Memory wasted in JSString for non-rope strings
Summary Memory wasted in JSString for non-rope strings
Michael Saboff
Reported 2012-04-25 16:52:14 PDT
JSString effectively has four pointers to data, a UString, which contains a pointer to a StringImpl, and 3 pointers to other JSStrings in the case the string is a rope made up of other strings. For strings created from a UString or as a substring of another JSString, the three "fiber" pointers are not used. We can save the space of these three pointers by splitting JSString into a class that has a UString and another class that is a rope.
Proposed Patch (23.38 KB, patch)
2012-04-25 17:08 PDT, Michael Saboff
gustavo: commit-queue-
Patch with Speculative Build Fix (23.62 KB, patch)
2012-04-26 09:59 PDT, Michael Saboff
buildbot: commit-queue-
Updated patch with speculative Windows fix (24.52 KB, patch)
2012-04-26 12:21 PDT, Michael Saboff
buildbot: commit-queue-
Another Windows build fix - added new symbol to exports (24.62 KB, patch)
2012-04-26 13:35 PDT, Michael Saboff
ggaren: review-
Patch updated from review comments (26.46 KB, patch)
2012-04-27 10:53 PDT, Michael Saboff
no flags
Updated patch after talking to Geoff about isRope / isJSRopeObject() (23.59 KB, patch)
2012-04-27 11:08 PDT, Michael Saboff
ggaren: review+
Michael Saboff
Comment 1 2012-04-25 17:08:57 PDT
Created attachment 138902 [details] Proposed Patch This appears overall neutral on performance tests. The only test that looks like it might slow down in SunSpider string-base64. Other SunSpider tests seem to offset that loss so that SunSpider nets out with no change. Benchmark report for SunSpider, V8, and Kraken on msaboff-pro (MacPro5,1). VMs tested: "Baseline" at /Volumes/Data/src/webkit.baseline/WebKitBuild/Release/jsc (r115220) "StringSplit" at /Volumes/Data/src/ (r115220) Collected 12 samples per benchmark/VM, with 4 VM invocations per benchmark. Emitted a call to gc() between sample measurements. Used 1 benchmark iteration per VM invocation for warm-up. Used the jsc-specific preciseTime() function to get microsecond-level timing. Reporting benchmark execution times with 95% confidence intervals in milliseconds. Baseline StringSplit SunSpider: 3d-cube 7.1923+-0.0878 7.1591+-0.1012 3d-morph 7.3342+-0.1166 ? 7.3962+-0.0787 ? 3d-raytrace 9.6550+-0.1114 9.5425+-0.0897 might be 1.0118x faster access-binary-trees 1.8062+-0.0146 ? 1.8078+-0.0155 ? access-fannkuch 7.4821+-0.0565 ? 7.5589+-0.0891 ? might be 1.0103x slower access-nbody 3.8797+-0.0511 ? 3.8995+-0.0594 ? access-nsieve 3.6100+-0.0518 ? 3.6761+-0.0453 ? might be 1.0183x slower bitops-3bit-bits-in-byte 1.3877+-0.0126 1.3839+-0.0155 bitops-bits-in-byte 5.4218+-0.0903 5.3617+-0.0706 might be 1.0112x faster bitops-bitwise-and 3.4084+-0.0385 ? 3.4516+-0.0456 ? might be 1.0127x slower bitops-nsieve-bits 3.3156+-0.0421 ! 3.3741+-0.0106 ! definitely 1.0176x slower controlflow-recursive 2.4107+-0.0339 ? 2.4555+-0.0269 ? might be 1.0185x slower crypto-aes 8.1091+-0.0905 8.0742+-0.1588 crypto-md5 3.3620+-0.0474 3.3256+-0.0533 might be 1.0110x faster crypto-sha1 2.6600+-0.0604 ? 2.6639+-0.0488 ? date-format-tofte 11.1965+-0.2238 ? 11.2499+-0.1706 ? date-format-xparb 11.0137+-0.1682 10.7141+-0.1453 might be 1.0280x faster math-cordic 4.1943+-0.0542 4.1473+-0.0333 might be 1.0113x faster math-partial-sums 9.7927+-0.1006 9.7874+-0.0972 math-spectral-norm 2.8539+-0.0344 2.8480+-0.0384 regexp-dna 9.7621+-0.0957 ? 