERATED_2D_CANVAS to remain public, and ENABLE_MEDIA_SOURCE to become private and ON by default.
Comment 3 Michael Catanzaro 2017-10-31 17:37:01 PDT
Created attachment 325527 [details]
Comment 4 Michael Catanzaro 2017-11-06 08:27:29 PST
Committed r224492: <https://trac.webkit.org/changeset/224492>
Comment 5 Michael Catanzaro 2017-11-06 08:36:49 PST
Committed r224493: <https://trac.webkit.org/changeset/224493>