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REGRESSION: WebKit nightly crashing on startup when AdBlock is installed
REGRESSION: WebKit nightly crashing on startup when AdBlock is installed
2014-09-26 14:50:22 PDT
Beginning with build
, webkit is crashing every time I try to open it. I get spinning beachball on my cursor. I have to do force quit, and cannot use at all. Does same with newer build. I rolled back to build 173971, and it works fine. Not sure what component this should be under.
console report from when I tried to install your newest build (see comment right before this)
(534.80 KB, text/plain)
2014-09-28 15:42 PDT
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Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 1
2014-09-26 23:06:15 PDT
I cannot reproduce this with
and Safari 7.1. Which version of Safari are you using the nightly with? Please attach a crash log: <
Comment 2
2014-09-27 13:07:52 PDT
Safari version 7.1 Just tried the newest build and still doing the same thing. build 174034 Using build 173791 with no problems. I'm not getting the crash reporter dialog box. As soon as I try to open webkit, I start getting the spinning beachball. Then I have to force quit.
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 3
2014-09-28 11:23:29 PDT
Can you find anything that would seem relevant in Console.app? There could be something in console output, and/or crash and spin logs for WebContent process. The information is a bit scattered, so you'd need to open a few disclosure triangles and look for anything that's related to Safari or WebContent and has a timestamp close to when you observe the problem.
Comment 4
2014-09-28 15:39:20 PDT
Sending an attachemnt of the console info that posted when I tried to load your newest version.
Comment 5
2014-09-28 15:42:31 PDT
attachment 238827
console report from when I tried to install your newest build (see comment right before this)
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 6
2014-09-29 00:34:13 PDT
Thank you! We've got another report of similar behavior (
bug 137196
), and it sounds like this happens when AdBlock is installed. Could you please try disabling extensions to see if that helps? Stack trace of a frozen main thread: 30 JSC::HeapTimer::timerDidFire(__CFRunLoopTimer*, void*) + 169 (JavaScriptCore) [0x1089cad09] 30 JSC::GCActivityCallback::doWork() + 135 (JavaScriptCore) [0x10880ae77] 30 JSC::Heap::collect(JSC::HeapOperation) + 359 (JavaScriptCore) [0x1089c6727] 30 JSC::Heap::suspendCompilerThreads() + 70 (JavaScriptCore) [0x1089c6a26] 30 JSC::DFG::Worklist::suspendAllThreads() + 83 (JavaScriptCore) [0x108958433] 30 __psynch_mutexwait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x7fff96751746] *30 psynch_mtxcontinue + 0 (pthread) [0xffffff7f80b51a3b] And another thread is doing this, somehow trying an failing to crash, it seems: 30 JSC::FTL::LowerDFGToLLVM::compileNode(unsigned int) + 919 (JavaScriptCore) [0x10897d007] 30 JSC::FTL::LowerDFGToLLVM::compileCallOrConstruct() + 3330 (JavaScriptCore) [0x1089946d2] 30 JSC::FTL::LowerDFGToLLVM::lowJSValue(JSC::DFG::Edge, JSC::DFG::OperandSpeculationMode) + 749 (JavaScriptCore) [0x10899c26d] 30 JSC::DFG::Graph::handleAssertionFailure(JSC::DFG::Node*, char const*, int, char const*, char const*) + 482 (JavaScriptCore) [0x10889f6c2] 30 WTFCrash + 62 (JavaScriptCore) [0x108c26f8e]
Comment 7
2014-09-30 04:22:58 PDT
Hi, I disabled adblock and now it works. Disappointing since adblock is a good extension. Thanks for your help!
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 8
2014-09-30 09:56:07 PDT
Bug 137196
has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Radar WebKit Bug Importer
Comment 9
2014-09-30 09:56:58 PDT
Wade Smith
Comment 10
2014-10-01 04:23:29 PDT
This bug continues in the Oct 1 build, unfortunately. AdBlock and Adblock Pro both. The app doesn't crash- it never starts and needs to be force quit.
Wade Smith
Comment 11
2014-10-01 14:23:03 PDT
Still not resolved with nightly
delivered 10/01.
Jeff Kelley
Comment 12
2014-10-02 07:06:39 PDT
Seems to work for me today (10/2) on
Wade Smith
Comment 13
2014-10-02 15:58:21 PDT
"Seems to work for me today (10/2) on
." It does indeed work with AdBlock enabled, but not with AdBlock Plus enabled. What's the difference? Anyway, they're half-way there.
Wade Smith
Comment 14
2014-10-08 04:16:41 PDT
The 10/8 nightly (and some previous) resolves the AdBlock problem, but not the Adblock Plus problem. I've abandoned Webkit now and will wait for the full resolution, if it ever comes.
Benjamin Poulain
Comment 15
2015-02-03 20:46:29 PST
(In reply to
comment #14
> The 10/8 nightly (and some previous) resolves the AdBlock problem, but not > the Adblock Plus problem. I've abandoned Webkit now and will wait for the > full resolution, if it ever comes.
I am trying AdBlock Plus on
and I have not been able to reproduce the problem so far. Could you please try a recent Nightly? If you still get the crash, could you give the list of installed extensions? I only have AdBlock Plus and RES, you may have something else causing more load than on my machine. Another data point that could be useful is the list of filters you subscribe to. It looks like the blocking is on GC, it may be only reproducible with large filter list.
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