Support CSS3 Paged Media (@page) Personally I'd like to see this supported, but I'm not sure it's a huge priority for the web at large.
We seem to have most of the parsing in place but little actual implementation. The page-break-before/after properties have some basic support. There have been requests for this, it would be cool to get it implemented.
Relating this to bug 15558, since we'll need a way to actually test any of this that gets implemented.
Huzzah! Now that bug 15558 has landed, it's actually possible to call: layoutTestController.dumpAsPDF() and have a test print to a PDF on the Mac. Thus... it's "easy" to create printing tests for @page, or convert W3C tests into tests which will print to PDF under DRT.
I think there's plenty of demand for better support of print properties. Looking forward to seeing this implemented!
I have to second Joe's comment (in number 4) on this bug. I'm very interested to see printing support improved and so this bug feels like an important one to me.
I also add my votes to this bug. Printing is getting ever more important as HTML/CSS is used for generating business reports.
I am voting for this bug, too, because for the plans I have involving the WebKit printing is very important.
Patches would be more helpful than votes.
Hi, I and two other engineers are considering implementing this together. I'd appreciate it if you could tell us about other efforts toward implementing this, ongoing or not, if any. Yuzo
Yes it's aweful, how can WebKit be lagging behind Trident (IE) on such an important matter. IE8 started supporting @page CSS 2 and 3 specs.
To Eric: Well with more and more Apps on the web requiring document printing, with more and more ecommerce transactions n(and invoice printing), more and more creative tools (aviary...), it's ashame that printing on the web be at such a primitive stage.I think Google Maps or Facebook are good illustrations of how powerful it is when we can easily blur the line between virtual and reality: when the web is helpful in a immediate way to real life. Printing can help smooth this transition. And it's still the cheapest and most reliable (no batterie, no 3G) portable device you can get your hands on.
I also add my votes to this bug.
+1 I know I'm resurrecting an ancient thread, but I would love to see full paged media css supported by webkit. Currently Prince is the only browser that supports the full gambit paged media. I know I would have daily practical use for this with invoices and other printable materials that require headers and footers at the top and bottom of every page, etc.
Please change platform to "any" and re-check importance. This is blocking wkhtmltopdf to support in-doc headers/footers, and other important standard printing options. See: - -
+1 to support this
+1 for this issue. It seems the only alternatives are Prince, Antenna House, and Apache FOP -- all solutions which are external to the browser. For my free, few frills, swim team software, written for and used by a small summer league which cannot afford the commercial swim software, I chose to output to HTML because all the coaches have access to a browser and can print nicely formatted meet docs from there. But things like page headers and page numbers aren't possible until WebKit supports CSS3 paged media. I'm sure people around the globe -- in offices, classrooms, and at home -- do a lot of printing from browsers, regardless of how virtual we believe we have all become.
+1 for me as well, though given the age I'm not hopeful
+1 Its been a while, really want this
+1, page headers / footers (especially footers with page numbers) would be very useful. Wikimedia has been looking into enhancing its "save for offline reading" feature, and the lack of Paged Media support is one of the reasons we'll have to render PDFs on the server side instead of just relying on the browser. bug 39735 probably depends on this.
+1 In my case I simply want to control the margin & footer on print. Can be done in Chrome on Android / Windows, so maybe we will have to change our mobile POS to one of them (sad).
+1! It is quite incredible (and very sad) that Webkit still does not CSS3 Paged Media more than 10 years later. It forces me to use Chrome on Mac, and it makes it just impossible for me and my team to work on iPad OS. Surely, it doesnt affect privacy...
Can anyone from the team kindly tell me if PagedMedia will be *ever* supported by WebKit? Please, it is critical for my business to know it. I would be very grateful to hear back something, anything… many thanks!
It’s impressively quite here for a CSS3 feature. Is WebKit a dead project already, or just nobody cares about CSS3?
an old issue but an embarrassing one: