[Meta] BaseDateAndTimeInputType should not inherit from TextFieldInputType
Summary [Meta] BaseDateAndTimeInputType should not inherit from TextFieldInputType
Kent Tamura
Reported 2012-11-01 02:35:32 PDT
We don't represent date/time input types as text fields any more.
Kent Tamura
Comment 1 2012-11-02 07:31:42 PDT
Implementation of Date/time input types in Chromium-Android is hacky. We intercepts input events for the input types at outside of WebKit, and opens date/time pickers provided by Android system. I guess iOS uses a similar way. WebCore has interfaces to handle date/time chooser; ChromeClient::openDateTimeChooser, DateTimeChooser, and DateTimeChooserClient. * Date/time types are not textfields essentially. BaseDateAndTimeInputType should stop inheriting from TextFieldInputType. It wastes memory. A text block with -webkit-appearance:menulist would be enough. * Use the existing date/time chooser interfaces, and stop the hack in Chromium-Android.
Hajime Morrita
Comment 2 2012-11-02 07:43:08 PDT
So we are going to eliminate text fields in such input elements for some platforms like Android, right? That sounds reasonable change.
Kent Tamura
Comment 3 2013-01-11 04:23:48 PST
Completed all of changes.
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