RESOLVED FIXED 9894 hangs (String.replace doesn't work with certain high-bit latin-1 patterns)
Summary hangs (String.replace doesn't work with certain high-bit lati...
Marcus Bointon
Reported 2006-07-13 03:50:17 PDT site hangs Safari for me, using either current 419 release or nightly build. I've disabled all plugins, but it still dies. It either dies with a blank page, or after the main page has loaded, but before the pop-up that initially appears has loaded any content. The site works ok in Firefox.
Comment 1 2006-07-13 09:01:49 PDT
I couldn't reproduce a crash, but the page does hang WebKit in an infinite JavaScript loop, caused by the fact that String.replace() behaves strange with the section sign character § (U+00A7): "a§".replace(/§/,"b") gives "a§" instead of "ab". Marcus Bointon, does the site cause WebKit to crash or just a hang? If it causes a crash, please attach a crash report. Thanks in advance!
Marcus Bointon
Comment 2 2006-07-13 09:19:22 PDT
No it doesn't crash - I rephrased it as a hang in the body, but forgot to change the title. However, it's as good as a crash in terms of user experience - the only way out is to force quit. Nice to know that you narrowed it down to that cause so quickly!
Joost de Valk (AlthA)
Comment 3 2006-07-13 10:05:47 PDT
A reproducible hang is arguably just as bad as a crash. Changing to P1, changing subject.
David Kilzer (:ddkilzer)
Comment 4 2006-07-13 10:41:18 PDT
Adding NeedsRadar since this would probably be a good bug to fix. If it is not, please clear the keyword.
Comment 5 2006-07-13 10:50:51 PDT
I don't think P1 and "good to fix" (in that specific context) are warranted. JavaScript hangs are addressed separately, while the String/RegExp bug is not a regression.
Comment 6 2006-07-14 09:27:48 PDT
Duplicate of bug 8395?
Joost de Valk (AlthA)
Comment 7 2006-07-14 09:34:04 PDT
Could very well be, does the patch for that bug solve this problem too?
Comment 8 2006-07-15 08:38:44 PDT
Fixed by fixing bug 8395.
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