Incorrect history.state after navigation
Summary Incorrect history.state after navigation
Glenn Maynard
Reported 2012-08-15 20:39:11 PDT
Be sure to run this test from a fresh window. Since it's testing window.history, reloading the page may cause different behavior. 1. Click the "A" button. 2. Click the "B" button. 3. Press browser back. (The hash is now #A.) 4. Click the "A" button. "e.state: null history.state: Object" is output to the console. The correct value is null. We navigated to a fragment identifier, which results in a new history entry; it has no state object. history.state ends up with an incorrect value. Also, when onpopstate is dispatched, e.state and history.state should always be equal; nothing happens between http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#history-traversal steps 11 and 14 that can cause them to be different.
test (64 bytes, text/plain)
2012-08-16 16:21 PDT, Glenn Maynard
no flags
Brady Eidson
Comment 1 2012-08-16 09:42:19 PDT
For the confused among us, the test was in the URL field: https://zewt.org/~glenn/test-webkit-incorrect-history-state.html
Brady Eidson
Comment 2 2012-08-16 09:42:48 PDT
Could you attach the test case locally here?
Glenn Maynard
Comment 3 2012-08-16 16:21:59 PDT
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