[chromium] Add Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/chromium/cc/ to include path and remove cc/ prefix from includes
Summary [chromium] Add Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/chromium/cc/ to include path ...
James Robinson
Reported 2012-08-16 18:07:19 PDT
[chromium] Add Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/chromium/cc/ to include path and remove cc/ prefix from includes
Patch (148.14 KB, patch)
2012-08-16 18:08 PDT, James Robinson
no flags
James Robinson
Comment 1 2012-08-16 18:08:55 PDT
James Robinson
Comment 2 2012-08-16 18:10:31 PDT
This patch is mostly generated from sed, plus resorting the include sections. The problem this solves is that when the compositor code lands in (chromium)/cc, it'll be on the include path for everybody whether they want it or not. With this we can control the include path explicitly with gyp to control whether people see the code in WC/platform/graphics/chromium/cc/ or code in the chromium repo.
Adam Barth
Comment 3 2012-08-16 18:40:49 PDT
Comment on attachment 158962 [details] Patch rs=me
WebKit Review Bot
Comment 4 2012-08-16 18:43:12 PDT
Comment on attachment 158962 [details] Patch Rejecting attachment 158962 [details] from commit-queue. Failed to run "['/mnt/git/webkit-commit-queue/Tools/Scripts/webkit-patch', '', '-..." exit_code: 2 Last 500 characters of output: /tests/TiledLayerChromiumTest.cpp patching file Source/WebKit/chromium/tests/TreeSynchronizerTest.cpp patching file Source/WebKit/chromium/tests/WebCompositorInputHandlerImplTest.cpp patching file Source/WebKit/chromium/tests/WebFloatAnimationCurveTest.cpp patching file Source/WebKit/chromium/tests/WebTransformAnimationCurveTest.cpp Failed to run "[u'/mnt/git/webkit-commit-queue/Tools/Scripts/svn-apply', u'--force', u'--reviewer', u'Adam Barth']" exit_code: 1 cwd: /mnt/git/webkit-commit-queue/ Full output:
James Robinson
Comment 5 2012-08-17 13:59:18 PDT
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