NEW 96835
canvas/philip/tests/2d.text.draw.fontface.notinpage.html depends on canvas/philip/tests/2d.text.draw.fontface.html having been run first
Summary canvas/philip/tests/2d.text.draw.fontface.notinpage.html depends on canvas/ph...
Ojan Vafai
Reported 2012-09-14 15:37:13 PDT
If you run it in isolation it fails. Tested on Chromium Linux running pixel tests.
Chris Dumez
Comment 1 2012-11-26 04:01:45 PST
I can confirm this on WK2-EFL: canvas/philip/tests/2d.text.draw.fontface.notinpage.html fails if run alone. However, it passes if run after canvas/philip/tests/2d.text.draw.fontface.html.
Dominik Röttsches (drott)
Comment 2 2012-11-26 09:31:54 PST
I think we can mark this one even duplicate of bug 87355 - Ojan?
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