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Failed to start load for icon
Failed to start load for icon
Keith Rollin
2017-01-10 14:34:18 PST
While performing local testing of a new PLT mechanism, I see the following messages: ERROR: Failed to start load for icon at url
ERROR: Failed to start load for icon at url
ERROR: Failed to start load for icon at url
ERROR: Failed to start load for icon at url
ERROR: Failed to start load for icon at url
ERROR: Failed to start load for icon at url
Note that I'm loading about 75 pages one after another. Not all of them report this error. And the set of reported errors is not consistent from run to run (sometimes a page will report an error one run but not the next one). I haven't noticed that any particular page or set of pages tends to report this error more than others. These all are reported against the following source line (with the patch from
Bug 166904
applied): /Volumes/Data/dev/WebKit/branches/record_playback/OpenSource/Source/WebCore/loader/icon/IconLoader.cpp(90) : void WebCore::IconLoader::startLoading() These all have the following backtrace: 1 0x111b61c1d WebCore::IconLoader::startLoading() 2 0x111b3a338 WebCore::IconController::continueLoadWithDecision(WebCore::IconLoadDecision) 3 0x111530bf9 WebCore::DocumentLoader::continueIconLoadWithDecision(WebCore::IconLoadDecision) 4 0x111530ad4 WebCore::iconLoadDecisionCallback(WebCore::IconLoadDecision, void*) 5 0x102e28d0d WebCore::EnumCallback<WebCore::IconLoadDecision>::performCallback(WebCore::IconLoadDecision) 6 0x102e28ac8 WebKit::WebIconDatabaseProxy::receivedIconLoadDecision(int, unsigned long long) 7 0x102e2d3fe void IPC::callMemberFunctionImpl<WebKit::WebIconDatabaseProxy, void (WebKit::WebIconDatabaseProxy::*)(int, unsigned long long), std::__1::tuple<int, unsigned long long>, 0ul, 1ul>(Web Kit::WebIconDatabaseProxy*, void (WebKit::WebIconDatabaseProxy::*)(int, unsigned long long), std::__1::tuple<int, unsigned long long>&&, std::__1::integer_sequence<unsigned long, 0ul, 1ul>) There doesn't seem to be any negative effect on the PLT, so this error doesn't need to be fixed for that. And I don't know what leads to the error so I don't know if this is something that will occur for a customer. At worst, I guess it means that the favicon is not displayed.
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