[Chromium] Enable the multiple fields UI for input[type=date]
Summary [Chromium] Enable the multiple fields UI for input[type=date]
Kent Tamura
Reported 2012-10-04 00:26:28 PDT
[Chromium] Enable the multiple fields UI for input[type=date]
Patch (3.03 KB, patch)
2012-10-04 01:32 PDT, Kent Tamura
morrita: review+
Kent Tamura
Comment 1 2012-10-04 01:32:48 PDT
Kent Tamura
Comment 2 2012-10-04 01:35:12 PDT
I know this patch broke the following tests. But I'd like to address them in another patch because of ease of rollout. fast/forms/date/date-appearance.html fast/forms/date/date-fixed-placeholder.html fast/forms/date/date-input-visible-strings.html fast/forms/date/input-date-commit-valid-only.html platform/chromium/fast/forms/date/date-suggestion-picker-appearance.html platform/chromium/fast/forms/date/date-suggestion-picker-appearance-rtl.html platform/chromium/fast/forms/date/date-suggestion-picker-appearance-with-scroll-bar.html
Kent Tamura
Comment 3 2012-10-04 01:59:15 PDT
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