9.7827+-0.1204 ? string-base64 4.7095+-0.0715 ! 4.8647+-0.0832 ! definitely 1.0330x slower string-fasta 7.3884+-0.0862 7.3108+-0.1465 might be 1.0106x faster string-tagcloud 12.9977+-0.1691 12.9032+-0.1906 string-unpack-code 21.6388+-0.3067 21.5812+-0.2760 string-validate-input 6.6081+-0.1529 6.5152+-0.1037 might be 1.0143x faster <arithmetic> * 6.6612+-0.0349 6.6475+-0.0364 might be 1.0021x faster <geometric> 5.4346+-0.0310 ? 5.4368+-0.0296 ? might be 1.0004x slower <harmonic> 4.3992+-0.0283 ? 4.4095+-0.0260 ? might be 1.0023x slower Baseline StringSplit V8: crypto 75.6874+-0.6223 75.3308+-0.5333 deltablue 154.9205+-1.1508 ? 155.4980+-1.4269 ? earley-boyer 95.1838+-1.3352 94.8811+-1.4211 raytrace 53.1343+-0.2090 ? 53.3965+-0.4181 ? regexp 95.1276+-0.4268 94.7119+-0.4922 richards 141.0346+-1.0650 139.7111+-0.5126 splay 90.4939+-11.5016 ? 90.6910+-10.9277 ? <arithmetic> 100.7975+-1.8471 100.6029+-1.8123 might be 1.0019x faster <geometric> * 95.2155+-1.8432 95.0883+-1.8053 might be 1.0013x faster <harmonic> 89.7821+-1.6562 89.7419+-1.6340 might be 1.0004x faster Baseline StringSplit Kraken: ai-astar 821.3973+-10.8685 ? 822.8782+-10.8859 ? audio-beat-detection 196.3768+-1.2337 195.9786+-1.0787 audio-dft 289.4762+-2.0124 ? 291.9755+-3.5931 ? audio-fft 118.2653+-0.4089 ? 118.5623+-0.3563 ? audio-oscillator 305.7648+-1.4518 ? 307.1338+-1.4232 ? imaging-darkroom 297.0695+-8.0269 296.6311+-8.5114 imaging-desaturate 221.4177+-0.3711 ? 221.4266+-0.4326 ? imaging-gaussian-blur 459.9391+-2.2574 458.4150+-0.6549 json-parse-financial 63.0999+-0.2543 ^ 62.0548+-0.2780 ^ definitely 1.0168x faster json-stringify-tinderbox 79.7542+-1.2215 ^ 77.9880+-0.3781 ^ definitely 1.0226x faster stanford-crypto-aes 84.5476+-0.4595 83.8717+-0.4741 stanford-crypto-ccm 77.8462+-0.8944 76.5901+-0.7101 might be 1.0164x faster stanford-crypto-pbkdf2 186.2330+-0.8928 ? 187.4214+-0.9307 ? stanford-crypto-sha256-iterative 89.8800+-0.2906 89.8685+-0.5059 <arithmetic> * 235.0763+-1.0246 235.0568+-1.2835 might be 1.0001x faster <geometric> 176.4131+-0.5488 175.8282+-0.5446 might be 1.0033x faster <harmonic> 138.4484+-0.3933 ^ 137.3959+-0.2900 ^ definitely 1.0077x faster Baseline StringSplit All benchmarks: <arithmetic> 88.7200+-0.4915 88.6777+-0.5338 might be 1.0005x faster <geometric> 23.4720+-0.1403 23.4495+-0.1426 might be 1.0010x faster <harmonic> 7.7185+-0.0497 ? 7.7350+-0.0458 ? might be 1.0021x slower Baseline StringSplit Geomean of preferred means: <scaled-result> 53.0219+-0.4465 52.9607+-0.4533 might be 1.0012x faster
Gustavo Noronha (kov)
Comment 2 2012-04-25 17:16:32 PDT
Comment on attachment 138902 [details] Proposed Patch Attachment 138902 [details] did not pass gtk-ews (gtk): Output:
Early Warning System Bot
Comment 3 2012-04-25 17:22:54 PDT
Comment on attachment 138902 [details] Proposed Patch Attachment 138902 [details] did not pass qt-wk2-ews (qt): Output:
Build Bot
Comment 4 2012-04-25 17:32:15 PDT
Comment on attachment 138902 [details] Proposed Patch Attachment 138902 [details] did not pass win-ews (win): Output:
Build Bot
Comment 5 2012-04-25 18:03:26 PDT
Comment on attachment 138902 [details] Proposed Patch Attachment 138902 [details] did not pass mac-ews (mac): Output:
Early Warning System Bot
Comment 6 2012-04-25 18:19:31 PDT
Comment on attachment 138902 [details] Proposed Patch Attachment 138902 [details] did not pass qt-ews (qt): Output:
