LayoutTest streams/pipe-to.html is a flaky failure --- /Volumes/Data/slave/sierra-debug-tests-wk2/build/layout-test-results/streams/pipe-to-expected.txt +++ /Volumes/Data/slave/sierra-debug-tests-wk2/build/layout-test-results/streams/pipe-to-actual.txt @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -PASS Piping to a writable stream that does not consume the writes fast enough exerts backpressure on the source +FAIL Piping to a writable stream that does not consume the writes fast enough exerts backpressure on the source assert_equals: at t = 125 ms, ws should be waiting expected "waiting" but got "writable"
This is not a recent regression. This test seems to fail most frequently on macOS debug bots.
Marked test as flaky on macOS debug in
I'm now seeing this test flake on release builds, but with different output: --- /Volumes/Data/slave/sierra-release-tests-wk2/build/layout-test-results/streams/pipe-to-expected.txt +++ /Volumes/Data/slave/sierra-release-tests-wk2/build/layout-test-results/streams/pipe-to-actual.txt @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -PASS Piping to a writable stream that does not consume the writes fast enough exerts backpressure on the source +FAIL Piping to a writable stream that does not consume the writes fast enough exerts backpressure on the source assert_array_equals: at t = 475 ms, ws.write should have been called with two chunks lengths differ, expected 2 got 1 Removed debug-only flag from flaky expectation in