KCanvasImage should fold into QPixmap
Summary KCanvasImage should fold into QPixmap
Eric Seidel (no email)
Reported 2006-01-01 13:34:06 PST
KCanvasImage should fold into QPixmap About the only value-add KCanvasImage attempts to bring to WebCore is the ability to get a "context" out of an image, into which one can draw. This functionality should just fold into QPixmap instead. QPixmap could have a set of KRenderingDeviceContext *lockFocus(); void unlockFocus(); calls which allow us to draw into the pixmap. (Possibly returnign QPainter* instead? Or whatever we decide our "context" model in KWQ to be.)
Eric Seidel (no email)
Comment 1 2006-12-21 04:45:52 PST
I think this can be closed now. Especially with WildFox's new ImageBuffer class.
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