Web Inspector: "Load timeline data" should be future proof
Summary Web Inspector: "Load timeline data" should be future proof
Tony Gentilcore
Reported 2012-05-11 16:24:57 PDT
Due to bug 86254, I had to use an old copy of Chrome 15 to load timeline data recorded with Chrome 20. However, the old version wouldn't load the new trace because it included type: "BeginFrame" events which it didn't understand. So it throws: [17846:263:70980640361484:ERROR:CONSOLE(50564)] "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'category' of undefined", source: chrome-devtools://devtools/DevTools.js (50564) [17846:263:70980640449015:ERROR:CONSOLE(51079)] "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined", source: chrome-devtools://devtools/DevTools.js (51079) It would be nice if the code were written so that unknown types are ignored. This will avoid breaking compatibility when we add types in the future. As a workaround, I manually removed the BeginFrame events from the JSON.
Blaze Burg
Comment 1 2014-03-10 16:41:23 PDT
The current inspector doesn't support import/export of such data, but it would be nice.
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