Gyuyoung Kim
Comment 7 2012-04-25 19:33:32 PDT
Comment on attachment 138902 [details] Proposed Patch Attachment 138902 [details] did not pass efl-ews (efl): Output:
Michael Saboff
Comment 8 2012-04-26 09:59:38 PDT
Created attachment 139017 [details] Patch with Speculative Build Fix clang doesn't produce the errors. Added jsString() and jsStringFromArguments() as friends to JSRopeString
Build Bot
Comment 9 2012-04-26 10:21:14 PDT
Comment on attachment 139017 [details] Patch with Speculative Build Fix Attachment 139017 [details] did not pass win-ews (win): Output:
Michael Saboff
Comment 10 2012-04-26 12:21:14 PDT
Created attachment 139041 [details] Updated patch with speculative Windows fix
Build Bot
Comment 11 2012-04-26 12:58:37 PDT
Comment on attachment 139041 [details] Updated patch with speculative Windows fix Attachment 139041 [details] did not pass win-ews (win): Output:
Michael Saboff
Comment 12 2012-04-26 13:35:27 PDT
Created attachment 139058 [details] Another Windows build fix - added new symbol to exports
Geoffrey Garen
Comment 13 2012-04-26 18:24:24 PDT
Comment on attachment 139058 [details] Another Windows build fix - added new symbol to exports View in context: Looks good, but some small tweaks required before landing. > Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/JSString.cpp:63 > + if (thisObject->isJSRopeStringObject()) > + JSRopeString::visitChildren(thisObject, visitor); > +} > + > +void JSRopeString::visitChildren(JSString* thisObject, SlotVisitor& visitor) It's slightly dirty pool to have two classes with distinct GC visit functions but identical ClassInfos. ClassInfo is supposed to contain a pointer to an object's visitChildren function. It's also against our convention to have a subclass "visitChildren" function that never calls its base class's "visitChildren" function. I think a slightly better way to represent this is to fold the rope-style marking code into JSString::visitChildren. That way, JSString's ClassInfo is still "true", and JSRopeString is just an implementation detail for the fact that a JSString may be variable-sized. > Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/JSString.cpp:65 > + JSRopeString* thisObjectAsRope = reinterpret_cast<JSRopeString*>(thisObject); static_cast is the C++ cast for casting a base class pointer to a subclass pointer. > Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/JSString.cpp:157 > + JSRopeString* currentFiberAsRope = reinterpret_cast<JSRopeString*>(currentFiber); static_cast is the C++ cast for casting a base class pointer to a subclass pointer. > Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/JSString.cpp:186 > + JSRopeString* currentFiberAsRope = reinterpret_cast<JSRopeString*>(currentFiber); static_cast is the C++ cast for casting a base class pointer to a subclass pointer. > Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/JSString.h:167 > + bool isRope() const { return m_value.isNull(); } > + bool is8Bit() const { return m_is8Bit; } > + bool isJSRopeStringObject() const { return m_isJSRopeStringObject; } I'd rather not have two different ways to ask "Am I a rope?" -- It's hard to tell which one to use when. Instead, please always use the existing isRope() function, and remove the new one. > Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/JSString.h:349 > + reinterpret_cast<const