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Web Inspector: Add open in New Tab to Scripts Panel
Web Inspector: Add open in New Tab to Scripts Panel
Rob Colburn
2012-04-26 08:23:40 PDT
While in the Scripts panel, I find that I frequently need to see the full URL of the script I'm working with. Also, I often want to go that scripts URL, just so I can refresh it from cache. Currently, the way to achieve this to is 1. Open the fat drop-down and determine the path of the script 2. Switch to Resources Tab 3. Expand the menus and find the script 4. Right-click open in new tab Assuming, the script is in the Resources panel, because it may not be What I propose: 1. Right-click on that fat drop-down for the script. 2. Click Open in New Tab Bonus: If you'd like to add fancy-pants features like "Save As..." and "Refesh and re-run this script" to this right-click menu - more power to you.
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Paul Irish
Comment 1
2012-04-26 14:32:30 PDT
I'd love to see the same context menu options of files in the resources panel in the scripts panel's files.
Rob Colburn
Comment 2
2012-06-11 13:38:20 PDT
Looks like Open/Open in new tab/Save As are in the Resources/Sources panel for Chrome Canary.
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