Web Inspector: Turn workspace into a container of UiSourceCodes put in different projects.
Summary Web Inspector: Turn workspace into a container of UiSourceCodes put in differ...
Vsevolod Vlasov
Reported 2012-08-29 05:29:46 PDT
Patch to follow.
Patch (37.73 KB, patch)
2012-08-29 05:39 PDT, Vsevolod Vlasov
pfeldman: review+
Vsevolod Vlasov
Comment 1 2012-08-29 05:34:47 PDT
Workspace now contains a project that could be filled with uiSourceCodes. Workspace project is still filled by script / style mappings as before. The next step would be to extract NetworkUISourceCodeProvider.
Vsevolod Vlasov
Comment 2 2012-08-29 05:39:23 PDT
Vsevolod Vlasov
Comment 3 2012-08-29 06:52:29 PDT
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