REGRESSION (r122380): No caret after autocorrection sometimes
Summary REGRESSION (r122380): No caret after autocorrection sometimes
Kevin M. Dean
Reported 2012-07-17 19:46:46 PDT
In search fields such as at the top of the screen here, on Amazon and on some other sites. Right-click the search field, go to "Spelling and Grammar" and check all three of the spelling options at the bottom of the menu. Grammar doesn't need to be checked for this particular test, but there's other issues I'll mention that may be grammar related. Once the options are checked, in the search field quickly type "facebook" and a space. You can type "faceboo" and then a quick "k" space. The idea is to trigger the auto-correct change to capitalized "Facebook" rather than getting the drop down menu with the "Facebook" selection. If you've done it right, you'll note the insertion point is now gone from the field and it will no longer accept typing until you click back into it. Previous versions didn't auto-correct in this manner and simply underlined the word in red regardless of how fast it was typed. Disabling the above "Correct Spelling Automatically" will revert it to the same underlined function and workaround the glitch. So, the insertion point shouldn't be removed so typing can be continued. Also, this may be the same issue or tied to the grammar function, but around the same time I noticed issues when typing in text areas such as responding to posts on forums or editing HTML in Content Management Tools like WordPress. I'll be typing in a response and then all of a sudden my insertion point will jump back (possibly to where I first started typing) causing me to then be typing new characters in the wrong place. Once I delete the incorrectly placed characters and move the insertion point and begin typing again it doesn't seem to re-occur during that session. This one is harder to track down a particular test case for since I'm still not sure of the exact trigger or what was typed to cause it (possibly misspelling or grammar corrections), but it is the one I noticed first before the above issue. But since they're both dealing with typing in forms, they could very well be related.
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 1 2012-07-18 11:00:21 PDT
I can reproduce the autocorrection issue. Not sure if the revision broke any scenarios that worked 100%, or just traded no autocorrection for broken caret in certain cases. Please file a separate bug about grammar. I don't understand that part of the report, but would prefer to not ask for clarification here, as it's unclear whether it's the same issue. It's always easier to relate or dupe bugs later if needed than to split a bug with multiple reports.
Alexey Proskuryakov
Comment 2 2012-07-18 11:00:42 PDT
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