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Add AtomicString::number() and use it
Add AtomicString::number() and use it
Patrick R. Gansterer
2012-09-10 01:07:43 PDT
Add AtomicString::number() and use it
(16.98 KB, patch)
2012-09-10 01:41 PDT
Patrick R. Gansterer
: review-
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Patrick R. Gansterer
Comment 1
2012-09-10 01:41:39 PDT
attachment 163065
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 2
2012-09-10 10:15:49 PDT
I'm wondering how much sense it makes for attribute values to be atomic strings. I know that this is how it's been for a long time, but anyway.
Benjamin Poulain
Comment 3
2012-09-10 12:56:31 PDT
Comment on
attachment 163065
Patch This is great, it should avoid creating StringImpl temporarily. r- because I would like some WebKit API tests for the change. It would be nice to have benchmark numbers in the ChangeLog. A microbenchmark should be able to point out changes visible from JavaScript. If you have time, there is a nice improvement possible for this AtomicString::number() - (for a separate patch). Currently, you use string hash() on the converted number. You could design a hash() function homomorphic to the hash for string(). Depending on the operations, the homomorphic hash() could be faster (or slower...) than string hash on the converted value. (In reply to
comment #2
> I'm wondering how much sense it makes for attribute values to be atomic strings. I know that this is how it's been for a long time, but anyway.
This is a valid point. I am in favor of going forward with this patch. Changing the type of the values is a important change. This tiny patch reduces nicely the need for extraneous StringImpl without adding any complexity to the codebase.
Benjamin Poulain
Comment 4
2013-01-29 20:18:24 PST
Do you have any plan to update this patch? If not, I might take the bug.
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