JSRopeString*>(this)->resolveRope(exec); static_cast is the C++ cast for casting a base class pointer to a subclass pointer. > Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/JSString.h:356 > + reinterpret_cast<const JSRopeString*>(this)->resolveRope(0); static_cast is the C++ cast for casting a base class pointer to a subclass pointer. > Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/JSString.h:364 > + return reinterpret_cast<JSRopeString*>(this)->getIndexSlowCase(exec, i); static_cast is the C++ cast for casting a base class pointer to a subclass pointer.
Michael Saboff
Comment 14 2012-04-27 10:53:09 PDT
Created attachment 139228 [details] Patch updated from review comments (In reply to comment #13) > (From update of attachment 139058 [details]) > View in context: > > Looks good, but some small tweaks required before landing. > > > Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/JSString.cpp:63 > > + if (thisObject->isJSRopeStringObject()) > > + JSRopeString::visitChildren(thisObject, visitor); > > +} > > + > > +void JSRopeString::visitChildren(JSString* thisObject, SlotVisitor& visitor) > > It's slightly dirty pool to have two classes with distinct GC visit functions but identical ClassInfos. ClassInfo is supposed to contain a pointer to an object's visitChildren function. It's also against our convention to have a subclass "visitChildren" function that never calls its base class's "visitChildren" function. > > I think a slightly better way to represent this is to fold the rope-style marking code into JSString::visitChildren. That way, JSString's ClassInfo is still "true", and JSRopeString is just an implementation detail for the fact that a JSString may be variable-sized. Modified static JSRopeString::visitChildren() to JSRopeString::visitFibers(). > > Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/JSString.cpp:65 > > + JSRopeString* thisObjectAsRope = reinterpret_cast<JSRopeString*>(thisObject); > > static_cast is the C++ cast for casting a base class pointer to a subclass pointer. Fixed all cited reinterpret_casts to static_casts. > > Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/JSString.h:167 > > + bool isRope() const { return m_value.isNull(); } > > + bool is8Bit() const { return m_is8Bit; } > > + bool isJSRopeStringObject() const { return m_isJSRopeStringObject; } > > I'd rather not have two different ways to ask "Am I a rope?" -- It's hard to tell which one to use when. Instead, please always use the existing isRope() function, and remove the new one. They actually serve two different purposes. isRope() is really isUnresolvedRope() so I changed it's name. When a JSRopeString is created, isRope() (now isUnresolvedRope()) is true, but when the rope is resolved, it becomes false. isJSRopeStringObject() will be true throughout the life of the JSRopeObject and is used only in JSString::visitChildren() to make sure we visit the fibers.
Michael Saboff
Comment 15 2012-04-27 11:08:53 PDT
Created attachment 139233 [details] Updated patch after talking to Geoff about isRope / isJSRopeObject() Eliminated isJSRopeObject() and reverted isUnresolvedRope() to isRope().
Geoffrey Garen
Comment 16 2012-04-27 15:45:54 PDT
Comment on attachment 139233 [details] Updated patch after talking to Geoff about isRope / isJSRopeObject() r=me
Michael Saboff
Comment 17 2012-04-27 16:50:47 PDT
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