RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 8564 8567
REGRESSION (r14032): Assertion failure (!isStarted) in -[WebBaseNetscapePluginView dealloc] when navigating away from a page with a plugin
Summary REGRESSION (r14032): Assertion failure (!isStarted) in -[WebBaseNetscapePlugi...
Reported 2006-04-24 06:54:36 PDT
With a debug build of TOT I get the following when I enter a new URL in the address bar of a window currently containing embedded Flash content. ASSERTION FAILED: !isStarted (WebKit/Plugins/WebBaseNetscapePluginView.m:1216 -[WebBaseNetscapePluginView dealloc])
Comment 1 2006-04-24 07:14:04 PDT
Rolling out the patch for bug 8562 makes this bug go away.
Tim Omernick
Comment 2 2006-04-24 16:36:43 PDT
Giving this one to Maciej since his change caused this regression.
Tim Omernick
Comment 3 2006-04-24 17:18:07 PDT
This is in Radar as 4525105.
Tim Omernick
Comment 4 2006-04-26 01:13:16 PDT
This is caused by the same core issue as 8564 -- plug-ins did not have a clearly defined teardown model, and were depending on being removed from the view hierarchy at a specific time in order to be stopped properly. Since the patch in 8564 fixes both that bug and this one, I'm marking this bug a duplicate. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 8564 ***
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