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[Qt] DRT shouldn't link against libQtWebKit inside Qt
[Qt] DRT shouldn't link against libQtWebKit inside Qt
Csaba Osztrogonác
2012-09-25 00:47:26 PDT
I have no idea how is it possible, but after
linking of DRT fails with the following DRT link error: link /NOLOGO /DYNAMICBASE /NXCOMPAT /INCREMENTAL:NO /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE "/MANIFESTDEPENDENCY:type='win32' name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*' processorArchitecture='*'" /MANIFEST /MANIFESTFILE:..\..\..\bin\DumpRenderTree.exe.embed.manifest /OUT:..\..\..\bin\DumpRenderTree.exe @C:\Users\WEBKIT~1\AppData\Local\Temp\nmEC57.tmp TestRunnerQt.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: static void __cdecl DumpRenderTreeSupportQt::setMockGeolocationPositionUnavailableError(class QWebPage *,class QString const &)" (__imp_?setMockGeolocationPositionUnavailableError@DumpRenderTreeSupportQt@@SAXPAVQWebPage@@ABVQString@@@Z) referenced in function "public: void __thiscall TestRunner::setMockGeolocationPositionUnavailableError(class QString const &)" (?setMockGeolocationPositionUnavailableError@TestRunner@@QAEXABVQString@@@Z) ..\..\..\bin\DumpRenderTree.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
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Csaba Osztrogonác
Comment 1
2012-09-25 07:18:27 PDT
is absolutely innocent, Simon pointed out the root of the bug. DRT links against libQtWebKit inside Qt, but it should link against the libQtWebKit built from WebKit trunk. So the bug is somewhere in the buildsystem of Qt/QtWebKit. Now we use a custom built Qt 5.0 beta1 on the Windows bot without building QtWebKit in it as workaround.
Simon Hausmann
Comment 2
2012-09-25 07:30:41 PDT
Tor Arne, I think this is similar to the qt_webkit.pri file caching issue we discussed with Ossi a few days ago. Apart from the cache bug in qmake, the type of build is according to Ossi not officially supported, i.e. having built WebKit once as a module in Qt requires the deletion of $qtbase/mkspecs/modules/qt_webkit.pri _prior_ to subsequent builds of WebKit from a different build location. We could implement this in build-webkit as a safety belt, i.e. if Qt is a developer-build, remove the qt_webkit.pri file from $qtbase before starting the build. Kind of a hack :)
Jocelyn Turcotte
Comment 3
2014-02-03 03:22:49 PST
=== Bulk closing of Qt bugs === If you believe that this bug report is still relevant for a non-Qt port of webkit.org, please re-open it and remove [Qt] from the summary. If you believe that this is still an important QtWebKit bug, please fill a new report at
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