Uses gtk-doc tools even when --disable-gtk-doc passed
Summary Uses gtk-doc tools even when --disable-gtk-doc passed
Ross Burton
Reported 2012-07-13 07:17:19 PDT
(using webkitgtk 1.8.1) If I pass --disable-gtk-doc to configure, "make install" errors out because it tries to run gtkdoc-rebase. This happens in Tools/, install-data-local, after it's installed the HTML documentation. (our build system doesn't have gtk-doc as it pulls in Attaching a patch to wrap this call in "if ENABLE_GTK_DOC". If you git repo wasn't larger than the internet itself, I'd have sent this as a git patch. (if this gets accepted, much appreciated if the author email is
Patch (615 bytes, patch)
2012-07-13 07:17 PDT, Ross Burton
no flags
Patch (968 bytes, patch)
2013-09-13 11:37 PDT, Alberto Garcia
mrobinson: review+
Ross Burton
Comment 1 2012-07-13 07:17:58 PDT
Alberto Garcia
Comment 2 2013-09-13 11:37:04 PDT
Created attachment 211570 [details] Patch Thanks for the patch, I tested it and it works fine. It just needed a changelog, here it is.
Alberto Garcia
Comment 3 2013-09-14 01:37:31 PDT
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